[外電] Albert Pujols首次重回紅雀主場

看板 MLB
作者 LoveWin7 (WIN 7再戰10年)
時間 2019-06-22 14:50:11
留言 31則留言 (22推 0噓 9→)

https://www.mlb.com/cut4/albert-pujols-and-yadier-molina-hug-at-home Albert Pujols and Yadier Molina hugging at home added a beautiful chapter to their long friendship The world was a different place on June 3, 2004. Barack Obama was merely some state senator from Illinois. The biggest movie to debut that weekend was "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." (The books were years from concluding.) The Red Sox, Cubs and White Sox were still in the middle of long championship droughts. And Yadier Molina and Albert Pujols played together on the Cardinals for the first time. Pujols was already a star, having finished runner-up for National League MVP in the previous two seasons, whereas Molina was simply the third of his brothers to catch in the Majors. The youngest Molina's career surpassed them both, and thanks in no small part to the feats of Pujols and Molina, the Cardinals excelled. No NL team was more successful than St. Louis, as the team captured three pennants and a pair of World Series rings -- first in 2006 ... Pujols thus passed the mantle as the unofficial captain of the Cardinals onto Molina, who has remained their rock behind the plate. It took until Friday night for Pujols to return to Busch Stadium for a game with his new team, the Angels, but the duo's friendship never waned. This fact was readily apparent as the two embraced in the lower hallways of the ballpark before the game. When the moment arrived at last for Pujols to take his first at-bat in St. Louis as a visitor, the Cardinals made sure that their former star got his due from the fans. That included Molina coming out from behind home plate as Pujols approached the batter's box. Pujols thanked his old pal with a huge hug. Molina has often referred to Pujols as his "big brother" in the past. Those bonds are as tight as ever. It's reunions like this that help capture the human emotions behind baseball. Both a city and a team come together to embrace an old friend. Whether it's Ken Griffey Jr. coming back to Seattle or Mike Piazza homering again at Shea Stadium as a Padre, it's always special. Pujols' return to St. Louis was no different, and Yadi made it even better. 39歲老將Albert Pujols,自上次2011年世界大賽之後因天使與紅雀三連戰的緣故 他首次回到紅雀主場 Albert Pujols在一局上兩出局時,首次上場打擊,在場的球迷給他最大歡呼, 同時Albert Pujols也給昔日的老戰友Yadier Molina一個大大的擁抱 Albert Pujols與Yadier Molina的情誼始於2004年,當時的Albert Pujols已經是紅雀 知名球星,兩人在紅雀隊八年時間幫球隊拿下兩座冠軍 雖然Albert Pujols已經離開紅雀一段時間,但是他與Yadier Molina的兄弟關係還是不變 這三場比賽也許是Albert Pujols最後一次以球員的身分在紅雀主場比賽,因此, Albert Pujols在賽前吸引不少當地球迷來找他簽名。 -- 其實2013、2016年天使也是有跟紅雀對戰,只不過都是在天使主場比賽 下一次例行賽紅雀要跟天使對戰得等到2022年 不然就是世界大賽上演紅雀VS天使 Pujols合約是走到2022年,也就是他要打到42歲這份合約才會走完 紅雀當年只給他9年合約,天使直接給他10年合約,這也是Pujols會去天使的原因 不過Pujols是生涯有超過600轟的現役球員,下一個能達成600轟的球員不知道是誰 沒意外的話應該是會進HOF,紅雀有可能會退休他的5號球衣(天使會不會這麼做不清楚) 像是A-Rod因為有涉及禁藥,能不能進HOF也是個問題

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1561186214.A.9DD.html

iverson7761: 04、06、11世紀大賽都有跟到,感動 06/22 15:05

iverson7761: 看到普神39真的時光飛逝 06/22 15:06

accjm2440: 不知不覺合約也走到第8年了 06/22 15:15

mirrorlee: 第一次看到敵對主場站4次的 有人看過其他球員也這麼受 06/22 15:27

mirrorlee: 喜愛的嗎 06/22 15:27

eric761201: 感動 06/22 15:38

ck3300511: Freese 也是 06/22 15:40

swolf0608: 聖路易的球迷 真的很棒 06/22 15:57

edhuang: 別急 系列賽剩下兩場一定也會是這樣的 06/22 16:14

KKyosuke: Pujols要不進HOF除非出事 06/22 16:33

peanuti: 淚推..從紅雀少年強打到現在 06/22 18:30

Nuey: 為什麼下次要等到2022年啊 06/22 20:03

sean0912: 跨聯盟一個球季才4~6個系列賽 你15隊輪3年差不多輪到 06/22 20:12

SinShih: 他就算現在退休都穩進名人堂 06/22 20:37

linmath: 不知普神是否會以紅鳥身分進名人堂.... 06/22 20:59

accjm2440: 應該會選紅雀吧? 06/22 21:14

tbrs: 可是他在天使錢領比較多呢 06/22 21:36

karl7238: 普神的巔峰期都奉獻給紅雀了 06/22 22:16

kee32: 好感人耶! 06/23 01:19

wangazi: EA MVP時期首選 如今已39... 06/23 01:55

mepass: 天使球衣應該不會退休吧 打那什麼成績 06/23 09:36

asd097287: 樓上中肯 06/23 12:07

pttverygood: 普神離開前,離開後變普人。聖路易球迷都很感謝他XD 06/23 13:46

rolandyu: 其實到天使後也還好,是之前在紅雀太猛 06/23 16:25

ChrisDavis: 天使有一年是全聯盟最爛打者....這叫做還好== 06/23 16:37

alaokj: https://youtu.be/PQErWYBAAl4 06/23 21:41

alaokj: 直覺聯想到這幕 06/23 21:42

alaokj: https://youtu.be/1oJjJddGa8Y 06/23 21:43

alaokj: 到馬林魚還再一次 06/23 21:43

saidon: 普人到天使至少還有hr和rbi能看拉 其他則慘不忍睹 06/24 00:31

Rodriguez: Pujols就算只取紅雀的11年成績也能進名人堂 06/24 03:40
