[外電] 襪粉在遊行時丟啤酒罐打壞冠軍獎盃

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-11-01 09:31:38
留言 33則留言 (26推 2噓 5→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9h783d2 Red Sox fan breaks World Series trophy with beer 襪粉在遊行時丟啤酒罐 打壞了世界大賽獎杯 The Boston Red Sox held their World Series parade Wednesday in Boston and it got a little out of control. 紅襪隊在星期三的時候在波士頓舉行遊行,但是情況後來有點失控。 One excited fan was arrested for throwing a beer can at manager Alex Cora during the parade. 一個球迷因為對總教練Alex Cora丟啤酒罐被逮捕。 And then one fan threw a beer can so hard it broke the World Series trophy. Check it out: 然後有另外一個球迷用力丟啤酒罐,打壞了世界大賽獎杯,請看影片: 影片支援: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1057733719669248000 That's not good. 那真的不太好。 You'd think after winning 11 championships since 2001 that Boston sports fans would know how to act at these things, but it looks like they were a little too excited during this one. 本來以為在2001年後波士頓總共拿過11個職業比賽冠軍,波士頓粉絲應該要知道慶祝勝利 的行為舉止,但是看起來這次有點興奮過頭了。 Check out Mookie Betts trying to avoid a beer can: 看一下Mookie Betts嘗試躲丟過來的啤酒罐影片: 影片支援https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1057664948225085442 Some fans, however, were able to get some drinks to their heroes: 然而,有些粉絲則是有機會讓他們的英雄們喝到酒: 影片支援https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1057663940937736193 Some nice hands there. 接的真好。 But let's cool it with the beer-can throwing at these parades. Instead, just drink 'em. 不過就不要在遊行時丟啤酒了,就喝掉就好。 -- 再丟嘛!!! UCCU -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1541035905.A.529.html

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57

william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49

william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51

ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14

phoenix286: 砸人... 哪隊球迷混入的? 11/01 09:36

ChrisDavis: 沒事沒事,有一隊直接獎盃掉下來被車子碾 11/01 09:37

hakk: 真嗨 11/01 09:51

mayzn: 咩棒單手接兩罐,真行 11/01 09:54

wen470914: Stone Cold Steve Austin: 丟啤酒不邀我? 11/01 09:56

tortoise2006: 單手兩罐...有練過 11/01 09:59

megalink: 確定是襪迷不是X迷?XD 11/01 10:12

MookieBetts: Stone Cold XD 接鋁罐達人 11/01 10:24

sastl07: 襪迷素質 11/01 10:24

princelin519: 美國爪迷 11/01 10:27

appshjkli: 盤子 11/01 10:27

GP01: Stone Cold出場都需要啤酒罐滴~~ 11/01 10:29

JessicaA1ba: 買4-0橫掃 輸錢的襪迷? 11/01 10:43

citpo: https://youtu.be/1Kfa4aga8jM?t=8m13s 11/01 10:44

citpo: https://youtu.be/EOlK7ubEX_I?t=6m18s 11/01 10:50

skipjack: Stone Cold 11/01 11:10

KBking: 襪迷不意外.. 11/01 11:26

EvilCerberus: 肯定又是勇士迷混進去的 11/01 11:27

maikxz: 看起來拿獎盃的有失專業(?) 連足球員都接得那麼好了 11/01 12:29

maikxz: http://youtu.be/XfLyy8yklgQ 還是說是工作人員(?) 11/01 12:30

Kobelephants: 恐怖基基 11/01 12:34

ProgramApe: 紅襪Stone Cold XD 11/01 12:35

youngpaper: 襪迷就是這麼真性情!激賞! 11/01 13:03

ocean11: 今年的啤酒罐很搶戲喔XD 11/01 18:33

broken543: 會不會 是Machado丟的 11/01 21:07

jorgesoler: 那個牌子的啤酒 11/01 21:23

NCTUsucks: KBking還在崩潰紅襪冠軍哦?要哭去廁所哭啦 11/01 23:17

shiangsir: The Curse Begins 11/02 01:34

Mystiarun: 自演乙 11/03 21:55
