[外電] Cashman: 希望可以留下Sabathia跟Happ

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-11-06 09:59:16
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來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yd28l87x Cashman: Yankees want to bring back Sabathia, Happ Cashman: 希望可以留下Sabathia跟Happ CARLSBAD, Calif. (AP) — Brian Cashman wants to bring CC Sabathia back for an 11th season with the New York Yankees, and he's also holding out some hope of re-signing J.A. Happ. Brian Cashman希望可以留下CC Sabathia,續打他第11個球季,也希望可以再簽下J.A. Happ。 Eight days after the Boston Red Sox won their fourth World Series title in 15 seasons — compared to one in that span for New York — Cashman arrived at the annual general managers' meetings searching for pitching. 在紅襪15年內奪下第四冠的八天後--洋基在這15年只拿下一冠--Cashman參加年度總管會 議,希望可以找到投手戰力。 "The Red Sox winning doesn't change the hunger level of trying to deliver a championship sooner than later for our fan base," the Yankees GM said Monday. "I think the hunger and the effort, the passion's there, despite the horrible outcome that took place in the World Series this year." 「紅襪拿下冠軍沒有改變我們希望為球迷盡快拿下一個冠軍的渴望,」星期一洋基總管 說。「我認為我們的渴望程度,我們的努力,我們的熱情一直都在,儘管今年最後的結果 很糟糕。」 After paying luxury tax for 15 straight years, a total of $341 million, the Yankees dropped below the threshold for the first time in 2018, when Boston took over as baseball's biggest spender for the first time since records began in the free-agent era. Cashman is a man with money to spend this offseason. 在連續繳了15年的奢侈稅,總計3億4100萬鎂,洋基在今年2018首度低於門檻,這讓紅襪第 一次成為聯盟繳稅的第一名。今年休賽季,Cashman有的是銀彈。 "Yeah, we got under the tax, but we're one of the higher payrolls in the game, as you would expect — and as it should be," he said. 「沒錯,我們是低於門檻,但是我們仍舊是聯盟裡薪資總額前幾名之一,一如大家所期 待--這也是應該的,」他說。 Cashman made his first move last week, re-signing 35-year-old outfielder Brett Gardner to a $7.5 million, one-year deal after declining his $12.5 million option and paying a $2 million buyout. Cashman在上周進行了第一步,再簽下35歲的外野手Brett Gardner,一年750萬鎂,他先拒 絕了他1250萬鎂的選擇權,付了200萬鎂買斷。 New York finished with a rotation of right-handers Luis Severino, Masahiro Tanaka and Lance Lynn along with left-handers Sabathia and Happ. 洋基本季投手群有右投Luis Severino,田中將大,Lance Lynn,以及左投Sabathia跟 Happ。 Only Severino and Tanaka are due back, and Cashman is expected to pursue a group of free-agent pitchers that also include left-handers Patrick Corbin and Dallas Keuchel. 只有Severino跟田中會確定回來,所以Cashman被認為會想要追求一些FA投手,包括左投 Patrick Corbin跟Dallas Keuchel。 Sabathia took a cut in salary from $25 million in 2017 to $10 million this year and went 9-7 with a 3.65 ERA in 29 starts — missing a $500,000 bonus by two innings when he was ejected in his last regular-season start for hitting Tampa Bay's Jesus Sucre after Rays pitcher Andrew Kittredge threw up-and-in to Austin Romine. Sabathia今年減薪,從2017年的2500萬鎂降到1000萬鎂,29次出賽,9-7,ERA是3.65--但 是在今年最後一次出賽時,他因為光芒投手Andrew Kittredge對Austin Romine投了內角高 球,他之後對光芒的Jesus Sucre投了觸身球被逐出場,差了兩局,沒拿到50萬鎂的激勵獎 金。 Sabathia had surgery on his right knee last month. Sabathia上個月動了右膝蓋手術。 "He's been a great Yankee, and he has time on the clock still," Cashman said. "I think he'd like to stay, and I think we'd like to keep him." 「他一直是個偉大的洋基人,他還有能力投,」Cashman說。「我認為他想留,我認為我們 也想留下他。」 Happ, 36, was 7-0 with a 2.69 ERA in 11 starts after the Yankees acquired him from Toronto, but he lost at Boston in the Division Series opener. 至於Happ,今年36歲,在從多倫多交易過來後,11次出場,7-0,ERA是2.69,但是在對紅 襪的ALDS Game 1輸球。 "I would think that there'll be a lot of interest in him," Cashman said. "He has a great reputation throughout the game as a pro, and the performance level was exactly what we needed. So he put himself in a good position as a free agent." 「我會認為很多球隊對他很有興趣,」Cashman說。「他的投球名聲很讚,他的表現也是我 們所需要的,所以以一個FA角度來說,他處在一個很有利的位置。」 Cashman already is deep in talks to trade Sonny Gray, just 15-16 since New York acquired him from Oakland in July 2017. Gray, a right-hander who turns 29 this week, was unhappy with the harsh treatment he was given by demanding Yankees fans. Cashman在談交易Sonny Gray這件已經到了一個階段,在2017年從綠帽交易來後,戰績是 15-16。今年29歲的右投Gray,一直對於要求很高的基粉給他的嚴厲批評不是很開心。 "The game's evolved to the point where people can see what the real numbers are behind the numbers and the recognition that whoever winds up acquiring Sonny Gray is going to acquire someone that's going to be the player, the pitcher he was more with Oakland," Cashman said. "And so we're very active in those discussions. We're in name exchanges. It will lead us eventually to a conclusion." 「棒球比賽已經進化到大家會去看數據,去看哪些是真實的,所以了解到這部分的球隊, 若是得到Sonny Gray,他們會知道他們會得到一位這樣的選手,一個當他在綠帽時表現的 比較好的投手,」Cashman說。「所以我們很積極在談,我們已經到了交換名單,應該最終 會有個結果的。」 Cashman sidestepped questions about infielder Manny Machado, one of the top two offensive free agents along with Bryce Harper. Because shortstop Didi Gregorius will miss much of next season after surgery to repair a torn elbow ligament, Cashman is examining infield options within and outside. Cashman迴避了有關內野手Manny Machado的問題,他是跟Bryce Harper在休賽季最夯的兩 個FA。因為原本游擊手Didi Gregorius動了手肘韌帶手術,會缺席大部分下季比賽,所 以Cashman也在評估從球隊內以及球隊以外補強內野手的選項。 "It all depends on the price point," he said. 「這一切都看價碼,」他說。 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次 --
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noah23: 都變成沙包西亞了 11/06 10:33

kenkuo1688: CC哪裡沙包了?? 11/06 10:52

NYYLG: 簽Corbin 留Happ 搶菊池就好了 沙胖放生 選我正解 11/06 10:58

FlyingStone: 要搶 price了 11/06 11:13

bonjovi0930: 沙胖很好用便宜工作馬.擺5號兼菜鳥投手導師划算 11/06 11:21

Valter: 一樓有在看比賽? 11/06 11:22

kee32: 沙胖這麼穩,合作愉快,又便宜,應該會慰留。 11/06 11:23

terminator3: 紅襪又要分區冠軍了 11/06 11:41

k33536: 用慰留會不會很奇怪? 11/06 12:05

googoo1102: 缺ace 11/06 12:09

fetoyeh: 今年沙胖吃了153局 ERA+是120 哪裡沙包了... 11/06 12:16

VintageSteph: 差一點3000K 希望再打一年達成 11/06 12:20

Alexander13: 沙胖自己也說很希望留下來,現在就等雙方的共識了 11/06 12:21

Alexander13: Happ我不認為留得住 11/06 12:21

azlbf: 請問買斷的錢會算在明年的空間內嗎 11/06 12:25

Alexander13: 不算 11/06 12:27

decorum: Happ季賽成績證明他能在洋基投球 雖然季後賽崩了 11/06 13:52

decorum: 續簽合理 11/06 13:53

kee32: 用慰留的確奇怪(抖) 11/06 14:10

yaes111: 這兩隻都會留下吧 Happ就看價格問題而已 11/06 17:48

j07242054: 搶菊池幹嘛。。。 11/06 19:45

bluemkevin: 說沙包應該是講季後賽被紅襪K那場 11/06 20:49

eric761201: 先恭喜紅襪明年世界大賽冠軍 11/06 21:11

StephonA: 不知不覺沙胖就在NYY待了十年 吃了超多局數 好工作馬~ 11/06 22:40

StephonA: 奢侈稅繳了15年 多付出了3億4千萬 金額真龐大 11/06 22:41

kigohcy: 一球50鎂也丟,吸吸大概沒想到他會被轟出去吧... 11/09 09:11
