[外電] ALCS G5 太色球迷在開賽裁判進場時開噓

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-10-19 16:28:33
留言 31則留言 (21推 0噓 10→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8qfutxf Houston fans greet ALCS umps with hearty boos after fan-interference controversy 因對前一場爭議的球迷干擾判決 太色球迷在開賽的時候噓裁判 HOUSTON — More like bum-pires, right? 是裁判(Umpire)? 還是菜判(Bum-pire)? 影片支援https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1053075008061243392 The Houston Astros lost Game 4 of the ALCS in part because of a controversial call from umpiring crew chief Joe West that took an apparent home run away from Jose Altuve in the bottom of the first inning. The Astros themselves were livid about the call after their 8-6 loss, and their fans offered support before Thursday’s Game 5 by lustily booing the umpires when they took the field. 太色輸掉ALCS Game4一部分的原因可能是那個在一局時的一個爭議判決,裁判長Joe West 沒收了一個明顯的全壘打。太色球員自己在8-6輸球之後對那個判決非常生氣,球迷們也在 星期四的時候表示他們對太色的支持,球迷在裁判進場的時候大聲的噓他們。 The Wednesday night loss put the defending champion Astros within one game of elimination in the 2018 postseason. 星期三的輸球讓衛冕軍處在再輸一場就會被淘汰的境地。 During a media session prior to Game 5, Astros manager A.J. Hinch said that his club had to move forward after the questionable and costly ruling, but that he appreciated that fans might still be fired up. 在Game 5之前的媒體時間,太色總教練AJ Hinch說他們球團已經在那個有問題但卻價值連 城的判決後向前走,但是他有看到球迷仍舊很不爽。 “I imagine fans are going to be passionate, as they should be,” Hinch said. “And I would imagine the message would have been different from the Boston fans had it got reversed or the call gone in our favor. I love fans for the emotions that they show. 「我可以想像球迷會是很熱情的,他們本來就是,」Hinch說。「我可以想像若是判決被改 過來,紅襪粉會有完全不同的反應。我喜歡看到球迷們展現的熱情。」 “There’s nothing more that you can do. From a functional standpoint inside this clubhouse, we’ve had to move long past that. I’ve had to answer questions about it. But it’s time to move on. But fight the fight for the team you believe in.” 「現在沒有什麼可以做的,從球團運作的觀點,我們早就把那拋在腦後了。我現在還得回 答有關這件事的相關問題,但是我們已經往前走了,但是為了你支持的球隊一起奮鬥 吧!」 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1539937718.A.C24.html

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57

william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49

william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51

ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14

arts2007: 可以理解 蠻正常的 表示球迷希望太色人能贏球 10/19 16:30

avalanche200: 教練好會講話 10/19 16:33

b25329110: 所以今天掰了 10/19 16:37

Roshiel: 沒風度,木屐今天又示範了一次 10/19 16:42

hornets1221: 但太空人這系列輸的不冤枉 10/19 17:12

tortoise2006: 今天真的原班人馬再演一次,Bregman打Betts接 10/19 17:17

globekiller: 不是原班人馬啦 昨天是阿土伯 10/19 17:31

tortoise2006: 對耶...記錯>< 10/19 17:44

mayzn: Hinch講話本來就很得體,賽後記者會他也第一時間恭喜對手 10/19 17:47

mayzn: 讓這個系列賽完全沒甚麼火藥味 10/19 17:47

Eddward: 今年敗人品之後都... 10/19 17:48

iwgpg1ghc: 加油,明年開幕繼續噓囉 10/19 17:51

jeter8695: Mccullers要去開TJ了哭哭 10/19 18:06

aaccbb: 怎麼不噓球迷偷走mookie的NP 10/19 18:21

Inory0216: 挑釁和敗人品是兩件事吧?馬恰多那個才算敗人品吧? 10/19 18:24

LastDinosaur: 價值連城? 應該是有問題而且是硬傷吧 10/19 18:31

ymcheung: 沒關係啦,反正太空人已經達成21世紀首次連霸 10/19 18:52

Nojudge: 請問一下太色是什麼艮? 10/19 19:31

Dickcord: 空即是色 10/19 19:35

Nojudge: XD 10/19 19:50

sosobi: 不噓也沒機會噓了 4連敗直接被打包 10/19 20:20

lingon: "apparent"中文翻譯是"看起來", 不是"明顯" 10/19 21:29

NCTUsucks: 真的 本來就接得到 球迷才要還木屐一個美技 10/19 23:28

ZhaiMan: 只是“可能”接到 10/20 00:38

LebronKing: 100%接得到 10/20 16:23

lovemj88: 球迷在自己的位置上接球到底有什麼問題? 10/20 17:34

Artist: 要怪就要怪那白目的球迷 還沒收貝茲的美技 10/21 11:58
