[外電] 延後心臟手術 Jansen: 我不怕死

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-09-26 11:12:44
留言 70則留言 (46推 5噓 19→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybostqmv Dodgers' Kenley Jansen to put off heart surgery for chance at World Series ring: 'I’m not going to be scared of life' 為了可能要打的世界大賽機會而延後心臟手術 Jansen: 我不怕死 PHOENIX -- Los Angeles Dodgers closer Kenley Jansen lies in bed in his hotel room, and feels his heart beating a little quicker, his mind suddenly racing, his body overcome with a surge of anxiety. 洛杉磯道奇守護神Kenley Jansen躺在飯店的床上,他感覺他的心臟跳的有點快,然後他心 思飛快了起來,他的身體被襲來的焦慮所淹沒。 It’s this strange sensation of nervousness, nothing like he has experienced on the pitcher’s mound, but one that will seize control of his emotions without warning. 那是一種奇怪的緊張感,跟他在投手丘上的完全不同,但是這會無預警的控制了他的情 緒。 “It happens when I’m on the road, by myself, like today,’’ Jansen tells USA TODAY Sports. “When my family’s not around, my mind starts to work a little faster. You think about it. You think about the future. You think about what they have to do with you in the offseason. 「這會發生在打客場戰,只有我一個人的時候,就像今天這樣,」Jansen跟記者說。「當 我的家人不在身邊的時候,我的心緒開始飛快,開始想這件事,開始想未來,開始想休賽 季的時候他們要怎麼安排我。」 “You think about all of that stuff.’’ 「就是想那些事。」 Jansen pauses, slowly exhales, and almost in a whisper, starts talking again. Jansen停了一下,緩慢的吐氣,然後幾乎是用輕語的方式再次說話。 “I have a lot going on in my life,’’ Jansen says, “but it’s like when you go to a psychologist, they tell you to just come to the ballpark, do something that you love, and it relieves your mind. When I’m here, I don’t think about the heart issues and all of that stuff. 「我的人生發生了很多事,」Jansen說。「但是就像去找心理醫師時,他們說就是去球 場,去做我愛做的事情,那會讓我的心情輕鬆。當我在球場的時候,我就不會去想心臟跟 其他那些事情了。」 “It feels normal.’’ 「覺得一切正常了。」 Jansen, who turns 31 on Monday, said he will undergo cardiac ablation surgery this winter, which will not only correct his irregular heartbeat, but perhaps end those fears when alone on the road. Jansen星期一的時候滿31歲,說他會在今年冬天的時候接受心臟手術,那不只會治癒他的 心律不整,會許也會解除他在客場一個人時所面臨的恐懼。 “I don’t want any more incidents, so I need to have it,’’ Jansen says. “ I want to be able to go to Colorado or anywhere else. I don’t want to have that same feeling again.’’ 「我不想再有那些事情發生了,我得要動手術,」Jansen說。「我想要能夠去科羅拉多或 是其他地方比賽,我不想再有那種感覺了。」 It was six weeks ago, the morning of Aug. 9 in downtown Denver, when he felt his chest tighten, and his heart race uncontrollably. Instead of panicking, he knew exactly what was happening. His heart was in atrial fibrillation. It happened to him in Colorado in 2011 and 2012. The mile-high altitude was playing cruel games on his heart. He called 911 and was in an ambulance being rushed to the hospital. 那發生在六個禮拜前,八月九日早上在丹佛市,他覺得胸悶,然後心臟開始無法控制的亂 跳。他沒有驚慌失措,他知道發生了什麼事情:他有心房顫動(Atrial fibrillation)。這 在2011跟2012年當Jansen在科羅拉多時就發生過。高海拔的比賽對他的心臟也在玩殘酷的 遊戲,他打了電話叫救護車,被送去了醫院。 “I wasn’t worried about dying or anything like that,’’ Jansen says. “I didn’t want anyone else to worry either. I even called my family, asking how they were doing, laughing, things like that. Then, I said, 'Oh, by the way, don’t be scared, but right now I’m in the hospital.’ ’’ 「我沒擔心會死掉或是那類的,」Jansen說。「我不希望任何人會擔心,我甚至打電話給 我的家人,跟他們聊天,問他們好不好,開心的笑著,然後,我就說,『喔,順便講一 聲,不用害怕,只是我現在在醫院裡。』」 Jansen’s biggest concern was not for his well-being, but his teammates, believing his heart might be responsible for not only ending his season, but the Dodgers’ as well. Jansen最擔心的不是他的健康,而是他的隊友們,他認為他的心臟問題不只可能會讓他這 個球季就此結束,躲人今年球季也就要掰惹。 “I thought my season was over when that happened again,’’ Jansen said. “I was pissed off. I thought, 'Shoot, I’ll be out four to six weeks. I’m done.' 「我以為我的球季在心臟問題發生後就要結束了,」Jansen說。「我超生氣,我想,『X 的,我要四到六個禮拜不能打球,我完了嘛!』」 “I couldn’t believe it was happening again.’’ 「我不敢相信它又發生了一次。」 Jansen, placed on high doses of medication, was physically back in 11 days, but mentally, he was nowhere to be found. He pitched three times in five days when he returned to the Dodgers. He lost two of those games. Blew another. And surrendered four home runs in three innings. Jansen被施予了高劑量的藥物治療,他的身體是在11天後回歸了,但是他的心理層面卻不 是那樣。在他回到躲人時,他五天內投了三場比賽,輸了兩場,然後剩下一場是喪失救援 點,3局內被敲了4支HR。 “I had no energy, none at all,’’ Jansen said. “That dosage blocked my adrenaline, blocked my motivation. I didn’t have anything.’’ 「我完全沒能量,一點都沒有,」Jansen說。「那樣的劑量把我的腎上腺素都打掉了,讓 我一點動力都沒有,我甚麼都沒有。」 Jansen stopped taking the medication for a week, returned to the doctor’s office, and was prescribed a low dosage of medication. It has worked to perfection. Just in time to save the Dodgers’ season as they vie for their sixth consecutive National League West title. Jansen把藥物停了一個禮拜後去找醫生,重新調整成比較低的劑量。這效果就是完美,剛 好在躲人正在為他們連續第六次國西分區冠軍奮鬥時Jansen的回歸及時拯救了躲人賽季。 The only potential limitation now is if the Dodgers play the Colorado Rockies in the postseason. The doctors ordered him to stay home 2½ weeks ago when the Dodgers played a three-game series in Colorado to avoid another episode, and Jansen obliged. 唯一的限制是會發生躲人在季後賽要去落磯比賽的時候。兩個半禮拜前,當躲人要去落磯 打系列戰時,醫師下令要Jansen待在家避免又發生心律不整,Jansen同意。 The only possibility of the Dodgers traveling to Denver again this season is if they face one another in the NL Championship Series. 現在躲人會要到丹佛比賽唯一的可能狀況會是他們兩隊要打國聯冠軍賽的時候了。 And, if that happens, risk or no risk, Jansen already has made his decision. 如果那個狀況發生了,不管風險為何,Jansen已經下定主意了。 “We played it safe the last time,’’ Jansen said, “but this time, I’m definitely going. It doesn’t matter. If something happens, it happens. 「上次我們打安全牌,」Jansen說。「但是這一次,我是一定要去的,不管如何,事情若 是要發生,就是會發生。」 “I’m not going to be scared of life.’’ 「我不會怕死的。」 Jansen isn’t trying to go all Rambo with machoism, or defy doctors’ advice, but he’s being real. The Dodgers need him. Really, when you look at Jansen’ s turbulent season, it mirrors the Dodgers’. Jansen不是要像電影裡的藍波表現男子漢,或是拒絕醫師建議,他只是很實際。躲人需要 他,當比對Jansen今年球季的起伏,就跟躲人的戰績相符。 He struggled at the season’s outset, blowing two saves with a loss in his first seven appearances, yielding a 5.58 ERA in March and April. The Dodgers went 12-16, and were eight games behind the Arizona Diamondbacks heading into May. Jansen開季時表現掙扎,七次出場,兩次BS,一次敗戰,三月跟四月的ERA是5.58。躲人的 戰績是12-16,在進入五月的時候還落後響尾蛇8場勝差。 He was nearly perfect in May, successful in all nine of his save opportunities with a 0.60 ERA. The Dodgers responded by pulling within four games of the division lead. 進入五月,Jansen近乎完美,九次出賽表現成功,ERA只有0.60,躲人也將勝差拉近至4 場。 Jansen went on the DL with his irregular heart beat in August, and the Dodgers lost nine of 12 games, falling 4½ games out of the lead. 當八月Jansen因為心律不整進入DL,躲人12場比賽輸了9場,距領先隊伍有4場半勝差。 Now, with four saves and a victory, yielding a 1.86 ERA this month, the Dodgers have won 10 of their last 12 games and are back in first place, holding off the Rockies. 這個月他拿下四場救援成功跟一場勝投,ERA只有1.86,躲人則是12場比賽贏了10場,重回 分區第一,讓落磯在後面追趕。 “The thing I’m so proud of him is that for the last few years, he really didn’t have much adversity, so it was easy to stay positive,’’ said Dodgers manager Dave Roberts. “But for him to deal with his struggles early, and you bring in the heart situation, to battle back and come out the other side like he has, he showed himself how strong he can be.’’ 「我對他最引以為傲的是,在過去幾年,他幾乎沒有甚麼不順,所以很容易就保持積 極,」躲人總教練Dave Roberts說。「但是對他如何處理季初的不順,以及後來的心臟問 題,他奮鬥且展現出他有多強壯的另外一面給大家看。」 Now, all that remains for Jansen to turn this into a Hollywood movie is winning a World Series ring. The Dodgers came close a year ago, losing in Game 7 to the Houston Astros. Jansen went home, never watched a single highlight of the World Series, and to this day refuses to watch even replays of the Dodgers’ greatest triumphs in winning their first pennant since 1988. 所以,現在要如何讓Jansen這段奮鬥的過程像是一齣好萊塢電影就差一枚世界大賽冠軍戒 了。躲人去年有機會,但是在第七戰輸給了太色。Jansen回家,不看任何一場世界大賽的 精彩影片,直到現在,他甚至不看躲人在1988那年隊史最偉大的勝利那段。 “I couldn’t,’’ Jansen said, “and when I came back this season, I thought I’d be over it. Instead, I found out what a World Series hangover is. This year has been such a grind after what we went through last year. 「我就是沒辦法,」Jansen說。「當我這一季回來的時候,我以為我已經釋懷了,但不是 這樣,我終於了解了"世界大賽宿醉"是怎麼一回事。在經過去年那樣一季,今年真的很 苦。」 “But now, you start feeling that energy again. You feel zoned in. It’s been a struggle, but if we play like I know we can, it’s going to make this year even more special.’’ 「但是現在,開始覺得又有活力了,覺得自己又進入那境界。我們掙扎過,但是若是我們 可以,而我也知道我們可以,像那樣打球的話,今年將會比去年更特別。」 The heart surgery can wait. He’s got a postseason to play. Maybe, all of the way through October, and coronated with a World Series parade in November. 心臟手術可以等,Jansen有季後賽要打,或許,會一路到十月,一路打下世界大賽冠軍, 到11月還有冠軍遊行呢! “Hey, I’m in no hurry,’’ Jansen says. “Trust me.’’ 「嘿,我一點都不急,」Jansen說。「相信我。」 -- 真的很拼! -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1537931569.A.57E.html

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57

william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49

william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51

ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14

ChrisDavis: 美國大餅 09/26 11:13

Qidu: 放寒假吧 BS簡森 09/26 11:15

jones210272: 美國大餅 09/26 11:16

yaes111: 你還是去動手術吧… 09/26 11:21

AnitaHailey: ...... 不是想烏鴉嘴 只是為了一個不確定的冠軍拿命 09/26 11:23

AnitaHailey: 賭 給尊重 09/26 11:23

l26921216: 總教練敢用嗎? 真的翹掉了...總教練不會被罵到臭頭嗎? 09/26 11:23

LittleAllen: 那麼想去找JF? 09/26 11:24

wyner: 教練,我只有現在啊! 09/26 11:27

SFGiants: #BeatLA 09/26 11:33

Timekeeper: 反正我躲季後賽也只是陪打的 倒不如先去開刀 09/26 11:34

nolander: 推 Jansen猛將 09/26 11:35

mhkt: 寧可你去動手術 也別賭命在球場上了.... 09/26 11:40

accjm2440: 別拿生命開玩笑阿大哥 去開刀吧 09/26 11:47

flyinwinds: 別把命賭在球場上啊... 09/26 11:48

triff: 值得尊敬,搏命演出 09/26 11:49

redsoxortiz: 解怨脈:那你自己走地獄,不陪你了 09/26 11:52

redsoxortiz: 江林:同意樓上 09/26 11:53

redsoxortiz: 德春:同意樓樓上跟樓上 09/26 11:53

chaobii: 怕 09/26 11:55

seed800506: 這玩笑開不起啊 動手術吧 球迷不會嗆心臟得 09/26 12:05

Lawlight: 喬吉普森? 09/26 12:10

chen5512: 任何事情都不值得那命來拼 09/26 12:22

chen5512: 拿 09/26 12:22

ylrafale: 突然希望道奇進不了季後賽好讓他早點開刀,明年才能看到 09/26 12:33

ylrafale: 完全健康的他 09/26 12:34

LastDinosaur: 別鬧= = 09/26 12:40

grizz233: 他為什麼要這麼拼?難道道奇有救過他們全家? 我覺得還 09/26 12:43

grizz233: 是不要拼會比較好 反正冠軍是宇宙襪的 不用打也知道 09/26 12:43

bravefan: 不想對上這樣的對手。。 09/26 12:47

dk210095: 為了你的身體著想 道奇就一輪遊吧 09/26 12:47

a2156700: 足球場有球員心臟病猝死 你好自為之 09/26 12:49

charlie01: 說著蛇蛇的盒堡就b掉了 他今天可能會上場了 09/26 12:53

genteme: 誰都打不過襪襪 所以還是身體為重阿 09/26 12:55

AZBTPATONY: 球隊怕死了 09/26 12:57

ianshadow: 別逞一時之勇啊大哥.... 09/26 13:09

aa10252233: 今年冠軍是紅襪的 就乖乖開刀治療吧 09/26 13:26

MrHeat: 對手隊友都怕你一個 別鬧了 快去開刀! 09/26 13:29

MrHeat: 就算冠軍注定是道奇的也不需要硬上場!!! 09/26 13:30

armii: 以Roberts季後賽那種調度方式,道奇被淘汰對Jansen比較好 09/26 13:41

andy880036s: 留得青山在 09/26 13:42

raysbuck: 去動手術吧... 09/26 14:10

web946719: 美國大餅 09/26 14:12

SlamKai: = = 別鬧 09/26 14:26

pcb: 結果明年被躲人賣掉... 09/26 14:27

qwer007700: ... 09/26 14:48

Qidu: 結果道奇今天被剛剛好 09/26 15:00

rothenberger: 笑死人 真的會有立即危險一定馬上開了 09/26 16:47

rothenberger: 誰會去賭命 講的好像多大犧牲 09/26 16:47

citpo: 要是到最後真的搞到要加賽 又要上山打落磯他一定不能去 09/26 16:50

jack19931993: 緊張什麼 球團絕對比鄉民謹慎 09/26 17:05

Qidu: 道奇印堂發黑 氣數已盡 淘汰送jansen去開刀吧 09/26 17:36

duplicateian: Af還好啦 09/26 17:37

Mariobrother: 為了 Jensen 好,躲人還是淘汰吧 09/26 17:45

sustainer123: 別鬧了... 09/26 18:10

brocklessar: 開刀吧 09/26 18:11

med5566: 不是電燒? 09/26 19:06

wryyyyyyyy: 美國餅 09/26 19:34

mattaus: 人生自古誰無屎 09/26 19:55

epw: 你不怕死,可是你上道奇球迷都快怕死了 09/26 20:45

ypw: 心律不整還是別拿生命開玩笑...這可不是動漫 09/26 21:59

mightymouse: Af當場死掉機會不大啦,不過有可能當場中風 09/26 22:57

tim1112: 你不怕別人怕啊 09/27 08:26

JessicaA1ba: 世界大賽被宇宙襪打爆,然後緊急送醫,這樣有比較好 09/27 10:18

JessicaA1ba: ? 09/27 10:18

popstar: Go blue~ 09/27 10:59
