Re: [情報] 大聯盟首爾戰門票1/26開賣

看板 MLB
作者 shoting (平凡老百姓)
時間 2024-01-17 08:35:05
留言 13則留言 (4推 0噓 9→)

: : #MLB: Tickets for the Seoul Series between #Dodgers and #Padres will go on sale : at Coupang Play website on Jan. 26. It's the Korean streaming service, will be t : he official streaming site for all the games. Not sure how friendly the site wil : l be to English-speaking fans : 大聯盟首爾海外開幕戰門票,將在1/26開始賣 : 然後是由南韓這次買下獨家轉播權的Coupang Play來賣 : 網址: : 看來對外國人超級不友善呢 : : Also, #Dodgers and #Padres will the Kiwoom Heroes and the LG Twins of the #KBO a : nd the Korean national team in exhibitions before facing each other for the regu : lar season openers March 20-21. Details on those exhibition games will be announ : ced later : 然後教士、道奇會和南韓國家隊、LG雙子、Kiwoom英雄打熱身賽 : [Yoo] UPDATE on tickets for #MLB 2024 season opener between #Dodgers & #Padres in Seoul: 1. Tickets ONLY available on Coupang Play website to Coupang Wow (paid subscription) members 2. No plans for Coupang to open separate ticketing site for foreign residents 看來在台灣應該沒機會買票 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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TaiwanTeam: 旅行團怎麼買到票的? 01/17 08:45

zxc906383: 旅行社在韓國一定有當地人士能弄票吧 01/17 09:03

ChrisDavis: 旅行團這種通常是有合作的,TaylorSwift新加坡場在Klo 01/17 09:26

ChrisDavis: ok上面也有套裝行程一起賣 01/17 09:26

ChrisDavis: 而且沒差吧,只是說不會開外國人窗口,你可以登錄Coup 01/17 09:27

ChrisDavis: angplay還是能買,韓團售票網很少跟日本一樣還要當地 01/17 09:28

ChrisDavis: 手機認證的 01/17 09:28

ChrisDavis: *韓國 01/17 09:28

zxc906383: 韓職的票要當地手機認證啊 這個就不知道了 01/17 10:00

n61208: App Store載不到app 01/17 11:05

wuuman: 都說過了 鈔能力無價 有錢自然有人割愛 只是還是要早點釋 01/17 11:37

wuuman: 出消息 01/17 11:37

shoting: App 鎖區, Coupang Wow 是像 Amazon Prime 的訂閱服務 01/17 13:33
