[外電] MLB拒絕了工會提出的114場比賽提案

看板 MLB
作者 Zodelyst (ㄌㄉㄌㄊ)
時間 2020-06-04 09:07:02
留言 50則留言 (31推 2噓 17→)

https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/mlb-owners-reject-mlbpas-114-game-proposal- for-2020-season-per-report/ MLB owners reject MLBPA's 114-game proposal for 2020 season, per report 作者:R.J.Anderson On Sunday, the MLB Players Association submitted a proposal to Major League Ba seball for a 2020 season that would include, among other aspects, a 114-game r egular season and expanded playoffs. It took the league a few days to respond, but on Wednesday owners rejected the union's proposal and said they would not send a counteroffer, according to Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic. 週日會議,工會提出了一份114場比賽與延長季後賽的計畫。但被老闆們打槍,而且將不 會以此為主體進行討價還價。 The owners are said to want a shorter regular season, perhaps as short as 50 o r 60 games, with an emphasis on getting to the postseason quickly. The hope is to have the postseason completed before a possible second wave of the novel c oronavirus can sweep the country, thus ensuring the league pockets all of the money from playoff television deals. (The union, as part of its proposal, incl uded the potential for mass deferrals if the postseason was canceled due to a renewed spread of COVID-19.) 老闆們認為應該集中的進行比賽,也許50-60場然後快速的進行季後賽。 藉此完全轉播合約,避免因為祖國的汕液的二次傳播導致大規模停賽 It should be noted that refusing to make a counteroffer is a well-known negoti ating tactic, one commonly employed in baseball circles by agent Scott Boras, and that the league's stance does not necessarily mean the 2020 season is enda ngered. Still, this was eyed as a pivotal week if the two sides wanted to begi n play sometime in early July, and so far there's been limited momentum toward a deal. 這是知名經紀人Boras常在談判中使用的戰略,接受或離開桌面。不接受議價。 如果雙方有共識在7月開賽,本週將會是關鍵的一週。但目前為止,雙方互相妥協的動力 相當有限。 Earlier this week, ESPN's Jeff Passan reported that commissioner Rob Manfred w ould be willing to force a shortened season with prorated salaries if the two sides could not strike an agreement. That season would be about half as long a s the players' desired length. 早些時候,ESPN一篇由Passan的報導指出,Rob Manfred專員表示,若雙方沒辦法達成共 識,將會強硬的縮減賽期,縮短幅度只有球員希望的一半(也就是11x變50-60) While the sides remain apart on the money and season length, it appears they'r e closer than not when it comes to the health component. Indeed, the players a re expected to get "much of what they want on health and safety," according to SNY's Andy Martino. 雖然雙方對賽季長度與薪資沒有共識,但對安全防範上卻有相同立場, SNY的Martino表示 至少球員能夠得到他們希望的健康與安全 Originally, the league had sent the union a 67-page proposal that laid out its vision for testing and safety protocols. That document included guidelines on travel, clubhouse arrangement, and players' etiquette when on the road. The u nion subsequently offered revisions, with players reportedly wanting more acce ss to workout and recovery equipment. 最初,聯盟提出了67頁提案,主要是維護大家的安全,包含移動時的規範與準備。工會則 提出修改意見,希望更大程度的讓球員使用訓練設施 MLB had originally intended to launch its season on March 26.Two weeks prior, the league was forced to hit pause, alongside every other in-season profession al sports league, due to the spread of COVID-19. 原本MLB預計在3/26開季,但如同其他職業運動,他們被迫暫停了本賽季,因為武漢肺炎 -- 目前最嚴謹的方式應該是球員及家屬一起住進封閉專區 隔離完成後開始密集比賽 比賽全部打完之前不開放進出 在沒有觀眾的前提 應該足夠安全
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1591232825.A.B9D.html

EEERRIICC: 好的,中國武漢肺炎06/04 09:11

baseballbin: 明年見06/04 09:20

m54108: see you next year 06/04 09:35

Roshiel: 中国武汉肺炎 06/04 09:46

whhw: 幹你武漢肺炎06/04 09:53

sustainer123: 垃圾支那賤畜武漢肺炎 籠的傳人死全家zzzz 06/04 09:55

HugoBoss: 當打之年的神鱒無法累積數據惹06/04 09:56

kenkenken31: 美日根本沒有控制住疫情,還想開打太賭運氣了06/04 10:06

Zodelyst: 集中式無人比賽應該可行 06/04 10:09

coolrr: 垃圾支那武漢肺炎 06/04 10:12

coolrr: 害人沒球看 06/04 10:13

ganhua: 中國武漢肺炎害人不淺= = 06/04 10:27

kenkenken31: 打球打成像當兵關進營區,球員也不想這麼自虐阿 06/04 10:52

Aretimis7345: 真的無觀眾比賽 當然越少場越好 打一場賠一場 06/04 10:55

ca1123: Manfred是會長不是專員 06/04 11:00

Eddward: 不意外 這個方案PA那邊也知道會被打槍主要還是希望建立 06/04 11:03

Eddward: 溝通的橋樑 06/04 11:03

catsondbs: 這種隔離亞州人或許可以 美國人晚上會跑出來吧 06/04 11:21

j07242054: 我覺得這季就跳過吧 06/04 11:44

Lmkcat: 跳過轉播合約一毛都沒拿會虧到爆炸啊 06/04 12:05

asd25: 折衷一下80場吧 06/04 12:58

phenom42: 幹你的中國武漢肺炎 06/04 13:26

combro40: 全世界都陸續談妥甚至開打了 就你MLB勞資還在吵 你各位 06/04 13:37

combro40: 還只會單純靠背武漢肺炎? 06/04 13:37

borriss: 有些高級社區都搞成高防的小城了 擴大搞起來好像也不難? 06/04 13:54

chen5512: 有些人滿腦的政治,真是令人無法同情 06/04 14:03

wakuwaku: 所有公開議題都是政治啊 06/04 14:08

sustainer123: 好的 支那賤畜製造的支那賤畜武漢肺炎 06/04 14:16

HugoBoss: 有些人還不懂所有事情都與政治息息相關... 06/04 14:52

willywasd: 114場太多了 82場加季後賽比較剛好吧 06/04 15:34

aljust12: 6個月打162場 6月底就少3個月了 折衷打80+場還差不多 06/04 18:38

aljust12: 如果不想影響明年賽季的話 最晚也只能打到聖誕節前@南灘 06/04 18:39

karta328: 只剩50場還要看啥 少說也要一半 06/04 21:07

appshjkli: 不爽不要看 06/04 21:53

mirac1e: 今年就不要打了 對大家都好 真要開打都七月了 06/04 22:52

jasonshc: 中斷一年後會有很多球員被淘汰 06/05 01:33

dp44: 只能賺轉播啊 但好歹也能賺到 不打就什麼都沒有了 06/05 02:05

hpisok: 打無人還有轉播可以加減賺,不開打什麼都沒有,合約還照 06/05 07:45

hpisok: 樣跑 06/05 07:45

abc12812: 轉播錢不夠付球員薪水阿 不然如果有打有賺那幹嘛拒絕 06/05 08:01

abc12812: 114場的提案? 06/05 08:01

abc12812: 沒打不用付球員薪水 損失還比較小 06/05 08:01

Roshiel: 不打不用付薪水,球員也無法打出成績來增加談薪籌碼 06/05 11:13

Roshiel: 球員想打,要拿出東西來說服老闆打啊 06/05 11:13

borriss: Moustakas 是不是最衰的 季後秀第三季還沒結束(X 06/05 13:31

x265: 美國到現在每日新增人數還是兩萬多降不下來 是要怎麼打? 06/05 16:23

RBC54321: 只打60場變數就大了 有些被看好的強隊甚至 06/05 18:12

RBC54321: 可能還進不了季後賽 真的是不想看到這種 06/05 18:13

shepherdy: 好的 幹你支那肺炎 06/06 07:06

hoos891405: 美國人自己問題也很大 06/07 13:21
