Re: [情報] 德國國會報告:德軍軍備廢弛實錄

看板 Military
作者 fw190a (las)
時間 2023-03-17 13:12:19
留言 30則留言 (12推 0噓 18→)

: : : 泰晤士報報導 : 德國國會公布調查報告,直指德國軍備廢弛、極度官僚 : 德軍的醜聞罄竹難書,包含: : - 裝甲車裡面的無線電都無法使用,官兵只能爬出艙蓋大聲喊叫來對話 其它條感覺算是日常官僚問題,但有點湊數, 這條算特別誇張,所以我試圖找一下相關說法。 (最新這個還沒被翻譯,以前的則有英文版比較好找。) 找到了那個引用報告的出處, 我認為泰唔士報的說法很去脈絡化,非常誤導。 (用google翻譯原德文,中文是我理解的重點簡化) The digitization of the land forces is making progress. As one of the first investments from the The budget committee of the German Bundestag decided at the end of December that special assets should be financed reporting year, the procurement of new and modern digital radio equipment. The times when radios are off that had to be rebuilt in the 1980s will soon be a thing of the past. The Bundeswehr intends to deliver radios for handheld and vehicle radios as early as 2023, primarily for the army. The servicewomen and men have to wait longer for the introduction of a complete, deployable and digital radio network. 數位化在新的預算下有進展,手持車載無線電, 將於2023始主要先給軍隊(作戰單位?)使用。 但士兵本身仍需要等待一款新的完整的數位化無線電網絡。 At the beginning of 2021, the contract for procurement within the framework of the "Cellular Networks Deployable" project. The devices should, if they are delivered, primarily the Communication in the field of mobile command facilities as well as logistical and medical services improve facilities. The radio network should then be able to work with both TETRA and LTE. Also a connection to satellite communication systems should then be possible. In the best case, it should a single device in the hands of the servicewomen and men can cover all possible networks. Because this one Unfortunately, hardly any device today, especially in the army, corresponds to the description of performance. Instead there is one Conglomeration of analog and digital technology, with the consequence of difficult communication among themselves and with international partners. 理想中是想要弄出一個裝置可以整合所有功能,跨各種層級來使用。 但現行只有一堆類比與數位的裝置,彼此之間很難互通。 也很難與外國夥伴互通。 Unfortunately, it is the sad reality that servicewomen and men of the military officers report that they open the flap of the tank or even go out and have to call out to communicate. 因此很不幸的,現實是,軍官回報說他們翻開艙蓋甚至離開載具大喊方式溝通。 在2021年以及更久以前年報中,無線電問題已經被多次提及, 但具體來說是分別是, One problem that is not structural but a longstanding one is outdated radios. Their insufficient transmissionpower, to give just one example, limits the performance of the Battle Management System - a problem that came to light during the Mobile Tactical Communication project in 2018 從2018年開始發現的問題,顯示無線電設備老舊缺乏足夠信號強度。 限制了戰鬥管理系統。 Given all this, it is astonishing how willing, committed and solution-oriented the affected servicewomen and men are when it comes to the sometimes chaotic mix of radio technology used. 讚美了一句部隊如何用隨機應變的解決方式,來面對混亂的無線電系統。 During a visit to 33 Armoured Infantry Battalion in Neustadt am Rübenberge, the Parliamentary Commissioner was able to get an idea of what the failure to equip the PUMA with modern radio systems means in concrete terms: Servicewomen and men reported that with the outdated radio system, tactical command and control capability was only ensured at company level. Training at battalion level was currently not possible. 在另一實訪中,透過士兵瞭解到,在PUMA上缺乏現代無線電導致, 戰術指令只能在連級被確保,因此營級規模的訓練目前不可能。 。。。 感覺有點像是把問題放大謠言化的過程, 大家或多或少都知道是誇飾的說法, 但不去確認哪天就被當作事實在講了。 。。。 國會那邊的角度,本來就一直在監督國防軍, 但在裝備著墨的比例其實很小。 這次報告跟以前報告差不多,並不是突然發現積弊。 真要說的話,Eva Hogl最新在媒體上強調的風向就是, 幫軍隊討錢,並強調預算要趕快花, 還有裝備送出去的,要趕快下單補齊部分。 --
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kevin020792 : 簡言之,就是新舊系統青黃不接導致的通訊系統失靈 03/17 13:49

kevin020792 : ,不是因為全面放推。 03/17 13:49

dz01h : 還好台灣的車長都有手機(拖 03/17 14:09

AfterDark : 新防長真的不查一下前任嗎? 03/17 14:30

jabari : 德國很難跟世界接軌 講個慣用數據來說好了 03/17 14:53

jabari : 7,000 一般國外看起來是7千 德佬會說那是7 03/17 14:53

jabari : 這種問題從來沒打算解決過 反正他們爽就好 匯款也 03/17 14:53

jabari : 常出錯 不過還好德國太慢 通常都追得回來 03/17 14:53

roseritter : 手扒雞這麼好用 德國人不懂嗎~~~誤 03/17 14:53

kikooo : 如果你要翻譯的話可以用chat gpt會更流暢 03/17 15:06

aicassia : 德國光兩位數先唸個位數再十位數就一堆問題了 03/17 15:16

izplus : 我以為英國把 7000 唸 seventy hundreds 已經容易混 03/17 15:57

izplus : 淆了 03/17 15:57

iio : 那個是標記的問題 逗號分號的確有反著用的情況 03/17 15:57

iio : 7,000 -> 7 7.000->七千 03/17 15:57

FishJagor : 推jabari大 德國數字的逗點小數點常讓數值千倍的縮 03/17 15:59

FishJagor : 小 我們用的小數點有時候會被視為非數值 03/17 15:59

verdandy : 那是歐洲逗點和小數點習慣跟別人不同,不只德國 03/17 16:19

verdandy : 我看歐洲來的Spec文件都要習慣一陣子,還要發信跟 03/17 16:20

verdandy : 原廠確認雙方認知是否誤差 03/17 16:21

bellas : 連拿個大聲公都不會 ㄧ點錢就解決了XD 先求有再求好 03/17 16:39

SRNOB : 德國比3也跟人家不一樣 害人家在酒館被開槍 03/17 16:52

jabari : 好像德語系的用 , . 妖壽煩 連給報表excel沒發現 03/17 17:41

jabari : 被M$一個自以為聰明更正又儲存 後面debug就爽了 03/17 17:41

shield739 : 那個,跟.不是德國特有 是很多歐洲國家 包含很多以前 03/17 18:05

shield739 : 是歐洲殖民地的國家 都是這樣表示... 03/17 18:05

aquarius360 : 但是那個21%選擇半年退伍應該還是代表著德軍有相當 03/17 21:29

aquarius360 : 大的問題啊。 03/17 21:29

aaalagon : 查前任也要你卸任前查得完啊,沒查完算你的,沒查沒 03/17 21:50

aaalagon : 事,查了就互相傷害囉 03/17 21:50
