[外電] 紐約廣播主持人:光芒隊作弊吧

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2023-05-10 14:54:19
留言 72則留言 (44推 1噓 27→)

New York radio host on Rays’ success: ‘They’re probably cheating’ BALTIMORE — After watching the Rays take two of three from the Yankees over the weekend, two hosts on popular New York sports radio station WFAN are suggesting they have compiled the best record in the majors by cheating. “I didn’t say it,” Roberts said. “But all I know is I am a baseball fan, I k now baseball, I like baseball, I was very skeptical with what I saw this weekend .” In posting a 29-7 record (through Monday), the Rays have surprisingly led the ma jors in runs, home runs, OPS and most other offensive categories. Carton said their performance “makes no sense at all,” calling the Rays “a bu nch of journeymen outperforming their baseball cards.” “All of them,” Roberts said, then named a couple: “Christian Bethancourt? Hel lo? Taylor Walls? What? You know what we do, what most of us do? We don’t know who they are, so we say, ‘Oh, the Rays are brilliant.’ Here’s the problem: I know who they are; they’re not good. The Rays are 19-3 at home? Hello?” He then referenced the Astros’ 2017 cheating scandal that was exposed in an art icle by The Athletic, saying of the Rays’ success, “Are you going to wake up w hen the article is written in The Athletic or are you going to wake up now?” Roberts said he had “no evidence” of the Rays doing anything wrong, but later added, “Sometimes you don’t need evidence. Sometimes you’ve got to say, ‘Wha t I’m watching doesn’t make sense.’ So I’ll do it. I’m not a Yankees fan. I have no reason to say it. I’m going to raise my hand: Hey, ladies and gentleme n, what I’m seeing in Tampa makes no sense.” Roberts continued his rant on Tuesday, saying, per audacy.com, “Look at all tho se crappy players and how they’re all having amazing years. They have a lot of guys on their team that all of a sudden are putting up crazy numbers. ... I like Wander Franco but there’s a lot of examples. A lot of these, all at the same t ime. Like Chad Mottola is the greatest hitting coach of all time. I find that st range.’' The Rays, via a team spokesperson, declined comment. https://reurl.cc/WD5X1L 但也說自己沒證據 痾 故意引戰嗎….. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1683701661.A.671.html

Roshiel: 先喊先贏的概念 05/10 14:56

hdotistyle: 打不贏就喊作弊 05/10 15:00

KEDEN: 紐約不意外 繼續敗人品 05/10 15:04

weitai1993: 看到紐媒這樣 我就放心了 05/10 15:07

eeelnooodle: 紐約XDD好喔 05/10 15:07

pengjoker: 苦無證據 美國__ 05/10 15:08

weitai1993: 敗人品第一名 05/10 15:09

Knicksmelo: 苦無大師 05/10 15:28

c871111116: 經典紐媒 05/10 15:31

HuanYuWu: 小朋友嗎 05/10 15:32

AHEAD099: 確實好幾個人都打擊爆發蠻神奇的 05/10 15:32

AHEAD099: 但才一個月左右樣本太小也說不準 05/10 15:32

tree748596: 紐約作弊還贏不了,笑死 05/10 15:33

saiulbb: 你是再靠腰喔 05/10 15:41

tsaumond: 洋基前兩年也有一波連勝過,所以這是代表....? 05/10 15:43

AZBTPATONY: 作弊還被太空人完封兩場? 05/10 15:46

whhw: 苦無證據XDD 05/10 15:49

Adam6613: 哭無證據 嘻嘻 05/10 16:00

claudey: 最近洋基沒有AZB大師開釋戰績堪憂XD 05/10 16:12

es9114ian: 紐媒正常發揮啊 05/10 16:26

mschien8295: 苦無證據 05/10 17:03

atn1010: 苦無證據 05/10 17:10

catsondbs: Trust Me Bro 05/10 17:26

a2156700: 苦無證據 05/10 17:40

ShockHo222: 在棒球版講這句話會被水桶 05/10 17:51

gosh717: 可憐啊 05/10 18:29

charlie01: ???有讓玻璃仔保持健康的作弊方法嗎?有的話快告訴 05/10 18:32

charlie01: 紐約Zzz 05/10 18:32

villagemen: 作弊的是太鼓達人 05/10 19:12

Mikufans: 不意外 05/10 19:17

william80730: 不過說實在整隊突然都變成砲的確滿神奇的 05/10 19:43

sezna: 美國苦無 05/10 19:57

mirrorlee: 沒證據XDDDD 05/10 20:38

tomsawyer: 上一次整隊變砲的就太鼓達人 同樣的事情發生了第二次 05/10 20:49

tomsawyer: 真像只會有一個 05/10 20:49

Tmk: 太棒了樓上就是我想看到的基迷 05/10 20:57

lukemarley: Carlton是梅迷,紐約不是只有基迷捏XD 05/10 21:12

Tmk: 我說樓上捏 這麼急著辯駁看錯了喔 05/10 21:30

Tmk: 這篇一堆基迷推文 我就只喜歡樓上那位的推文呀 其他人反應太 05/10 21:32

Tmk: 正常了 05/10 21:32

sl4738: 苦無證據 05/10 21:42

lukemarley: 我又沒說你XD只是覺得有人看到紐媒就覺得是洋基還蠻好 05/10 21:46

lukemarley: 笑的 05/10 21:46

lukemarley: 就兩個小丑見不得別人好而已,有啥好討論的 05/10 21:47

lukemarley: 這麼急著對號入座,也沒有比較厲害捏 05/10 21:50

Asucks: 毫無人品的傢伙 05/10 22:07

Tmk: 自己看錯還怪人 可以 您也算是小丑 05/10 22:11

Tmk: 我就是查過那個tomsawyer是基迷~至於那兩個廣播小丑是啥迷 05/10 22:17

Tmk: 我不知道也沒興趣~ 05/10 22:17

lukemarley: …我來這裡推文根本不是因為你啊,我只是很困惑這篇文 05/10 22:25

lukemarley: 到底跟洋基有什麼關係,誰管你要不要臭基迷lol 05/10 22:25

Tmk: 前面推文都說紐媒 我則是說tomsawyer 誰說洋基? 05/10 22:28

Tmk: 你自己心虛的吧 05/10 22:28

lukemarley: 上面不是有人直接指洋基連勝啥的嗎 05/10 22:28

lukemarley: 我看你是自己見獵心喜的可能性比較高吧,我幹嘛管你想 05/10 22:30

Tmk: 對啊 就是可以類比而已,也沒直指您們作弊啊 05/10 22:30

lukemarley: 嘲諷誰 05/10 22:30

Tmk: 兩隊都沒作弊不好嗎 又沒臭貴隊 05/10 22:30

lukemarley: Okay,反正我們兩個本來就不是針對同一件事發表意見, 05/10 22:33

lukemarley: 還這裡一個清淨吧 05/10 22:33

lukemarley: 我也坐等無法面對現實的基迷出來敗人品 05/10 22:34

Tmk: 好,沒意見了 05/10 22:37

Roshiel: 這篇會水桶多少人呢?? 05/10 22:50

phenom42: 真敏感 一個比一個敏感 嘻嘻 05/10 23:09

joyeszhang: 美國呱吉是你? 05/11 03:08

es9114ian: 看標題就知道誰又會鬧版了w 05/11 08:12

tsaumond: 就....這篇一開始就先提到洋基,說洋基輸給對光芒系列賽 05/11 09:44

tsaumond: 後紐媒有這樣反應,那先聯想到洋基應該不算太奇怪吧? 05/11 09:44

g4c04: 一堆看到紐約兩字就高潮的lol 05/11 10:26

lookers: peace 05/11 11:10

mmchen: 美國蝸吉 05/11 20:03

SakuraHana: 跟塔綠班學的?只會抹黑 05/12 22:10
