[新聞] 英國將重建歐洲最強大的海軍

看板 Military
作者 saccharomyce (酵公菌)
時間 2020-11-20 14:01:39
留言 42則留言 (19推 0噓 23→)

UK To Restore Royal Navy To Europe’s Most Powerful Maritime Force https://reurl.cc/N686j6 原文摘要: On the naval side, the investment will underpin the revitalization of shipbuilding, funding a significant expansion of Royal Navy vessels to create the biggest surface fleet of modern warships in Europe. The £16.5 billion investment confirms the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) order of 8 Type 26 and 5 Type 31 frigates. The MoD announcement also mentions for the first time the next generation of frigates, known as Type 32, as well as replacement support ships for the aircraft carriers. British newspaper The Telegraph mentions a new multi-role research vessel too. The British Prime Minister also confirmed plans to deploy HMS Queen Elizabeth to the Indian Ocea and East Asia next year, as part of its first ever long range operational deployment. Type 32 Frigate While the 8 Type 26 frigates (also known as the City-class) and 5 Type 31 frigates were already planned to be procured, the real surprise in today’s announcement is the mention for the first time of the “Type 32”. ...Naval News learned from a reliable UK source that this is in fact some sort of “pre program” put in place for budgetary reasons in anticipation of a future potential “Type 31 Batch 2”.The source added that this potential “Type 31 Batch 2” may not necessarily be based on the Type 31 design. Replacement support ships These are obviously the future Fleet Solid Support (FSS). The future two (with an option for a third one) Fleet Solid Support Ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary will replace the ageing RFA Fort Austin and RFA Fort Rosalie. These vessels will supply dry stores such as ammunition, explosives and food to Royal Navy ships at sea. New multi-role research vessel This is likely a replacement for HMS Scott, the ageing ocean survey vessel of the Royal Navy. The ship which was commissioned in June 1997 has an auxiliary role in support of mine countermeasure vessels. Its primary role includes seabed survey thanks to multi-beam sonar systems. 心得感想: 標題有點聳動 其實就是擴大皇家海軍水面艦隊 在type31還沒建完 就要規劃新巡防艦type32 然後建造新的補給艦與研究船來替換舊的 另外 QE號明年可望出巡東亞印太 反觀法國... -- The British Prime Minister has announced the biggest investment in the UK’s Armed Forces since the end of the Cold War, confirming an injection of £16.5 billion over four years. Combined with the manifesto commitment of a 0.5% uplift, the total increase for Defence is a substantial £24.1 billion. 錢從首相強生承諾的241億英鎊中支付
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1605852101.A.6C3.html

l81311i : 5艘T-31改回T-26行不行? 11/20 14:24

maxjeng : in their dream, forever 11/20 14:25

patentstm : 財政現實....... 11/20 14:25

nicetree : 有心擴建給推~ 11/20 14:26

ssarc : 要重演拿破崙時代嗎 11/20 15:13

st94067 : 水面艦隊不夠 11/20 15:22

say29217074 : 勇敢級再補個六艘差不多吧 11/20 15:34

flameblade : type26先造出來再說 11/20 15:37

qsgjnmvb : 不是有三叉戟就好棒棒了 11/20 15:48

wingstar : 睡吧夢裡什麼都有 11/20 15:51

rexlaser : 錢呢? 11/20 15:53

saberr33 : 250億夠? 11/20 16:15

Kazuma0332 : 皇家海軍本來就跟法國海軍只在伯仲之間並列歐洲兩 11/20 16:28

Kazuma0332 : 最強 11/20 16:28

ctw01 : 馬克宏之前不是還在說歐洲防衛靠自己不要靠美國嗎 11/20 16:31

kuramoto : 馬克宏那算是法國一直以來的論調,反正歐陸軍事德 11/20 16:56

kuramoto : 國已經自廢武功了,法國這時出來喊個話不為過吧,只 11/20 16:56

kuramoto : 是目前來看就當喊喊話吧 11/20 16:56

tin123210 : 弄爆別人的就可以了 11/20 17:13

MOONRAKER : 秘密建造地底戰艦 和日本轟天號看誰較長 11/20 17:28

nkfcc : 自己有能力建,也是增加工作機會啦。 11/20 17:36

nkfcc : 養起來才是問題。 11/20 17:36

homer00 : 聯合聲明被人家作廢看衰小,該硬一下了 11/20 17:59

shield739 : QE跟POW艦載機到位 護衛艦艇造起來 組出兩個完整的 11/20 18:02

shield739 : 戰鬥群 就能重回亞洲施加壓力了 11/20 18:02

atteleitus : 大日不落海軍要擴建當然要回到實力是後兩強之和的 11/20 18:04

atteleitus : 時代才夠r 11/20 18:04

willywasd : 要挑戰美帝的無敵艦隊了嗎 11/20 18:32

kuramoto : 想挑戰北美殖民地的海上軍力已經不可能了,殖民地利 11/20 18:36

kuramoto : 益少掉後沒能力也沒必要了 11/20 18:36

willywasd : 開個玩笑而已啦 美帝的軍事預算跟其他國家差太多 11/20 18:45

kuma660224 : 自古要人家履行條約承諾 都是靠實力 11/20 19:21

kuma660224 : 不是靠對方善意誠信. 沒拳頭就是歷史文件 11/20 19:22

ya01234 : 挑戰美國無敵艦隊,學以前英國以前海盜的做法試試看 11/20 19:45

ya01234 : ,把驅逐艦賣給英國公司當海盜(X 11/20 19:46

assanges : Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves! 11/20 19:52

assanges : Britons never never never shall be slaves! 11/20 19:53

uruzu007 : 不砍原本規劃就歐洲最強了 11/20 21:21

fantasyhorse: 先把原先預計的12艘type 26生出來我就信 11/20 23:06

tang0715 : 兩個航母群的話也只能保證全年保有一個在海上執勤而 11/21 02:19

tang0715 : 已 重回亞洲可能有點難度 11/21 02:19

opengaydoor : 英國:抱歉了錢錢 我真的需要那個酷東西 11/21 02:38
