[情報] Jeff Bagwell:我沒有要接太空人GM

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2022-11-30 15:47:02
留言 14則留言 (9推 0噓 5→)

上一篇ESPN的報導中有提到 #1ZTEQ9JY (MLB) 本季太空人老闆本季引進名人堂球星Jeff Bagwell進球團 https://reurl.cc/334kvR On Tuesday, Bagwell leveled what seems to be thinly veiled criticism at Click an d his data-driven approach: “This game is played by humans, not numbers,” says @baseballhall of Fame Jeff Bagwell, who admits that he personally thinks the #Astros front office went too far toward analytics under James Click. #LevelUp pic.twitter.com/GPHj804qOC 今天Jeff Bagwell也承認他認為前任GM James Click太過於注重數據 Bagwell:球是人在打的 https://twitter.com/thevandalorian/status/1597625459335839745 Crane said the Astros are assembly candidates for general manager, but they aren ’t in a rush to name a new one, looking to January or before spring training to name one. He also noted assistant GM Bill Firkus and Jeff Bagwell flew to Miami to negotia te a contract with Abreu. 在José Abreu的加盟記者會上 太空人老闆說這次是由Jeff Bagwell和助理GM Bill Firkus 飛去邁阿密和José Abreu談約的 https://i.imgur.com/tCjzTb8.jpg
https://twitter.com/Chandler_Rome/status/1597630146491535360 Jeff Bagwell just hld court for close to 15 minutes. Much more to come, but he said multiple times he does not want to be the Astros general manager and would not interview for the position if asked. 但Jeff Bagwell本人多次強調,他不想當太空人GM 就算被要求來面試也不會去 https://twitter.com/bnightengale/status/1597625616828104705 Houston #Astros owner Jim Crane says he doesn’t expect to hire a GM before Janu ary, but will have one before spring training. 老闆也說不預期在明年一月前會選出新任GM --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1669794427.A.6A0.html

sarserror: 摧毀太空人靠你們了,加油11/30 16:03

siliver: 老闆兼GM就解決這件事了,喔耶~~~~11/30 16:14

polanco: 要回頭殺豬公了嗎 11/30 17:30

ottoj: 不至於,老闆超愛Jeff Luhnow團隊的 11/30 17:42

cc9i: 就不要拖到老闆自己來當 11/30 18:49

eee60109: 太空墜落? 11/30 20:12

abc12812: 這又沒啥 幫忙招募球星又不代表要自己下去做GM 11/30 20:36

cha122977: 好奇問一下…太鼓GM是屎缺嗎? 11/30 20:50

globekiller: 如果老闆愛插手管東管西 那的確很屎 11/30 21:03

ruudge: 蹲馬桶打法 vs 屎缺 11/30 21:32

coin330: 【【簡體字預警】】也許可以看下中國太空人球迷對GM和老 11/30 21:38

coin330: 闆的想法 11/30 21:38

coin330: https://i.imgur.com/1Puhe4v.png 11/30 21:38

SlamKai: 老闆自己當GM 12/01 00:46
