[情報] 洋基對交易Stroman, Giles感興趣

看板 MLB
作者 NKUHT (天大地大)
時間 2019-07-10 20:16:56
留言 52則留言 (29推 1噓 22→)

標題:Yankees trade rumors: New York inquiring about package deal for Blue Jay s’ Marcus Stroman, Ken Giles 內文: The Yankees could be looking to acquire a pair of Blue Jays pitchers. New York has inquired about a potential package deal for Toronto starter Marcu s Stroman and reliever Ken Giles, according to a report from TSN. Blue Jays ge neral manager Ross Atkins, however, may prefer to move the pair separately, th e report says. 洋基有興趣跟藍鳥提出Stroman,Giles的交易,但藍鳥總經理偏向將兩位球員各自交易換 取不同的包裹。 Stroman holds a 5-9 record with a 3.18 ERA in 18 starts this season. He has sp ent his entire six-year career with the Blue Jays. Stroman本季十八場先發繳出五勝九敗,防禦率3.18,生涯六年都待在藍鳥。 "I'm starting to really, truly understand the business of baseball and the bus iness of sports," Stroman said last month, via Sportsnet. "They've been throwi ng my name around in trade talks all the time. It doesn't seem like I'm going to be signed here to a long-term deal. It's just something you have to come to terms with." Stroman表示他開始了解棒球圈的生態,當他的名字一直出現在交易傳聞裡,他覺得他看 不出來藍鳥會提供他一份長約。 Stroman has been dealing with a pectoral issue, which caused him to be scratch ed from his scheduled start last week. Stroman 一直受傷勢影響,他在上周的表定先發無法如期出賽。 I love this team," Stroman said. "I love Toronto. I love everything about the country and I'm going to continue to go out there each and every start and jus t compete, compete, compete. Do everything I can to limit runs. Stroman表示他很愛藍鳥隊,很愛多倫多以及加拿大,接下來的比賽都會全力以赴,竭盡 所能繳出好表現。 "It seems like everyone's saying I'm not going to be (here after the July 31 d eadline). I don't know. I'm doing everything in my power to keep that out of m y head. The more (time) I spend thinking about that, the more it's going to ta ke away from me on the field." Stroman說:大家都認為我似乎會在交易大限前被送走,我很努力不去想這事,我越去想 ,越不能專心比賽。 Giles has recorded 13 saves and a 1.45 ERA in 31 appearances in 2019. The Dodg ers and Twins are reportedly interested in him, as well. Giles本季31場的出賽有13場救援成功,防禦率為1.45,據聞道奇跟雙城對交易他也有興 趣。 The Yankees entered the All-Star break in first place of the American League E ast with a 57-31 record. They're expected to add at least one starter before t he trade deadline and have also been linked to Zack Wheeler and Trevor Bauer. 在上半季結束後,洋基目前57勝31敗暫居第一 ,他們預計會再交易大限前補上至少一名 先發,Trevor Bauer跟Zack Wheeler也是其交易人選。 來源:https://reurl.cc/7xElk --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1562761018.A.3E8.html

Mooooose: AZB:盤盤盤盤盤 交易XX不簽OO 盤盤盤 07/10 20:18

gt12345: 樓下鋼鐵基粉 07/10 20:19

Eddward: AZB:當初簽Happ盤爆 現在還不是要換先發 07/10 20:22

canisty: 洋基那個鳥農場......不送Frazier根本換不到,但是如果送 07/10 20:22

canisty: 出Frazier只換到剩下一年控制權的又浪費了 07/10 20:22

ClintFrazier: 已經躲過一個731 這次還能嗎 07/10 20:23

ClintFrazier: 有人要開賭盤嗎 07/10 20:23

ClintFrazier: 不對 是兩個731 07/10 20:27

jorgesoler: Giles小熊不是之前也在問 不然聊天木去洋基 Giles去小 07/10 20:31

jorgesoler: 熊 然後不得人緣的frazier去藍鳥 (茶) 07/10 20:31

forever3207: 6樓會不會要換制服穿了? 07/10 20:33

wei717: 聊天木沒什麼價值吧...哪換得到好東西 07/10 20:45

alpacaHong: 藍鳥Sanchez受傷後整個大爆炸,現在Stroman也要走了 07/10 21:13

Toy17: 洋基:我全都要.jpg 07/10 21:22

dinos: 拿C.Frazier換聊天木,這idea有創意 07/10 21:33

appshjkli: 聊天木小熊自己留著用 謝謝 07/10 21:33

dragon50119: Giles到時候表現不好又會被基迷嘴爆XDD 07/10 21:39

geneaven: Giles...去洋基打不好的話不知道會不會被主場噓到崩潰 07/10 21:40

ClintFrazier: 天天上演hit himself (X 07/10 21:41

sai9288: Giles 算有修好吧 可是感覺季後賽還是會爆欸 07/10 22:10

phoenix286: 當年可以出到Torres換Chapman 現在Frazier換Giles會很 07/10 22:18

phoenix286: 怪嗎? 07/10 22:18

Edwardex: 樓上,我相信洋基迷會覺得虧 07/10 22:19

skatekid: 覺得洋基很缺一個強力先發 07/10 22:24

es9114ian: 現在洋基跟Bauer的rumor最多 07/10 22:46

alex2426chen: 阿Ken在HOU被噓到不見人影 還好球隊最後有贏 07/10 22:48

AZBTPATONY: 笑死洋基就是愛這種的 不上不下的投手一堆 07/10 22:50

Tyrone: 樓下YNO表示: 07/10 22:51

Tyrone: 哇 我慢了 07/10 22:51

LoveATJ: 果然扯到這個某些人就出籠了顆顆 07/10 23:25

band881: 聊天木這個負資產沒人要吧 07/10 23:28

geneaven: Giles有遇強則弱,遇弱則強這種出包特性 07/10 23:32

lukemarley: 洋基哪有鳥農場 Deivi Garcia 最近才被列為Baseball P 07/10 23:33

lukemarley: rospectus 的25th Florial 最差也有百大後段 Gil Abre 07/10 23:33

appshjkli: NY有很好的牛棚也有還算穩定的CL 又不像當年小熊一樣 07/10 23:33

lukemarley: u 都是有潛力的投手 07/10 23:33

lukemarley: 洋基農場還是聯盟中段 07/10 23:34

appshjkli: 缺CL 更何況當年Torres跟本沒上MLB驗貨過 07/10 23:34

lukemarley: 不出Frazier還是可以換到Stroman 07/10 23:34

appshjkli: NY農場現在應該是MLB後段 潛力很多還沒打出來 07/10 23:35

lukemarley: 但也沒有到不出Frazier 就換不到Stroman ,而且也不是 07/10 23:39

lukemarley: 鳥農場 07/10 23:39

lukemarley: 如果注重Upside的會覺得是中段,看成績的scout會評後 07/10 23:40

lukemarley: 段 07/10 23:40

n61208: Giles感覺抗壓性不是很夠 07/11 01:30

bossman5566: 推一個高餐妹 07/11 01:54

qozxcv: 這週去紐約先發完就直接走去主場 07/11 07:12

Werth: Giles明顯不是在太空人撞牆那位了 07/11 07:56

Rayshief: YNO不會缺席 07/11 11:40

decorum: 把王牌送到同區 一般會避免這麼做 07/11 14:32

cha122977: 重建中的球隊比較沒顧慮吧 07/12 00:28

SANP: 洋基很想要薛蛇 但國民不放人xd 07/12 13:58
