[情報] 綠帽發聲明感謝內華達議會

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2023-06-15 22:34:36
留言 15則留言 (8推 0噓 7→)

https://reurl.cc/mDDv6V The Oakland A's have released a statement regarding the passing of their ballpar k bil (SB1) in Nevada. "Tonight, we thank the members of the Nevada State Legislature and their staff f or their hard work, due diligence, and attention to detail as we work to bring t he Athletics to Las Vegas. We are especially grateful for the legislators’ time and dedication to shepherding this bill through the process, including the spec ial session. We look forward to Governor Lombardo’s signature as our next step. " Governor Lombardo is expected to sign the pretty quickly, as he has been a big s upporter of the project from the onset. From there, the other 29 MLB owners would have to vote to approve relocation for the A's from Oakland to Las Vegas. That is also seen as highly likely, if not a done deal. 在內華達州議會通過綠帽球場380M補助案後 綠帽也發聲明感謝議會 並期待內華達州共和黨籍州長Joe Lombardo正式簽署 https://i.imgur.com/ak3nSZz.png
綠帽下一個戰場應該是看看其他29位老闆 是否願意赦免John Fisher不用繳數億鎂的搬家費XD 以及明年是不是要直接搬去Vegas的3A球場 https://i.imgur.com/DWJYYf4.png
因為新球場最快2028才會落成 註: 綠帽和奧克蘭的租約是到2024年 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1686839678.A.39B.html

Sechslee: 老闆那關很好過吧 06/15 23:18

uranusjr: 怎麼會覺得好過 當球隊老闆做慈善喔 06/16 00:42

Sulstan: XDDDDDDDD. Logic need not apply here!!!!! 06/16 01:37

abc12812: 那個加州我們不要了 06/16 03:51

duo131: 老闆那關主要看怎樣殺價吧~~全免不太可能~~看看巨人會不會 06/16 06:14

duo131: 又出來靠北LOL~趕快明年就搬先建立fan base吧 06/16 06:15

duo131: 不然加州那群左派到時法案過了還要賠錢 06/16 06:15

Sulstan: A's走了之後整個灣區都是巨人的恃場是要擋什麼 呵呵呵 06/16 06:29

duo131: 呵呵他可以出來靠北錢給的不夠多啊~靠北又不一定要擋 06/16 06:38

Sulstan: 反正要妖魔化巨人怎麼樣講都可以啊 呵呵呵 06/16 08:16

duo131: 呵呵呵反正要幫巨人護航怎麼樣獎都可以啊 06/16 08:55

erimow: 這啥 小朋友吵架 06/16 11:42

ken720331: XDDD 06/16 12:17

AhCheng: 巨人要開心都來不及了XD 06/16 15:21

reborn6229: 3A球場看起來很漂亮欸 06/17 19:13
