[情報] 條子和Adolis García簽下兩年約

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2024-02-09 01:00:40
留言 13則留言 (8推 1噓 4→)

https://t.co/G4kCxoeN8e The Texas Rangers won’t go to an arbitration hearing with Adolis García this y ear, after all. Or next year either. The Rangers and García, who had been scheduled for an arbitration hearing Thurs day, reached the framework on a two-year contract agreement, a person familiar w ith the process told The Dallas Morning News. The financial details were still b eing finalized. The deal was, as is usually the case, pending a physical exam. 條子和陣中第一次取得仲裁資格的Adolis García 達成一張兩年合約,成功避免掉薪資仲裁 至於金額目前尚未得知 https://x.com/jonheyman/status/1755645606326833204 Adolis Garcia gets $14M over 2 years guaranteed with a ton of escalators based o n plate appearances and MVP votes. Complex deal. 兩年14M 另外還有一堆激勵獎金 https://x.com/jonheyman/status/1755648193197478007 More on Adolis deal: $14M guaranteed with the ability to make $20.25M over two y ears through a series of escalators 激勵全拿到會是兩年20.25M --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1707411642.A.AD9.html

JustinIdiot: 還蠻不錯的02/09 01:44

bj451123: 他值得更多02/09 02:41

karta1339622: 仲裁年有這樣就很好了吧02/09 02:46

DRCandle: 讚 今年奪冠大功臣02/09 04:27

NG1028: 呵呵02/09 06:06

polanco: https://i.imgur.com/tSsl8yu.jpg 02/09 07:36

Keane86: Heyman拼錯人家名字了啦02/09 09:19

aibakoji: 發明Aason Judge的人這不過是正常運轉吧XD02/09 10:09

kenkuo1688: 超便宜 遊騎兵賺爛02/09 10:14

saidon: heyman搶快拼錯名字也不是第一次了 最經典就arson judge02/09 10:21

MKAngelheart: Adonis XD 只有一年行情的前勇士四棒 02/09 11:52

kamihio: 有夠便宜 02/10 02:52

AHEAD099: 他的型態風險也不小吧 打擊率不高三振多保送少 02/10 10:40
