Fw: [情報] MLB和NHL季後賽衝台啦XD

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2023-05-15 10:55:19
留言 2則留言 (0推 0噓 2→)

作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] MLB和NHL季後賽衝台啦XD 時間: Mon May 15 10:55:03 2023 https://reurl.cc/Y8LlO0 今天NHL季後賽第二輪 維加斯金騎士出戰愛德蒙油人的G6 開始時間拖到美東時間晚上十點才打 理由可能是ESPN要先播Sunday Night Baseball https://twitter.com/thedankingerski/status/1657900667649028096 Hearing scuttlebutt from ESPN iniders that NHL asked to move the Vegas-EDM game to 8pm ET. Hearing NHL asked ESPN to move baseball to ESPN2, but ESPN declined. Same rumor is that ESPN also declined to trade games with TNT. For now, only a rumor inside ESPN. 有聽說NHL向ESPN要求把時間移到美東時間晚上八點 並把原訂那時段的Sunday Night Baseball 移到ESPN2播,但遭ESPN拒絕 ESPN也拒絕把這比賽給TNT播 影片 https://twitter.com/awfulannouncing/status/1657936119391039488 Here is how ESPN aired the opening goal in Vegas-Edmonton Game 6. With Karl Rave ch calling a split-screen during a 9-1 baseball game. 所以ESPN就開雙螢幕 讓棒球主播替大家播報冰球場的第一個進球XD 看來NHL是先放去ESPN2播了 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1684119320.A.476.html

uranusjr: 季賽垃圾時間 > 季後賽, 不是說過氣運動沒人看嗎 05/15 12:42

leegogo: NHL本來就老四 05/15 20:49
