[情報] Jacob deGrom:總有一天,我會把故事告訴你

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2023-01-31 23:55:39
留言 20則留言 (12推 0噓 8→)

Jacob deGrom Told Buck Showalter There's a 'Real' Story Behind Leaving New York Mets https://reurl.cc/NGVRom Q: Was it just a matter of getting out-bid, though? Did you feel Jake was all th at happy in New York? A: Yes, I do. I just talked to him the other day," he said, “someday I’d like to sit down with you and explain what really happened. I really thought I’d be back there.” "I’ll take him at his word, but I think it’s pretty simple: the Rangers made h im an offer that was light-years ahead of everyone else. Plus there’s no state income tax (in Texas) and he was looking for a place to spread out. He’s got it . Jake will be happy there and he’ll pitch well. He was great to have around, h e was always good with me. But the thing is, Jake is from rural central Florida. He just wants to be left alone to pitch. We’ll miss him, but I can’t dwell on it at this point." 梅子教頭Buck Showalter說他在地瓜FA去條子後 有和地瓜講過話,當時地瓜和他說 「總有一天我想和你坐下來解釋真正發生的事情」 他當時是認為自己會回梅子的 https://i.imgur.com/4U8Sf3K.png
修總則認為只是條子開的合約開最高罷了 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1675180541.A.1B2.html

YDSK: 這句話跟進藤光與塔矢亮講的好像XDD01/31 23:57

ualileigod: 當時認為自己是會回梅子的,只是條子錢實在太多了。 02/01 00:11

Fitzwilliam: 還是梅子有高層對他講了什麼話? 02/01 00:13

ChrisDavis: 我會站在世界之巔 02/01 00:17

cchhuu: 覺得梅子會願意跟吧結果沒跟 02/01 00:25

cchhuu: 換個環境也好 02/01 00:25

siliver: 條子多出那麼多,也沒啥好多說的 02/01 08:37

erimow: 條子這張盤到一個極點 沒有辦法 02/01 09:02

oceanman0704: 故事就是條子出太多忍不住了 02/01 12:10

Stras37: 應該也不能說盤啦 就是在跟地瓜的健康博弈而已 02/01 14:13

twoquarters: 故事就是三天之後,條子送上5年185M給我 02/01 15:45

borriss: 就算過兩年市場頂級約變60M 條子還是賭了超過三年啊(X 02/01 16:08

bon01215: 1樓XDD 02/01 17:40

mtyk10100: 原來是進藤光啊 02/01 19:50

four5: 我想要的遊艇實在太貴了 02/02 04:43

daniel021477: 被一樓笑死 02/02 15:07

devilsky: 本回但多 02/02 17:19

puku950817: 其實我覺得梅子休賽季操作 就是想把先發投手換得更健 02/04 13:00

puku950817: 康而已 02/04 13:00

tonyliu55: 我會試著把 那一年的故事 再接下去說完 02/11 01:41
