[新聞] 卡德羅夫批評俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭撤退中

看板 Military
作者 VANNN ()
時間 2022-09-12 06:22:38
留言 35則留言 (19推 1噓 15→)

原文來源: https://reurl.cc/qNKxlp 衛報 原文摘要: Putin loyalist Kadyrov criticises Russian army’s performance over Ukraine retreat Ramzan Kadyrov, Kremlin-appointed Chechnya leader, suggests Putin might not be fully aware of true state of affairs Ramzan Kadyrov, the Kremlin-appointed leader of Chechnya, has criticised the Russian army’s leadership after it appeared to be caught off guard by Ukraine ’s fightback against the Russian invasion in the north-east. In a sign that the Kremlin may face serious fallout over the loss of territory that the Russian occupation administrations had repeatedly stated they planned to keep “for ever”, Kadyrov also suggested that Vladimir Putin might not be aware of the real state of affairs. “They have made mistakes and I think they will draw the necessary conclusions,” Kadyrov said in an audio message posted to his Telegram channel on Sunday. “If today or tomorrow no changes in strategy are made, I will be forced to speak with the leadership of the defence ministry and the leadership of the country to explain the real situation on the ground to them. It’s a very interesting situation. It’s astounding, I would say,” said Kadyrov, a former rebel turned Kremlin ally who rules Chechnya – a Russian republic in the Caucasus – with an iron fist and has a paramilitary force at his command. Since the invasion in February, the Kremlin has focused on silencing liberal voices critical of the war, but as things go sour on the battlefield, Putin faces a headache with what to do with former cheerleaders who want Russia to commit more forces to the war to turn the tide. Many units from Chechnya have taken part in Russia’s war effort, and while Kadyrov is ostensibly hyper-loyal to Moscow, he is one of the few Russian political figures whose messaging the Kremlin does not fully control. All eyes will be on how Putin responds to the retreat. He has previously glossed over claims that he made a terrible miscalculation in February when he thought the Russian army could overrun Ukraine in a matter of days. In a recent appearance he said Russia had “lost nothing” during the war, but the major losses of recent days could be a harder sell to the Russian population. On Saturday, as the disastrous news from the front trickled through, Putin was busy opening a huge observation wheel in a Moscow park as part of celebrations for Moscow Day. Military bloggers sharply criticised him for going ahead with the celebrations. 心得感想: 車臣的抖音專家不爽了 他覺得普丁不了解實際情況,警告下面再不說實話,他要去向2D告密 反正都是下面將領的錯 "週六,當來自前線的災難性消息傳來時,普京正在莫斯科公園參加觀景輪活動,作為莫 斯科日慶祝活動的一部分。" 看來莫斯科人頗為悠閒啊,一點都不像戰爭中,有點期待看到俄羅斯總動員 注意事項:請注意版規內容。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1662934961.A.FF7.html

andyao1562 : 講了也是死 不如不說 普丁也不是不知道 只能繼續演 09/12 06:29

andyao1562 : 對他們來說 不要隨便戳破 就跟雞肋一樣 誰亂想誰死 09/12 06:30

rommel1 : 沙皇尼古拉二世聽到日俄海戰慘敗.... 09/12 06:31

Rivendare : 消息這麼靈通又知道實情 怎不早點說== 知情不報內鬼 09/12 06:38

reich3 : 歷史稱號- 報喪使者 ,Get ! 09/12 06:42

reich3 : 俄羅斯人可一點都不傻,沒有要請普丁回京主持大局。 09/12 06:43

pponywong : 大帝 你要真實情況 可以看我們的抖音影片啦 09/12 06:47

Iamtitlehgm : 看起來像是為普丁開脫欸?總崩的消息在剪綵前一天 09/12 06:47

Iamtitlehgm : 就有了吧?不是六號就有部隊先轉進? 09/12 06:47

sam09 : 總覺得這傢伙會死在盟友手下,而非對手 09/12 07:04

cannedtuna : 這傢伙提早開溜 布丁狗都是閃躲大師嗎 09/12 07:21

cwy0317 : 假裝講給普亭聽,是在跟自己人說準備獨立? 09/12 07:27

MrJB : 早說 怎麼不早說 09/12 07:37

kiyoshi520 : 聖帝遭奸臣矇蔽致政令不行萬民受苦,我抖音大將軍 09/12 07:47

kiyoshi520 : 必當直諫聖帝斬奸臣清君側、以救我羅剎而不墜。 09/12 07:47

darkangel119: 俄羅斯跟86不存在的戰區裡的聖瑪利亞一模一樣XD 09/12 07:56

Nexdous : 俄粉:普丁老神在在 09/12 08:02

Annatiger : 之前還有人吐槽86的共和國蠢到不太現實,結果這裡就 09/12 08:11

Annatiger : 有更誇張的XD 09/12 08:11

aeoleron : 這話聽起來很立flag欸 09/12 08:21

gigi832829 : 他可以自己用抖音拍個影片傳過去寓教於樂啊 09/12 08:26

www115ui8 : 這傢伙不是躲回車臣了 還講幹話 09/12 08:30

AfterDark : 共和國還有86這些善戰的人 俄羅斯嘛...... 09/12 08:41

aeoleron : 這話等於跟俄軍高層說 趕快來把我滅口 09/12 08:50

dnek : 有看到說巴克萊還沒丟的明明有你一份,還演 09/12 08:51

baboosh : 之前抖音吹車臣軍隊吹的滿天 現在看都是小丑 09/12 08:52

dufflin : 淝水之戰2022 09/12 09:02

sank : 本來就怕死,現在有怕死的理由可以說嘴 09/12 09:09

TSMininder : 鵝爹:沒辦法解決問題的話,只好解決提出問題的人 09/12 09:22

TSMininder : 您確定要往上報? 09/12 09:23

rex01 : 抖音網紅 09/12 09:36

nanpolend : 派他再去烏克蘭送頭去 09/12 10:13

ray102004 : 86至少有戰神 但俄軍 噗噗噗 09/12 11:31

weimr : 俄粉:2d 在下一盤大棋啦! 09/12 11:57

vicklin : 報喪摩天輪 09/12 12:21
