[外電] MVP們的MVP時刻

看板 MLB
作者 vic830710 (vic830710)
時間 2018-11-17 01:02:23
留言 6則留言 (5推 0噓 1→)

https://goo.gl/MExvEo What was the exact moment when Mookie Betts and Christian Yelich won their MVP Awards? 到底今年兩位MVP是在什麼時候確立了自己贏下MVP的聲勢呢? Mookie Betts and Christian Yelich didn't win their 2018 MVP Awards because of just one play. They won them because they were awesome, over and over again, for 162 games -- at the plate, in the field, on the bases, and really everywhere else, too. Still, there's one thing we know to be true: Every MVP has an MVP Moment -- the point at which everyone seems to collectively say, "OK, yeah, this is the guy." Just what were those moments for Betts and Yelich this year? Let's investigate. 當然,他們兩個不會僅僅因為特定的一場比賽、或一個精彩的打擊或是守備演出就拿到今 年度的MVP:他們是靠著全年均衡的攻跑守,以及162場比賽間每一個環節上的傑出表現來 贏得這個獎項。然而,就像大家都知道的:這整年MVP的表現中還是有個最特別的時刻, 一個會讓大家看完脫口而出:「好!今年的MVP就是他了!」的瞬間。到底今年兩位的MVP 時刻是什麼呢? AL: As you might expect from the man who has seemingly never not been good at something, Betts provided plenty of plays to choose from: There was the grand slam against Toronto, for example -- you know, the one where he nearly tripped and fell down rounding first base -- or his first career walk-off homer. And yet, somehow, we entered the final month of the year unsure whether Betts was even the most valuable player on his own team. J.D. Martinez was making a serious run at the Triple Crown, after all, and the two had seemingly entered into a months-long game of H-O-R-S-E. Then, after dropping the first two games of a three-game set at Yankee Stadium, Mookie basically clinched the AL East all by himself: Betts finished 4-for-5, including a three-run homer off Aroldis Chapman that iced things for good, and he removed all doubt as to which Red Sox truly owned 2018. 美聯:Mookie Betts〈美國時間09/20 BOS 11:6 NYY 美東封王戰〉 身為一個似乎無所不能的人,他今年當然有很多榮耀的瞬間讓人印象深刻,像是07/12那支 纏鬥13球之後撈出綠色怪物的滿貫砲(當然,也可能是因為HIGH到差點跑到跌倒才讓人印 象深刻)、或者是07/27對雙城打出生涯第一支再見全壘打…等等。 然而,當賽程進入九月的時候,其實關於MVP歸屬的風向還不是很明確,大家甚至還不是 一致性的同意他是隊內的MVP:JDM當下仍然是三冠王的有力競爭者,兩人似乎在多個月來 的表現難分高下。直到09/20在洋基主場的三連戰最後一場,這是個紅襪只要贏一場就能 在美東封王,但卻已經連輸兩場的系列賽。 Betts在最後這場比賽有5支4的驚人表現,包含對Chapman的三分砲在內共打下5分打點,幾 乎是一個人打下這場比賽,也打破洋基封王的最後一絲希望及任何可能的質疑,宣告紅襪 徹底的稱霸2018賽季。 什麼叫守備 https://goo.gl/KUFghx 07/12那一發 https://goo.gl/pggf8R 什麼叫跑壘 https://goo.gl/WJ61Ai 07/27那一發 https://goo.gl/51hPPu 什麼叫無所不能 https://goo.gl/thq35F NL: While the AL MVP race quickly whittled itself down to just a few major players, the Senior Circuit entered pennant race season about as wide open as wide open gets -- everybody from Javier Baez to Matt Carpenter to Freddie Freeman seemed like they had a real chance to take home the hardware. And then Yelich turned into the Human Torch for an entire month. Well, technically more than a month. In 31 games from from Aug. 28 to Oct. 1, Milwaukee's main man slashed a still-unbelievable .396/.514/.865 with 13 homers. His final two weeks were even crazier: Over his final 13 games, Yelich hit .488/.621/1.116 (!) with six homers and 13 extra-base hits. Despite those heroics, though, the Brewers entered the second-to-last day of the regular season tied with the Cubs atop the division, needing a win over the Tigers to keep pace and avoid the anxiety of the NL Wild Card Game. Although Detroit's season was already over, they were determined to play spoiler, scratching across runs in the fifth and sixth innings to tie the game at five. Things at Miller Park were tight. Then up stepped Yelich, already with one homer under his belt: Dinger No. 2 gave Milwaukee a 6-5 lead they wouldn't relinquish, and set the Brew Crew up to eventually win the division and come within one game of the World Series -- while serving as the feather on top of Yelich's dream season. 國聯:Christian Yelich〈美國時間09/29 DET 5:6 MIL 戰績追平小熊〉 相較於美聯中僅有少數幾個人會被大家提出來做為MVP的可能人選,國聯季後賽競爭者們 的戰績,以及各隊指標人物的MVP競爭,在九月前都沒有一定的答案:從小熊的Baez、紅 雀的Carpenter、到勇士的Freeman都有不低的機會可以把這個大獎抱回家。但這時,釀酒 人的Yelich開啟了為期整整一個月的賽亞人模式。 嚴格來說,在還要更長一點的08/28到10/01的31場比賽之間,他的打擊三圍是至今仍讓人 難以相信的.396/.514/.865並帶有13支HR;如果我們把時間範圍再縮小成最後兩週的13場 比賽,那以上的數字還會再上漲成.488/.621/1.116,打出包含6轟在內的13支長打。 然而,即便他整個月的表現都是如此威猛,但到了球季倒數第二天的時候,釀酒人還是在 國聯中區落後給小熊,需要確實在這一天贏下對老虎的比賽來確保不用進入外卡驟死賽。 而即使已確定不會有季後賽打,老虎也想認真的當個水鬼來拖人陪葬,在5局和6局的連續 得分後,比賽進入5:5平手的緊張局面。 而7局下,當天已經有一支HR的Yelich做為首名打者上場,立刻又賞了老虎Stumpf一發勝利 打點的陽春砲。最後釀酒人挾著這股氣勢稱霸國中並差一點打進世界大賽,這支全壘打也為 Yelich夢幻一般的球季做最後的裝飾。 什麼叫打擊 https://goo.gl/cMK7HY 其實我覺得國聯MVP是地瓜的〒△〒 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1542387829.A.F7F.html

epw: 地瓜光要發功抵擋大都會的DL屍氣就耗損了不知道幾成的真元了 11/17 01:16

epw: MVP這種就隨緣喇....... 11/17 01:17

GP01: 地瓜能擋住梅子的傷兵靈氣正常運作投球就超強滴 11/17 01:25

GodUareTall: Yelich打躲人的時候算進去了嗎 11/17 03:30

tortoise2006: Betts真的全能 11/17 09:11

madaux: 這種文蠻奇怪的 11/19 07:59
