[情報] 馬林魚計畫留任GM Kim Ng、沒有打算重建

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作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2022-09-17 13:53:57
留言 23則留言 (15推 1噓 7→)

Marlins Planning To Retain GM Kim Ng By Anthony Franco | September 12, 2022 at 9:29pm CDT The Marlins are planning to bring back general manager Kim Ng, reports Barry Jac kson of the Miami Herald. He adds that Ng and owner Bruce Sherman met last week as the organization charts out a plan for the upcoming offseason. 根據邁阿密先鋒報的報導,馬林魚目前是計畫由Kim Ng繼續留任GM 最近她也和老闆Bruce Sherman見面了 It’s not particularly surprising, as there’s never been any indication Sherman was seriously considering replacing Ng. First hired over the 2020-21 offseason, Ng has been at the helm of the front office for the past two years. Much of tha t time was spent working alongside CEO Derek Jeter and vice president of scoutin g/player development Gary Denbo, but both have moved on from the franchise in re cent months. 這兩年和她合作的Derek Jeter、Gary Denbo都在今年走人惹 While Ng will hold onto her position at the top of the front office, Jackson rep orts that Miami is expected to make some changes both at the lower levels of the front office and on the major league coaching staff. Whether that extends to ma nager Don Mattingly remains to be seen, but the skipper is believed to be in the final year of his contract. Both Mattingly and the Marlins picked up a 2022 mut ual option on his deal last July, but there’s no indication the sides have exte nded their relationship beyond this year 但預期還是會有一些人事異動,例如說總教練Don Mattingly 今年是Mattingly和馬林魚合約的最後一年 雙方是在去年七月宣布執行2022的雙方選擇權的 但目前沒有跡象顯示雙方有在談續約 Speaking with Jackson, Sherman acknowledged the team’s performance this year “ has been immensely frustrating.” He indicated the club believed they’d be capa ble of contending for a playoff spot entering the season and admitted “we were not as good as we thought we’d be.” Sherman indicated they’d take another sho t at competing in 2023 and weren’t planning to orchestrate another rebuild. 老闆Bruce Sherman承認球隊今年的表現非常令人沮喪 他們應該有能力能進季後賽的 並表示球團下一季會繼續拚,不會選擇開始另一次重建 That aligns with recent reports that the club intends to again look for offensiv e help, perhaps by dangling some of its controllable pitching in trade. Asked by Jackson whether the lackluster early returns on the Soler and García contracts would deter the team from dipping into free agency, Sherman said “no” and ind icated they’d “continue to explore all options” to talent acquisition. At the same time, he largely demurred when asked about the payroll, noting only that h e “(expects) to continue to invest once again in our Major League payroll in 20 23.” 被問到Soler、García這兩張FA合約的成果,是否會影響馬林魚簽FA的意願 老闆說不會 https://reurl.cc/5pVQaM --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1663394039.A.519.html

n61208: Ng 是越南裔嗎? 該怎麼發音? 09/17 13:58

bestteam: 祖籍廣東 姓伍 09/17 13:59

catsondbs: 看訪問是讀"Ann" 09/17 14:03

popob: 黃的閩南語發音,吳和伍的廣東語發音都是ng 09/17 14:48

a1ibooda: 雖然不確定關聯 但馬大魚近年投手養成很強 09/17 15:14

lowl99: 馬丁利和Thames真的該滾了,打擊超爛,球季完要不要找簡森 09/17 15:19

lowl99: 來當CL看看,反正在糟也不會比他們BS還多 09/17 15:19

canisty: 其實這幾筆簽約跟交易當下看真的都不能說差,真的是地獄 09/17 15:25

canisty: 倒霉鬼就是 09/17 15:25

Aaronko: 季末了最多得分的球員只有40分,就知道打擊多慘 09/17 15:31

jkhcc: 伍佩琴? 09/17 15:48

Fitzwilliam: 就是伍佩琴啊 09/17 15:55

jack50087: 看能不能把幾隻SP拿去換棒子回來 09/17 15:58

jack50087: 像前幾年的Gallen換Jazz 09/17 15:59

a0987761110: 金鳥農場太多打者 馬魚農場好物都投手 09/17 16:37

blackcellar: Mattingly 快滾謝謝 09/17 19:22

air801130: Bow down to the Kim NG 09/17 19:47

eee60109: 總欸會換吧 不花錢買打者 09/17 20:03

yaxn: 還以為是keyNG 09/17 20:35

yoche2000: Ng 是廣東話的 "吳" 09/17 21:17

VeronicaMars: 福建話的話Ng 是黃欸 09/18 11:51

saidon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Ng 上面就寫伍佩琴了 09/19 08:50

saidon: 是有啥好吵的 09/19 08:50
