[外電] Domingo German疑似在IG宣布退休

看板 MLB
作者 sikerkuaitai (K)
時間 2020-07-18 14:21:35
留言 22則留言 (13推 0噓 9→)

Suspended Yankees RHP Domingo German says he's left baseball in cryptic Instagram posts https://sports.yahoo.com/suspended-yankees-rhp-domingo-german-says-hes-left-baseball-in-cryptic-instagram-posts-022311779.html Jack Baer·Writer July 18, 2020, 10:23 AM New York Yankees pitcher Domingo German, who is currently serving an 81-game suspension for domestic violence, said that he has left baseball in a cryptic Instagram story post on Friday. Following videos of himself playing with his kids in a pool and visiting the beach, German typed out seven words with no accompanying explanation: “Me fui del baseball, Gracias mi gente.” A translation, via ESPN’s Marly Rivera: “I’ve left baseball. Thanks everyone.” That was post was preceded by another cryptic post on German’s Instagram in which he said he would be proud of his professional baseball career if he doesn’t come back. Another translation, via Rivera: “Some people make history on both sides (?), I think I did my part at Yankee Stadium, if I decide not to come back, I will be very proud of my 11-year professional career. God bless everyone who has supported me.” If this really is German retiring from baseball, the Yankees apparently didn’ t have much notice. Yankees manager Aaron Boone told reporters on Friday that he had no information to offer about the situation, while German’s catcher Gary Sanchez said he hadn’t heard from German in awhile. German is poised to miss the entire 2020 MLB regular season due to an 81-game suspension he received after an incident in which he allegedly slapped his girlfriend at a charity gala last September. No criminal charges were filed against German, but MLB still placed him on administrative leave days after the incident. After missing the end of the 2019 MLB regular season and postseason, German had 63 games remaining on his suspension entering 2020. Due to the league’s shortened season, he would have to wait until Game 4 of a potential Yankees ALDS appearance before he could return to the mound. In three seasons with the Yankees, German holds a career 4.52 ERA and had something of a breakout season last year before his suspension. The 27-year-old led the Yankees with 18 wins in 2019 while posting a 4.03 ERA and 153 strikeouts in 143 innings. 因家暴而遭到禁賽81場的洋基投手Domingo German 在個人IG發布了他跟孩子正在玩水的動態 並留下一句「我要離開棒球了。感謝各位。」 由於這則貼文來得太突然,顯得很可疑,而洋基球團事前也沒有收到任何情報 Aaron Boone與Gary Sanchez均沒有對此做出回應 German目前還剩下63場禁賽 因此他最快也得等到分區季後賽第四戰才有機會披上洋基球衣 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1595053299.A.20D.html

mirrorlee: 那麼年輕耶 是發生甚麼事 07/18 14:22

nanhu0423: 他還沒簽到大約吧 07/18 14:43

NYYAllRise: 超玻璃心... 07/18 14:43

tl20: Sanchez 是說有陣子沒有跟他聯絡,所以不知道這個退休宣告。 07/18 14:57

tl20: 不是沒有回應 07/18 14:58

Timekeeper: XDDDD 07/18 15:41

max2604: 感覺看看就好 07/18 15:55

chen5512: 有人不知道在腦補什麼 07/18 16:12

chinhsi: 這個球季不見得有機會上 說離開也沒錯 也沒說不回來 07/18 17:52

JoseIglesias: 揮拳之後發文? 07/18 18:32

lukemarley: 會說他可能已宣布退休是因為他先po了一篇文說如果他決 07/18 19:05

lukemarley: 定不回到棒球界的話,他也對自己11年的球員生涯感到 07/18 19:05

lukemarley: 驕傲。看起來好像在猶豫要不要回來,結果過沒多久又發 07/18 19:06

lukemarley: 了一篇限時說要離開棒球界 07/18 19:07

lukemarley: 這個球季被禁賽本來就回不來啊 07/18 19:07

c871111116: 道歉了XD 07/19 07:54

BrianFuentes: 了不起 負責 07/19 08:36

KKyosuke: 可是他一天以後就說對不起我還是要打球了.. 07/19 10:10

Miyanishi25: 我沒有說退休阿 我說的是效果 對~~ 07/19 10:37

gn1078311: 霧裡看花,一下不打了一下又要打了 07/19 11:07

davidex: 趕快出來說昨天是弟弟搶手機過去亂發文就好惹 07/19 11:31

MrNeverDie: 樓上XDDDDD 07/20 12:03
