[新聞] 蘋果雇用HTC的首席設計師掌管Beat的設計

看板 MobileComm
作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)
時間 2021-05-15 07:52:23
留言 39則留言 (20推 0噓 19→)

範本格式 ────────────────────────────────────── 1.原文連結:https://9to5mac.com/2021/05/14/apple-beats-scott-croyle/ 2.原文標題: Apple hired HTC’s ‘Jony Ive’ to oversee Beats hardware design for new products 蘋果雇用HTC的"Jony Ive"來掌管Beats的硬體部門,開發新的產品 3.原文來源(媒體/作者): 9to5Mac/ Zac Hall 4.原文內容: There was a wild rumor making the rounds last year that Apple planned to phase out its successful Beats hardware brand and go all in with Apple-branded audio hardware. 9to5Mac reported at the time that burying Beats was “not a strategy that Apple plans to pursue” or even consider. 傳言說蘋果想要收掉Beats這個品牌,但這不是蘋果追求的策略 We’ve since learned more about was happening behind the scenes in California. Rather than discontinuing the Beats brand, Apple was hiring its first in-house designer to oversee Beats product design. 蘋果不但沒有中止Beats,反而雇用了HTC的首席設計師來負責Beats的設計 Apple and Beats We pointed to six years of Apple investing in the Beats brand since acquiring Beats Electronics to make our counterpoint against the rumor of Beats’ demise:: 看看蘋果這六年對於Beats的投資,就可以打臉最近的傳言 Apple has invested in the Beats hardware division since acquiring the company in 2014. Beats hardware released new products with Apple technology integrated starting in 2016 with Powerbeats3, Beats Solo 3, and BeatsX. Each product shared technology used inside the newly unveiled AirPods. 在2014併購了Beats後,2016 Beats推出的產品都包含了Airpods的技術 More recently, Beats has released all-new designs for products that meet different consumer needs than Apple-branded headphones. Powerbeats Pro have much longer battery life than AirPods Pro, and the new Powerbeats add even more battery at a lower price. 最近,Beats推出了不同的產品來迎合Airpods以外的需求。 Powerbeats pro的電量更長,新的Powerbeats在更低的價格下增加了續航 A few months later, Beats debuted the $49 Flex headphones with Apple’s W1 chip. The price is still a bit hard to believe considering it replaces and improves on the pricier BeatsX headphones that were originally priced at $150. Beats推出了含W1晶片的Flex,只要$49美元。這很難讓人相信,因為它取代的是 高達$150美元的BeatsX And while a rumor was propagating that the Beats brand would be phased out, Apple was actually hiring a well-known designer from the Android smartphone world. 在傳言Beats將會被收掉的同時,蘋果實際上雇用了Android界有名的手機設計師 Android hardware design veteran Android 硬體設計老將 Scott Croyle became a director at Apple last year after a decade of designing Android hardware. Croyle led HTC’s design team at its peak with hits like the HTC One M7 and M8. Scott在設計了Android產品幾十年後被蘋果雇用了,他最有名的代表座是HTC One M7 和M8 He left the company that acquired his design firm after three years to create a new startup. Croyle launched the cloud-driven Nextbit Robin smartphone, which was acquired by Razer before he left to start a new design firm called Attic. Croyle joined Apple last year specifically to oversee Beats product design, 9to5Mac has learned. And while Beats has remained an Apple-owned brand that shares audio technology with AirPods, design firm Ammunition has continued to create the look of Beats hardware products and company identity. 去年Scott加入了蘋果負責Beats的產品設計 Our understanding is the relationship between Beats and Ammunition isn’t changing. What’s new is that Apple has selected the Android design veteran as the point person between Beats and Ammunition. It’s hard to imagine that the influence of a designer of Croyle’s caliber won’t see its way into future Beats products. New products coming So when can we expect to see Scott Croyle’s touch on Beats hardware take shape if we haven’t already? A source with knowledge of Beats design work tells us that the team has been actively studying speakers from other brands that are available today, and headphones are a focus, naturally. We’re also told new products from Beats are currently in the pipeline. Hopefully this means more new headphone designs and the first speaker update since the 2015 Beats Pill+ are on the horizon. While Beats earphones and headphones use Apple wireless chips for AirPods-class performance and connectivity, we haven’t seen the W1/H1 appear in a Beats speaker. Neither has AirPlay 2, and a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth portable Beats speaker with Apple’s wireless chip would be mighty compelling. 5.心得/評論: ────────────────────────────────────── 蠻有趣的,以前蘋果就很喜歡模仿或是致敬HTC的功能 HTC手機有很多很好的idea 可惜就是這些idea都沒有逐代累積變的更完美 只能靠iphone來發揚光大 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1621036346.A.551.html

frfreedom : htc產品規劃混亂,經常一代有下一代又沒有,感覺就缺 05/15 08:02

frfreedom : 乏規劃 05/15 08:02

pradeclick : 看起來是真的要放棄beats了 05/15 08:14

gdtg10900 : 台灣美學看早期htc貼布機就知道 05/15 09:10

craig : 真要說貼布機也沒現在的醜啊~ 05/15 10:06

bla : 設計了M7和M8很厲害耶 05/15 10:17

Gunslinger : 果然是打算收掉嘛(x 05/15 10:17

longtimens : HTC設計其實不差欸,金屬機潮流,M8M7蝴蝶,可惜高 05/15 10:25

longtimens : 層智障 05/15 10:25

ShockHo222 : 蘋果已經快變成HTC的形狀了 05/15 10:33

dz01h : HTC不死,只是逐漸滲透 05/15 12:04

MrCool5566 : 好 拿蘋果 = 拿HTC 05/15 12:43

steven0919 : 覺得htc設計從M7開始後都不差呀 05/15 13:01

Hohenzollern: 等一下 設計New One的人是簡志霖吧 05/15 13:05

zaa0210 : 完了 05/15 13:20

tctv2002 : HTC跟蘋果互相授權後 HTC整個往下 HTC做的被罵 05/15 13:49

tctv2002 : 翻 蘋果抄去後一片讚賞 差好多 05/15 13:49

ankrro : 簡志霖應該是UI設計,不是外觀 05/15 14:56

marquelin : 這東西還要特意找人設計 發聲項圈名不虛傳 05/15 15:30

hugh509 : 簡是工業設計師,外觀設計他有參與 05/15 15:56

hugh509 : HTC對外宣傳也是以簡為主 05/15 15:57

hugh509 : 現在都還搜得到,材質選用和天線的故事 05/15 15:58

hugh509 : 但是那其實是團隊協作,不是只有簡一個人 05/15 15:59

gameguy : Apple Car上市再叫我一聲,別提beats了,咳 05/15 18:46

henryyeh5566: 這個人應該是當初HTC收購的one &co的人吧 05/15 19:37

kira925 : 對 他是One & Co的人 05/15 21:34

kira925 : 至於早期的貼布 那就技術限制 當年一片塑膠海裡面 05/15 21:34

kira925 : 也是獨樹一格勇於挑戰金屬 05/15 21:34

changmary : HTC設計還不錯 蘋果也抄不少 可惜.. 05/15 22:09

skywingyang : hTC的M7 M8就算現在看還是很有質感啊 05/16 00:12

Symbian : 真的,直到10也是很漂亮,一種金屬的美感與設計感 05/16 01:41

Symbian : HTC Diamond也是出自One & Co.之手 05/16 01:44

seal81924 : 外型上至今還沒有超過M7的手機出現 對我來說啦 05/16 03:22

ashaneba : 蘋果其實都跟隨htc的腳步 05/16 10:04

ankrro : HTC拿這些舊設計換晶片,不要開新模具可能都比較有 05/16 11:05

ankrro : 搞頭 05/16 11:05

troyx : M7?小玉公司???? 05/17 02:41

freezenxx : diamond超帥好ㄇ,可惜TC高層…… 05/17 17:43

nintenblo : 現在的htc連外觀都other了 05/19 05:43
