[新聞] 美軍海陸自己辦電競賽事還要跟玩家組隊

看板 Military
作者 www846www (傘電傘電傘電~~~~~)
時間 2020-06-19 21:06:12
留言 27則留言 (15推 0噓 12→)

原文來源:https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-warzone-marines-tournament/ 原文摘要: An upcoming Call of Duty: Warzone tournament will connect players with active duty marines in a battle royale brawl hosted by the US Marine Corps. The United States Marine Corps has announced an upcoming Call of Duty: Warzone tournament. This will be a chance for fans to play in the popular battle royale against active-duty Marines in the upcoming "Reload Drops In With the U.S. Marine Crops" tournament. Warzone frequently hosts tournaments and competitions in conjunction with major brands and the armed forces. This upcoming challenge will test the player's ability to perform as a unit in Warzone as they compete against the active-duty Marines. The tournament is scheduled for Friday, June 26. The U.S. Marine Corps, in association with Esports Stadium Arlington, will present the entire event online and through a livestream to maintain the safety of all participants. This is the first time in ESA history that participants will compete for the chance to play alongside active-duty Marines. The event is designed to connect the national esports community with the U.S. Marines at a more personal level. This tournament prioritizes teamwork, strategy, and communication to succeed in all domains of battle. This will be a free-to-play tournament hosted completely online, with participants competing as a team of three during the open qualifiers. Those who qualify will have their team reinforced by an active-duty Marine forming a Warzone team of four, also known as a fireteam. The fireteam will then compete in a set of final matches on Saturday, June 27, which will be live-streamed through the official ESA Twitch channel. This is simultaneously a tournament and a recruitment drive for the U.S. Marines, as all participants who express interest in learning more about the Marines will be contacted following the event. Registration is open to the public and can be found on Smash.gg alongside many other esports events, or the main Marine website. For those unaware, the Esports Stadium Arlington is the largest dedicated esports facility in all of North America. The 100,000 square foot building is dedicated to serving the needs and demands of the competitive esports community. The facility has already housed several major tournaments for Fortnite, Apex Legends, Warzone, and many other titles. 心得感想:第四軍種募兵出新招,辦電競比賽還要自己下海跟玩家組隊。這樣能不能指揮 得動其他三位三排的玩家阿XDD。然後大兵假設在遊戲中表現不好的話不知道會不會被禁 假或嘴砲OuO。 不過先前才有退役海陸說現在的遊戲對於攻堅與戰場情況做的很逼真的新聞,不曉得他們 現實中的訓練拿到遊戲中的話是不是能真的把那些平民按在地上磨擦=w= 注意事項:請注意版規內容。 -- 塔科夫是俄國人做的 可能會有點問題(? COD 還有呼吸回血大法XDDD
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1592571976.A.4C7.html

mmmimi11tw: 推薦逃離塔科夫,非常寫實 06/19 21:12

mmmimi11tw: 跟真實作戰非常類似 06/19 21:13

mmmimi11tw: 沒關係∠( °ω°)/ COD滿不真實的就是了XD 06/19 21:16

detective14r: codmw攻堅那邊做的蠻真實的 有退役美軍拍片說過 06/19 21:40

mmmimi11tw: 那個有參考真實攻堅畫面去設計,但對戰模式那邊就Errr 06/19 21:44

mmmimi11tw: rrr 06/19 21:44

kuramoto: 我反而想看四等人實況麥塊 06/19 21:47

overno: 沒用VR下去玩嗎?聽說現在美軍有用VR全景在訓練士兵 06/19 22:20

assanges: Remember, no Marines. (咦 06/20 00:09

patrickleeee: 那個只有說畫面很真實 有些東西差很多 有說這麼多房 06/20 00:51

patrickleeee: 間 這麼大的房子 應該要更多人去攻 還有他們要的是 06/20 00:52

patrickleeee: 情報比較重要 有些太快斃掉 太浪費情報了 而且用了 06/20 00:53

patrickleeee: 消音器 武器聲音還是超大 不太可能其他人沒準備 06/20 00:53

oryzae: 八卦是美軍四個軍種都有自己的電競隊 06/20 01:11

jackh89376: 想推薦ARMA 3.... 06/20 01:28

munchlax: Army eSport參加的比賽有CoD,CoD也有透過Endowment資 06/20 05:05

munchlax: 助退伍老兵,兩邊的關係應該很好,反而自家的AA Playg 06/20 05:05

munchlax: round都沒人玩 06/20 05:05

fuhrershih: 嗯......I have to reload 06/20 07:54

abasqoo: App吃雞版嗎 06/20 09:20

mmmimi11tw: Reloading! 06/20 09:31

zeumax: Squad更適合軍事訓練,還要計算射角諸元才能打迫砲 06/20 11:25

linbasohigh: ARAM3 比較現實一點,子彈在500多米飛梭而過的聲音, 06/20 23:21

linbasohigh: 用耳機聽會很震撼,但這遊戲就是加入太多龜毛的步驟 06/20 23:21

linbasohigh: ,喜歡的一兩百小時不膩,不喜歡的榴砲練習時光看地 06/20 23:21

linbasohigh: 圖測距就刪遊戲了 06/20 23:21

tmpss90187: 記得陸軍之前也跑去玩WT 06/21 06:19
