[情報] 雙城老闆將交班給40歲侄子

看板 MLB
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2022-11-29 11:12:02
留言 14則留言 (10推 1噓 3→)

https://reurl.cc/NGQ7A9 MINNEAPOLIS -- Minnesota Twins owner Jim Pohlad has handed day-to-day operations of the club to his nephew Joe Pohlad, the third generation of family leadership of the franchise. Jim Pohlad announced the transition in a letter to staff on Monday that was made public by the Twins. He said he will remain controlling owner, involved in Twin s and Major League Baseball business. Joe Pohlad will become executive chair, an d president and CEO Dave St. Peter and president of baseball operations Derek Fa lvey will report directly to him. 雙城老闆Jim Pohlad在美國時間週一發信給員工 宣佈將不再經手球團每日的運作,將交班給侄子Joe Pohlad 但他依然會掛老闆 Joe Pohlad is the son of Bob Pohlad, who sits on the Twins' executive board with Jim Pohlad, their other brother Bill Pohlad and St. Peter. Joe Pohlad's grandfa ther, Carl Pohlad, bought the Twins in 1984. He died in 2009. Joe Pohlad是雙城老闆兄弟Bob Pohlad的小孩 他們的爸爸Carl Pohlad在1984年買下雙城 Joe Pohlad has worked in the organization since 2007, most recently as executive vice president of brand strategy and growth. Joe Pohlad於2007年開始在雙城工作,現年40歲 https://i.imgur.com/FdMFTM1.jpg
左: Jim Pohlad 右: Joe Pohlad --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1669691524.A.B27.html

MapleLeaf151: 不自覺地注意髮際線 11/29 11:58

geneaven: 球隊很邊緣老闆很有錢 11/29 12:11

Bilison: 你基之友怎麼會邊緣 11/29 12:20

wuuman: 怎麼覺得不太像…. 11/29 12:25

wuuman: 頭髮是個好東西嗎XD 11/29 12:25

somebody1025: 蠻帥的 11/29 14:09

mygoing: 眼睛.嘴巴 11/29 14:43

cchhuu: 看成四歲侄子 11/29 16:57

ylrafale: 不是親生的,長得不像也不會太奇怪吧 11/29 16:59

yuenwwjd: 勝利組 11/29 16:59

iAsshole: 交棒、接班混在一起變交班。 11/29 17:39

josephh: 城牆表示 11/29 20:39

saiulbb: 好羨慕能在大聯盟工作 11/29 21:00

andy880036s: 改個運看能不能在季後賽止敗惹 11/30 09:17
