Fw: [情報] 酒鬼可能也會威脅要搬家

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2023-06-16 13:21:20
留言 6則留言 (4推 0噓 2→)

作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 酒鬼可能也會威脅要搬家 時間: Fri Jun 16 13:20:36 2023 https://reurl.cc/655dyb Now, there might be a third entering the fray. Commissioner Rob Manfred is repor tedly -- via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel -- in Milwaukee and will hold a pres s conference in which he urges major, long-term renovations to American Family F ield (formerly Miller Park). 大聯盟主席曼佛地魔將在密爾瓦基召開記者會 希望敦促當地政府能趕快整修酒鬼主場 The worst-case scenario here, and it's a bit eye-popping, would be the Brewers b eing forced to move away from Milwaukee. 不然酒鬼可能會考慮搬家 The Journal Sentinel report indicates that the renovations -- upgrades to seatin g areas, concourses and gathering spaces -- would cost an estimated $428 million over the course of the next 20 years. The current lease with the Brewers and Am erican Family Field runs through 2030 and such an agreement would extend the lea se through 2043. 整修酒鬼主場預估要大約$428M 而雙方租約目前到2030 之前就有新聞說,大聯盟這邊會用搬家來施壓 https://i.imgur.com/7xDzVSY.jpg
之前民主黨籍州長有打算花$290M來修 https://i.imgur.com/n9DGcj4.jpg
但遭共和黨控制的議會否決掉 — 只不過酒鬼票房長期穩定在中段班 不可能會搬吧 The best guess here is Manfred is helping ownership push the government to provi de a lot of tax-payer funding to keep the ballpark as up to date as possible. Th e threat of moving the Brewers for the time being is merely that: A threat. It w ould be a bridge neither the Brewers nor Major League Baseball wants to cross an d wouldn't even be a serious discussion for years. 內文也寫不太可能真的搬 只是看看能不能凹到用稅金修 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1686892881.A.B08.html

error404joe: 別啊~我一直想去密爾瓦基,我去之前別搬啊 06/16 14:32

bestteam: 酒鬼球場不到爛吧 06/16 14:42

tony160079: 不過威斯康辛真的超無聊.... 06/16 16:26

sampsonlu919: 威斯康辛起碼還養得起一隻職業美足隊 雖然不是在密 06/16 18:02

sampsonlu919: 爾瓦基 06/16 18:02

saidon: 樓上別忘了還有隻籃球隊 06/19 08:59
