Re: 英文老師私訊我欸

看板 Marginalman
作者 medama ( )
時間 2023-02-19 14:02:54
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: 可是是說 : 你是這學期才修我的課的 : 同學可能都還不認識你 : 所以請你準備5-10分鐘的英文自我介紹 : 搭配10頁左右的ppt : 明天上課就從我開始講 : 讓大家都可以認識我 : 太苦了 我問機器人 請他幫你寫一篇: Hello everyone, my name is Sugarwithkid, and I am excited to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you all. First of all, a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in [your hometown], and I have always had a passion for [your interests/hobbies]. Growing up, I loved spending time with my family and friends, and exploring the outdoors. After finishing high school, I went to [name of school] to pursue my [degree/major]. During my time there, I had the chance to [mention one or two significant experiences, such as a project, internship, or study abroad program]. These experiences helped me develop my [skills or qualities], which I believe will be valuable in my future career. Outside of academics, I enjoy [your hobbies/interests], and I am always looking for new challenges and adventures. I believe that it is important to stay active and engaged with the world around us, and I strive to do so in everything that I do. In terms of my career goals, I am still exploring my options and trying to find the right path for me. However, I am confident that my passion for [your interests/hobbies], my skills in [your skills], and my determination to succeed will help me achieve my goals and make a positive impact in the world. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my introduction, and I look forward to getting to know all of you better throughout the course. 他還給我關於製作ppt的建議: As for your PowerPoint presentation, here are some tips to consider: Keep it simple: Don't try to cram too much information into your slides. Stick to a few key points, and use images or graphics to help illustrate your ideas. Make it visually appealing: Choose a clean, professional-looking template and use consistent fonts and colors throughout. Avoid clutter and unnecessary animation or sound effects. Use bullet points: Bullet points are an effective way to break up text and make your information easier to digest. However, try to keep each point short and sweet, and avoid using full sentences. Practice your timing: Make sure your presentation fits within the allotted time frame. Time yourself while practicing, and adjust your content as needed. Practice your delivery: Remember that your presentation is a tool to enhance your message, not replace it. Be confident, engage with your audience, and use your slides as a visual aid to help support your words. Good luck with your presentation, Sugarwithkid! --
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