[情報] 酒鬼可能也要搬家了

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2023-08-13 23:55:30
留言 19則留言 (11推 0噓 8→)

https://reurl.cc/2Lqv8X Milwaukee’s nearly seven-decade run as an MLB market could end unless there’s a dramatic turnaround in ongoing stadium negotiations, according to a new report . The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported the Brewers could begin exploration of a relocation by this fall if a deal isn’t reached to improve American Family Fie ld as part of a lease extension. For months, the Brewers have detailed $448 million worth of needed renovations, work that currently falls to the state’s Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseb all Park District. MLB commissioner Rob Manfred has similarly pressed state offi cials to honor their obligations. Possible Landing Spot Should relocation become a serious option, Nashville would likely be among the t op candidates, as it is already home to the NFL’s Titans, NHL’s Predators, and MLS’ Nashville SC, as well as the Brewers’ Triple-A affiliate. 酒鬼若無法和政府達成補助球場整修的$$$ 那他們將會開始探詢搬家惹 現在是要把MLB擴編的地點全部用掉嗎XD 而且密爾瓦基穩定場均能上30000 真的要搬喔… --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1691942132.A.998.html

turkeyma: 這應該只是談判放話而已 08/13 23:59

carlchang092: 球場構造很有趣欸真的要走嗎 08/14 00:15

hdotistyle: 這球場外觀很好看耶 08/14 00:17

JerrieRip: 溜滑梯掰掰QQ 08/14 00:27

ChrisDavis: 放話而已辣,條子放一次話就在對面蓋一個了XD 08/14 01:23

abc12812: 密爾瓦基衰退很大阿 比奧克蘭還破敗 08/14 03:37

abc12812: 還有職業運動這點還比較神奇 08/14 03:38

ck326: 公鹿表示: 08/14 06:44

JKelenic: 這好像已經變成一個趨勢了,反正我就先吵 08/14 07:49

cor1os: 日本火腿跟札幌市鬧翻,也沒離開北海道啊 08/14 10:54

cor1os: 兩邊的利益喬不攏不就是離開嗎 這麼簡單 08/14 10:54

c871111116: 這也不是趨勢啊 是一直都有人這樣做吧 08/14 11:03

ca1123: 溜滑梯@@ 08/14 11:03

c871111116: 只是奧克蘭搞得特別難看而已 08/14 11:04

labiron: 奧克蘭那個球場真的爛 室外牛棚真的丟臉 08/14 11:16

labiron: 藤浪把球丟到外野干擾比賽真的笑死人 最高殿堂XDD?? 08/14 11:17

sezna: 運動家才是最有理由的,球場真的太破舊加無情城市 08/14 11:32

k33536: 威脅 可以 08/14 16:14

mt0481: 奧克蘭市長快去爭取啊 奧克蘭歡迎你們搬來喔 08/14 19:14
