[閒聊] 7支最適合Yasiel Puig的球隊

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作者 willywasd (dalikeanureeves)
時間 2020-06-25 21:40:07
留言 34則留言 (25推 1噓 8→)

新聞來源:https://reurl.cc/E7M9N0 作者:Thomas Harrigan 原標題:Here are the 7 best fits for Yasiel Puig The Wild Horse is ready to ride, but he doesn't have a destination just yet. In case you forgot, free agent Yasiel Puig never signed with a team before the coronavirus pandemic caused the regular season to be delayed and led to a freeze on all transactions. On Tuesday, MLB announced a plan to return to play, with players expected to report for training by July 1 and a 60-game season anticipated to commence on July 23 and 24. The transaction freeze will be lifted on Friday at noon ET, opening the door for Puig to possibly find a home before the regular season begins. And with the advent of the universal designated hitter for the 2020 campaign, there could be a few more fits for Puig now than there were during the offseason. Puig expressed his excitement for baseball's impending return on Twitter following Tuesday’s announcement and supplemented his tweet with the hashtag #letthewildhorseloose. Baseball is back and God knows I’m ready #letthewildhorseloose pic.twitter.com/ajfsX6Xd9z — Yasiel Puig (@YasielPuig) June 24, 2020 The 29-year-old was a league-average hitter last season (100 OPS+), but he owns a lifetime 122 OPS+ and has chipped in 23 or more homers and 15-plus steals in each of the past three seasons. Here are seven clubs that have an obvious need for the flamboyant outfielder. Best fits Giants San Francisco was linked to its long-time nemesis during the offseason, and The Athletic’s Jim Bowden reported Tuesday that the club is expected to be a player for Puig once the transaction freeze is lifted. Signing Puig would make sense for the Giants, who currently have 37-year-old Hunter Pence penciled in to play right field. Pence made the American League All-Star team in 2019, but he played just 23 games defensively for the Rangers. San Francisco also could use Pence as its DH, with Alex Dickerson in left, Billy Hamilton in center and Mike Yastrzemski in right, but that would mean relying on the oft-injured Dickerson to stay healthy and Hamilton to hit enough to justify his position in the lineup. D-backs Arizona won 85 games in 2019, then bolstered its outfield with its trade for center fielder Starling Marte and the addition of free-agent right fielder Kole Calhoun. The team's designated-hitter options are uninspiring, however, as likely starting DH Jake Lamb has posted a 75 OPS+ over the past two years while also missing considerable time due to injuries. Kevin Cron could get a shot after hitting .331/.449/.777 with 38 homers at Triple-A Reno last season, but he's a 27-year-old with 78 career MLB plate appearances to his name. At the very least, Puig would be an upgrade over Calhoun, Lamb or left fielder David Peralta against southpaws, although it's worth noting that the Cuban slugger has fared better when facing same-sided pitchers during his career, recording a lifetime .845 OPS vs. righties and a .762 OPS vs. lefties. Tigers Coming off a 114-loss season, the second most in franchise history, the Tigers made a number of under-the-radar offseason moves to improve their offense, signing C.J. Cron, Jonathan Schoop, Cameron Maybin and Austin Romine. That said, the outfield remains a major area of need, as Christian Stewart, JaCoby Jones and Victor Reyes are all in line to handle prominent roles. With or without Puig, the Tigers are unlikely to make the postseason, even if they get aggressive with top pitching prospects Casey Mize (MLB’s No. 7 overall prospect), Matt Manning (No. 24) and Tarik Skubal (No. 46). But the right-handed slugger could bring more respectability to Detroit’s lineup and give the team another bat to potentially sell before the Aug. 31 Trade Deadline. Cubs After missing the postseason and parting ways with manager Joe Maddon last year, the Cubs had a quiet offseason, with Steven Souza Jr., Jason Kipnis and Jeremy Jeffress representing their biggest signings. Meanwhile, Chicago still has an unsettled center-field situation and now has to worry about filling the DH spot. Kyle Schwarber is an obvious choice for DH, but that would just create an opening in left field. The Cubs have Kris Bryant, Javier Báez, Anthony Rizzo and Schwarber under control for only one more season after this, as well as an aging rotation with no member under 30. This could be their best chance to win one more title with their current core, and Puig would help the cause. Angels Is Jo Adell (MLB’s No. 6 prospect) ready to make a big league impact? The 21-year-old had an .834 OPS in the Minors overall last season, but a .676 mark with no home runs in 131 plate appearances at Triple-A. If the Halos think the answer is no, it would put more pressure on Justin Upton to rebound and for Brian Goodwin to build on his solid production (109 OPS+) at age 28 in 2019. It would be fun to see Puig back in SoCal, teaming up with Mike Trout, Anthony Rendon and Shohei Ohtani for a season. Pirates Pittsburgh arguably has the worst DH situation of any NL team, and its lineup lacks pop behind Josh Bell, who produced a career-high 37 homers, 37 doubles, 116 RBIs and 143 OPS+ last season. Bringing Puig on board would address both problems and give the Pirates some added depth in case Gregory Polanco doesn’ t rebound from an injury-plagued 2019 campaign. Rockies After making no notable additions to a pitching staff that posted the worst ERA (5.56) in the NL last season, the Rockies will likely need to lean on their bats to earn a playoff berth in 2020. Colorado has a nice offensive nucleus made up of Nolan Arenado, Trevor Story, Charlie Blackmon and David Dahl, but it drops off after that. Nobody else on the club had an OPS+ over 88 in 2019. 這匹脫韁的野馬準備出發,但他暫時沒有目的地。 以防你忘記,自由球員Yasiel Puig在因為疫情而凍結交易之前,未與任何球隊簽約。星期 二,MLB宣布賽季重啟,球員預計會在7月1日回歸春訓,並且在7月23、24日開始60場的賽 季。 交易將在星期五中午解凍,這讓溥儀哥有機會在例行賽開始之前找到新東家。而且隨著DH 制將普遍實施,提供了讓更多球隊簽下他的誘因。 在消息公布之後,溥儀哥在推特表達了對於即將回歸賽場的興奮之情,還在推文末加上了 #letthewildhorseloose的標籤。 Baseball is back and God knows I’m ready #letthewildhorseloose https://imgur.com/gsvfPi8 — Yasiel Puig (@YasielPuig) June 24, 2020 Twitter連結:https://reurl.cc/KknamR 這位29歲的球員上一季為聯盟平均水準的打者(OPS+ 100),但他生涯平均的OPS+為122, 在過去三個賽季都有23轟和15盜以上的成績。 這裡有七支球隊需要這位愛現的外野手。 舊金山巨人 傳聞巨人隊在休賽期間將簽下溥儀哥,依據The Athletic記者Jim Bowden星期二的報導, 一旦交易解凍之後,溥儀哥有望成為該球隊的一員。對於巨人隊來說,簽下溥儀哥是合理 的,陣中預定由37歲的Hunter Pence擔任右外野手。Pence在2019年入選了全明星隊,但是 他只為遊騎兵隊守了23場比賽。巨人隊也可以將Pence移至DH,讓Alex Dickerson守左外, Billy Hamilton守中外以及Mike Yastrzemski守右外,但這代表著球隊將會依賴經常受傷 的Dickerson保持健康,和依賴Hamilton打出水準的成績以在打線中佔有一席之地。 亞利桑那響尾蛇 響尾蛇隊在2019賽季贏了85場比賽,接著交易來中外野手Starling Marte和簽下右外野手 Kole Calhoun。然而,DH制的實施可能沒這麼令人興奮,可能的人選Jake Lamb在過去兩季 繳出了75的OPS+的成績,且因為傷勢缺席了很長一段時間。Kevin Cron有可能有機會試試 看,他上季在3A打出了.331/.449/.777外帶38支全壘打的成績,但他已經27歲了,且生涯 在大聯盟打了78個打席。至少,溥儀哥在面對左投時,會是比Calhoun、Lamb或左外野手 David Peralta更好的選擇,然而值得注意的是,這位古巴強打在對上同側的投手時表現比 較好,其生涯對上右投的成績為.845 OPS,左投則是.762 OPS。 底特律老虎 在迎接114敗,也就是隊史第二多敗的賽季之後,老虎隊在休賽季做了一些低調的補強來改 善他們的進攻,簽下了C.J. Cron、Jonathan Schoop、Cameron Maybin和Austin Romine。 這代表外野手仍是主要需補強的部分,目前陣中的Christian Stewart、JaCoby Jones和 Victor Reyes都將擔任重要的腳色。不管溥儀哥是否加盟,老虎隊都不太可能打進季後賽 ,即使他們擁有頂尖的投手新秀:Casey Mize(潛力新秀第7名)、Matt Manning(24)和 Tarik Skubal(46)。但是溥儀哥能夠讓老虎隊的打線更體面一點,並且成為在831大限前的 交易籌碼之一。 芝加哥小熊 去年在錯失了季後賽並與教練Joe Maddon分道揚鑣之後,小熊隊在休賽季的動作靜悄悄, Steve Souza Jr.、Jason Kipnis和Jeremy Jeffress為球隊最大的補強。與此同時,小熊 隊中外野手的情況未明,而現在又得擔心煩惱DH的位置由誰擔任。Kyle Schwarber是個明 顯的選擇,但是這會讓左外野唱空城。目前Kris Bryant、Javier Báez、Anthony Rizzo 和Schwarber只剩一年的控制權,加上輪替陣容的老化,沒有一位選手在30歲以下。今年可 能是他們再添一冠的最好機會,而溥儀哥能夠幫助他們。 洛杉磯天使 Jo Adell(潛力新秀第6名)準備好要衝擊大聯盟了嗎?這位21歲的新秀去年在小聯盟總計 .834 OPS的成績,但其中在3A的成績,131個打席只有.676的OPS且沒有任何的全壘打。 如果球隊認為他尚未準備好的話,那麼壓力就會落在Justin Upton的成績能否反彈,以及 Brian Goodwin能否繼續穩定貢獻(2019年 29歲 109 OPS+)。如果能夠看到溥儀哥回到南加 州,與Mike Trout、Anthony Rendon和大谷翔平一起打球的話將會很有趣。 匹茲堡海盜 海盜隊可以說是新制下整個國聯狀況最糟的的球隊,陣中打線除了Josh Bell以外乏善可陳 ,他在去年擊出生涯新高的37支全壘打、37支二壘安打、116分打點和143的OPS+;而如果 Gregory Polanco無法從傷病中反彈的話,簽進溥儀哥將能夠解決以上兩個問題同時補強 陣容的深度。 科羅拉多洛磯 洛磯隊去年的投手陣容的防禦率為5.56,為國聯最差。在沒有明顯的補強下,他們很可能 需要靠自己的力量贏得季後賽的席次。洛磯隊有著優秀的進攻核心,由Nolan Arenado、 Trevor Story、Charlie Blackmon和David Dahl組成,但除了他們之外,去年陣中沒有人 的OPS+超過88。 -- 溥儀哥 vs. Nick Hundley https://youtu.be/sYgETwPy9fM
https://imgur.com/TqQQOFo --
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Edison1174: 聲音大的適合去悍將 06/25 21:40

trylin: 北海道火腿鬥士缺一個好的洋砲 06/25 21:41

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sustainer123: 還因雨停賽XD 06/25 21:48

davidex: 富邦呢? 06/25 21:51

borriss: 今年FA進度意外的比前幾年快 結果... 06/25 22:09

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xo1100: 我酒收 06/25 22:23

kiygkiyg: 巨人有瘋邦 溥儀敢去? 06/25 22:34

dknymaster: 樓上去響尾蛇了? 06/25 22:40

superiorNTU: 富邦 06/25 23:08

es9114ian: 說瘋邦在巨人的是有多雲啊? 06/25 23:21

ultratimes: 都和Z魔神 科校衝突過了 多一個瘋邦是有差嗎? 06/26 00:10

ShawDie: 他還單挑海盜隊 06/26 00:25

HuanYuWu: 比較好奇60場的一年約,價格會是多少 06/26 00:33

kkjjkkjj: 富邦 06/26 00:38

william80730: 今年不可能24HR 06/26 01:05

FRANKYCHang: 去海盜XDDDDDS 06/26 01:06

BBBBBBBB: 以為有富邦 06/26 02:53

mtyk10100: 瘋邦都去蛇了 06/26 04:14

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LoveRainie: 蠻適合富邦的 06/26 07:58

Ktime: 小熊要的是乖乖牌,聽話的吧 06/26 09:57

aha8877: 果然有海盜XDDD 06/26 10:31

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CmDawn: 爪爪呢? 06/26 22:05

nolimits: 富邦悍將吧 06/27 00:50

Kevin0608: 富邦悍將.日本火腿 06/27 11:21

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cnconnhc: 去給屏東太陽調一下 07/05 11:36
