[外電] 藍鳥Giles:在太空人的時候有被困住的感覺

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-09-26 15:12:04
留言 58則留言 (38推 0噓 20→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yaup7njp Blue Jays closer Ken Giles 'felt trapped' during time with Astros 藍鳥守護神Ken Giles認為在太空人的時候有被"困住"的感覺 Toronto Blue Jays closer Ken Giles isn't backing down from comments he made about his time with the Houston Astros. 多倫多藍鳥守護神Ken Giles對於他之前對於他的前隊伍太空人的評論沒有要撤回的意思。 The World Series champions traded Giles to the Blue Jays on July 30, ending his rocky tenure in Houston. Giles had been demoted to Class AAA earlier in the month, following a rough outing that ended with him appearing to use an expletive towards Astros manager A.J. Hinch. 衛冕軍太空人在七月30日交易大限時把Ken Gils交易到藍鳥,結束了他在太空人的混亂時 光。Giles那月初被降級到3A去,在那之前的出賽表現不佳,最後他似乎還用了一些不雅的 言語針對太空人總教練A.J. Hinch. Ahead of a three-game set between the teams in Toronto, which began Monday, Giles expressed his frustration about his time with the Astros. 在星期一時,太空人到多倫多打系列戰,Giles表達了他在太空人那段沮喪的時光。 "I'm actually enjoying the game more than I did for my entire tenure in Houston. It's kind of weird to say that because I won a World Series with that team," Giles told the Toronto Star. 「事實上,比起我在太空人的時候,我現在更享受比賽。這樣講好像有點奇怪,因為我在 那裏拿到冠軍戒,」Giles跟當地媒體說到。 "But it's like, I just felt trapped there. I didn't feel like myself there." 「但是,那種感覺像是在我被困住了,我覺得在那裏的時候我感覺不像我自己。」 Giles struggled in the postseason last year, giving up 10 earned runs in 7⅔ innings, including five runs in two World Series appearances. Giles在去年季後賽頗為掙扎,7⅔局,丟掉了10分,其中兩次世界大賽出賽丟了五分。 A day after his remarks made waves, the 28-year-old stood by his assessment. 在講出那樣的話掀起波瀾後一天,28歲的Giles仍堅定他的立場。 "I didn't know what I was doing there," Giles said. "Like, I'm getting thrown out there like I didn't know what was going on. It keeps me out of the loop a little bit. I wasn't told some information that I probably needed to know, instead just going into the dark out there without knowing what I needed to prepare for. 「我在那邊不知道在幹嘛,」Giles說。「就好像我就被丟上場去投球,但是我完全不知道 狀況,一直都是狀況外,一些我應該要知道的訊息沒有都跟我說,相反地,像是走進黑暗 裡,我不知道我需要準備什麼狀況。」 "It's a shame. I enjoyed my teammates there, we did a lot of great memories there, and I was very blessed to be with those guys and got to learn from those guys." 「那很可惜。我喜歡那邊的隊友,我們有過許多美好的回憶,我很幸福可以跟那些隊友一 起,從他們身上學到很多。」 Meeting with reporters before the series opener on Monday, Hinch responded to Giles' criticisms. 星期一的時候太空人總教練Hinch在系列戰開始前接受訪問,回應了Giles的評論。 "I think he's wrong," Hinch said, per the Houston Chronicle. "Every single player will tell you it's one of the best cultures they've had, one of the best communication environments they've had. They all know their roles; they all know their situations. 「我認為他錯了,」Hinch跟休士頓媒體說到。「每個球員都會跟你說太空人的文化是他們 所經歷過的幾個最好的文化之一,最好的溝通環境之一。他們都知道他們的角色為何,他 們都知道他們的情況。」 "To have one person, out of all the guys in our clubhouse, come out and claim otherwise is flat wrong." 「所以就一個人從我們球隊出去,然後說相反的評論,那實在錯的離譜。」 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次 -- 這個我也很猶豫 不過後面他說他上場的時候都沒人跟他講狀況 感覺用陷害好像比較好 不過看大家意見 我之後再來修 呼叫Sulstan大大~~~ 好喔 大家都說用陷害不太好 我就先改 Shame的部分我也修改了 感謝 謝謝~ 我把它修正
謝謝Sulstan大 就等你來指點一下說
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1537945931.A.D9B.html

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57

william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49

william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51

ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14

catsondbs: 有人要搞我? 09/26 15:13

fiordiligi: Trapped 應該不是翻成陷害吧? 09/26 15:15

o0991758566: 自己投太爛 09/26 15:17

echomica: 應該是被困住的意思吧 09/26 15:17

c871111116: 我也不知道你在太空人在幹嘛 09/26 15:18

benrun: 自己心病= = 09/26 15:21

zxc6113555: 氣到揍臉 09/26 15:21

four5: 不要想了,聯盟就是需要你制衡太空人 09/26 15:27

o86869595: 林制聲 有人要搞我 09/26 15:28

nowitzki: 真不要臉 丟那麼爛毛還一堆 我才被你害 FB被搞了好幾次 09/26 15:30

jim12441: 有人要搞我 09/26 15:31

webb1: ... 09/26 15:34

sunnybody907: 怪聲 09/26 15:35

a88152660: 感覺是在抱怨教練沒辦法幫他 09/26 15:41

JoseReyes: 已經連續24次救援成功惹 打本魯的臉 09/26 15:49

Anakin: 不是陷害。 09/26 15:50

Anakin: it's a shame也不是很可恥 09/26 15:50

HuanYuWu: 感覺的確是心病 矛盾炸裂 09/26 15:54

Anakin: it's a shame只是說,啊那真可惜 09/26 15:55

ChrisDavis: #有人要搞我 09/26 15:59

mightymouse: 這篇只是說個性不合,沒說太空人不好吧 09/26 16:00

lumasia: 他是被自己困住吧! 09/26 16:02

Utley26: 不雅言語,當初被Hinch換下去時都不知道講幾次了 09/26 16:05

Werth: 藍鳥太空人明天還有一場 請把握 09/26 16:08

abcde2048: 請他來太空人丟一堆新秀出去 丟他也要出新秀 根本我色 09/26 16:14

abcde2048: 內鬼 郭汝瑰之流 沒資格講話 09/26 16:14

web946719: 有人要搞我 09/26 16:22

dk210095: 不夠舒適 09/26 17:20

Mariobrother: 冠軍教頭你敢嘴 09/26 17:41

geneaven: 在Fresno Grizzlies也投到爆炸超廢,還好有傻鳥肯撿去修 09/26 18:14

gt12345: 這咖在費城時候不就爆氣噴過總仔了 09/26 18:14

JoseReyes: 他已經連續守下20幾次SVO惹 真香 09/26 18:29

Arsenalhenry: 去楓葉國就修好了 德州水土不服 09/26 18:42

NEIL0656: 抗壓能力太低 09/26 18:43

med5566: 搞我 09/26 19:05

mattaus: https://youtu.be/zQog2NWMJkc 揍敵客家族 09/26 19:54

StephonA: 去年看世界大賽 只要他上場 就是提心吊膽 09/26 20:20

holypiggy: 多倫多最愛叛逃球員 09/26 22:34

FarRed: 太空板上推文裡的人氣王 沒有之一 09/26 23:39

FarRed: 有時這很難解釋 單純就是磁場不合XDD 09/26 23:40

YummyGasol: 都待MLB那麼久了。98麥以上的投手,只要控球別太扯, 09/27 00:55

YummyGasol: 馬都有一席之地。就是去年季後賽開始不對盤 09/27 00:56

mecheers: 裝瘋賣傻求交易 09/27 01:41

airplanes: 好懷念他揍自己 09/27 02:06

Sulstan: back down翻成撤回比較順 09/27 04:05

Sulstan: 另外rocky tenure不是合約。應譯為混亂的日子 09/27 04:06

cmark1012: Hinch至少還沒口出惡言 "I wish Ken Giles well" 09/27 05:18

cmark1012: 一個讓球迷會質疑FO reputation的球員還放話放成這樣 09/27 05:19

cmark1012: 他怎麼不想想FO為了不證明自己錯了給他多少機會 09/27 05:20

cmark1012: 他的藉口哪次不是"我現在不是我自己"... 09/27 05:22

geneaven: 結果今天我色被這咖解決的超清爽,一副準備第一輪回家樣 09/27 07:12

pbs1004: 昨天熬夜慶祝又是午場比賽 而且主力輪休蠻多人的 今天 09/27 08:10

pbs1004: 輸很正常啊 09/27 08:10

testu: 死它 10/01 00:59
