[討論] 台灣防衛作戰 地面部隊作戰序列 英文翻譯

看板 Military
作者 TetsuNoTori (台南空三小鳥)
時間 2022-12-15 21:45:00
留言 10則留言 (3推 0噓 7→)

想說要分享給國外朋友就順手翻了一下 原文來自:#1ZcTgMBd (Military) 丟上來跟各位分享,有錯請不吝指正 (以下翻譯盡可能使用官方名稱) Battle order of R.O.C. ground forces in the campaign defending Taiwan 12 regular combat units: 4 Armored Brigades (each consists of 3 Combined & 1 Artillery Battalion): 542nd, 564th, 584th, and 586th Firepower: A+ (tanks & IFVs & SPGs) Maneuverability: A (fully mechanized) Combat Skills: A (all volunteer, combat readiness trained, joint operation trained) 2 Marine Corps Brigades: 66th and 99th Firepower: A+ (tanks & IFVs & SPGs) Maneuverability: B+ (partial mechanized/motorized) Combat Skills: A (all volunteer, combat readiness trained, joint operation trained) 3 Mechanized Brigades (each consists of 3 Combined & 1 Artillery Battalion): 234th, 269th,and 333rd Firepower: A (tanks & IFVs & 155mm howitzers) Maneuverability: A (fully mechanized) Combat Skills: A (all volunteer, combat readiness trained, joint operation trained) 1 Brigade-level Area Command (Guandu) Firepower: A (tanks, IFVs, howitzers) Maneuverability: B (partial motorized/mechanized) Combat Skills: B (all volunteer, combat readiness trained) 1 Regiment-level Defense Command (Huadong) Firepower: A (tanks & IFVs & howitzers) Maneuverability: B- (partial motorized/mechanized/light Infantry) Combat Skills: B (all volunteer, combat readiness trained) 2 Regiment-level Area Commands (Taitung & Lanyang) Firepower: B (tanks & IFVs & howitzers) Maneuverability: B- (partial motorized/mechanized/light Infantry) Combat Skills: B (all volunteer, combat readiness trained) 2 Military Police Battalions, 1 Special Forces Brigade (consists of 5 Battalions), and other Special Forces 10 mobilized combat units (mostly consist of current instructors, etc.the rest would be reservists who had served in the unit): Mechanized battle group, Infantry Training Command: A Armored battle group, Armor Training Command: A Northern & Southern United Examination Center Reserve Brigade: A Marine Corps Joint Operation Training Center Reserve Brigade: A National Defense University (NDU) Political Warfare College Reserve Brigade: B+ NDU Management College Reserve Brigade: B+ NDU Institute of Technology Reserve Brigade (to be confirmed) 1st & 2nd Army Academy Brigade: B+ Military Academy Reserve Brigade: B+ Reserve Brigades under the All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency (each consists of 5 Infantry & 1 Artillery Battalion, partial volunteer, have no maneuverability or heavy firepower): C 12 Coastal Defense Reserve Brigades (cannon fodders): 101st, 104th, 109th, 117th, 153rd, 173rd, 203rd, 206th, 249th, 257th, 302nd, and Marine Corps Recruit Training Center 3 Depth Defense Reserve Brigades: 2nd Northern, Central, and Southern Reserve Mobilization Center 16 County/City Reserve Command Defense Brigades (a.k.a. Urban-Defense Brigades) (each consists of 5 Infantry & 1 Artillery Battalion, mostlyconscript, have no maneuverability or heavy firepower): D-E 以下是個人覺得比較有問題的翻譯(沒找到官方版只好自己腦補): 下基地:Combat Readiness Trained 步校/裝校戰鬥群:「Battle Group」可以這樣用嗎? 南/北聯測中心:Southern/Northern United Examination Center (牌子上有寫英文但字很模糊,看形狀推測大概是長這樣) 灘岸防衛旅:Coastal Defense Reserve Brigade,是否用「beach」或是「shore」更接近 那個原本的概念?(例:邱吉爾「We shall fight on the beaches」) 城鄉守備旅:「城鄉」到底是指「城」還是指「鄉」?又或者是「城+鄉」? -- ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ █◢◣█ █ █▄█ █▄▄ █ █◣█ █ █ █◤◥█ █ █ ◥◣ ▄ ▄ ▄▄█ █ █◥█ █◢◤ ◥█◣ ████ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ◢█████◣ ████ █ █ █ █▄▄ █ █▄█ █ ▄ █▄▄ █▄█ ██████◤ █◢◤ █ █▄▄ █▄█ █ █ █▄█ █▄▄ █ ◥◣ ◢█◤ -- 是這樣子嗎XD我只知道海軍用法
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1671111904.A.23F.html

wowu5 : Battle Group是英式用詞,美軍的同意詞是Task Force 12/15 22:01

ja23072008 : 其實花防、關指、蘭指現在也要去聯勇,而且原本就是 12/15 22:07

ja23072008 : 全機械化。反而海陸沒有IFV,只有摩步化。而特戰車 12/15 22:07

ja23072008 : 輛不足,嚴格來說也不算摩步化。 12/15 22:07

bjchiou : 中文維基的韓國陸軍條目有鄉土步兵師,大概與城鄉相 12/15 23:22

bjchiou : 仿,將其原文餵狗得到英文Homeland,究其原意應為保 12/15 23:24

bjchiou : 鄉衛土,應該不用在城或鄉糾結 12/15 23:25

iAsshole : 聯合 -> joint。 12/16 01:36

gametv : 推上面說的,城鄉守備旅用Homeland就好 12/16 04:34

Snaptw : 或是territory,國土/領土 12/16 11:33
