[外電] 難堪的國民隊: 總管Rizzo正式舉白旗

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-08-22 12:20:45
留言 85則留言 (62推 0噓 23→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8kkfcn9 Nationals embarrassment: GM Mike Rizzo officially waves the white flag 難堪的國民隊:總管Mike Rizzo正式舉白旗了 The shameful, national embarrassment in Washington, D.C., mercifully is over. 在華盛頓DC令人感到羞恥的尷尬狀況總算是結束了。 At least. 至少目前是。 Folks, we’re talking about the baseball team, here. 呃,我們這裡講的是棒球隊。 The team was once again projected to be a World Series contender, and the runaway favorites to win the National League East. 曾經一開始一度被預測是爭冠熱門隊伍,國聯東區冠軍的候選。 The team that had the arrogance to fire manager Dusty Baker after leading it to back-to-back NL East titles, losing Game 5 of the NL Division Series to the defending World Series champion Chicago Cubs, and tell him it simply wasn ’t good enough. 國民隊曾經自大到開除帶領他們拿下連兩屆國聯東區冠軍的總教練Dusty Baker,在國聯分 區賽第五戰輸給世界大賽衛冕軍小熊,而國民隊就只跟他說那不夠好。 Now, five weeks before the end of the season, the Nationals finally have looked in the mirror and saw what everyone else has already known all year: They are the greatest group of underachievers in all of baseball, resulting in the most humiliating season in their franchise history. 現在,距離正規賽季還有五周,國民隊終於願意攬鏡自照,終於看到了其他人一整年在說 的:他們是棒球界裡表現不良隊伍裡面的最強隊,最終導致本季是他們隊史上最丟臉的一 季。 The Nats officially raised the white flag Tuesday and abruptly quit, letting the upstart Atlanta Braves and Philadelphia Phillies, whose talent absolutely pales in comparison, to fight for the division title. 星期二的時候,國民隊算是正是舉白旗投降了,就讓同區的勇士跟費城人去爭奪分區冠 軍,國民的天賦跟他們相比,只是小巫見大巫。 The Nationals traded three-time All-Star second baseman Daniel Murphy to the Chicago Cubs for fringe minor-league prospect Andruw Monasterio and a player to be named later, while also permitting the St. Louis Cardinals to simply take power hitter Matt Adams on a waiver claim. The deals will save the Nationals nearly $5 million. 國民把三屆全明星二壘手Daniel Murphy交易到小熊,但換回少少的小聯盟潛力新秀Andruw Monasterio跟一位還不知道會是哪一位的選手;然後就讓紅雀從讓渡名單內撈走強力打者 Matt Adams。這些交易將會讓國民省500萬鎂。 They could have let the Los Angeles Dodgers have Bryce Harper, too, but pulled him back after the Dodgers claimed him on waivers and were only interested in assuming his contract without offering any significant prospects. 他們本可以讓道奇拿走Bryce Harper的,但是他們又把他從名單上抽回來,因為道奇只有 興趣接手他的合約,但是不給任何有真正潛力的新秀。 “We decided this is the right course of action,’’ Nats GM Mike Rizzo said at a brief news conference. “We felt this was the best way to facilitate what we’re trying to do, not only in 2018, but beyond. The money that we are making from the cash considerations goes straight into procuring talent for us to compete in the future.’’ 「我們決定這才是正確的動作,」國民總管Mike Rizzo在記者會上說到。「我們覺得這會 是最好的方式去加速我們一直在做的,不只為了2018球季,也是為了以後。我們省下的錢 會直接轉到將來去簽下潛力球員,幫助我們將來保有競爭力。」 It was nothing more than a cover-up. The real blunder came before the July 31 deadline when they could have traded away valuable pieces such as Murphy, who ’s hitting .340 with a .940 on-base-plus slugging percentage since the All-Star break, for actual real prospects. They just couldn’t face the reality that their team would continue to grossly underperform throughout August, but after being humiliated 12-1 at home Sunday by the lowly Miami Marlins, they couldn’t stand it any longer. 那一切都是在畫虎爛。真正的大錯誤是在7/31交易大限之前,當時就可以把一些有價值的 球員,像是Murphy,在明星賽後的打擊率.340,OPS是.940,拿去換一些真正的新秀。他們 就是無法面對真相,他們的球隊就是表現極差,一直到八月。而在星期天被爛隊馬林魚徹 底羞辱,12-1落敗,他們才真正無法再忍受下去。 “That was a litmus test for us,’’ Rizzo said. 「那對我們來說是個試金石,」Rizzo說。 Said Nats manager Davey Martinez: “That game on Sunday said a lot. It was ugly." 國民總教練Davey Martinez說:「星期天那場比賽說明了一切,那真的很難看。」 It left ownership no choice but to instruct Rizzo to pull the plug. 球團老闆沒有選擇,下令叫Rizzo得要揮刀了。 Immediately. 即刻開始。 The Nats didn’t bother waiting to see if they would even have their call-ups in time for a full 25-man roster before Tuesday’s game against the Phillies. ’’ 國民甚至沒有看一下,他們有沒有後備的人來得及叫上來進25人先發名單,好在星期二面 對費城人。 “We gambled at the deadline, I admit it ...’’ Nats owner Mark Lerner said in an open letter. “When something isn’t working, you evaluate the situation and take the necessary steps to improve it. You don’t just stand by, cross your fingers and hope for the best.’’ 「我承認,我們在交易大限那時賭了一把...」國民老闆Mark Lerner在公開信裡說到。 「當事情發展不對時,要評估狀況後,採取必要的措施去改善。不應該就是袖手旁觀,然 後祈禱事情會自己改變。」 The Nationals, 62-63, will tell you incessantly that their injuries created this mess. They’ll tell you about their bad breaks. Bad luck. Even bad karma. 國民隊,目前戰績62-63,不停的告訴大家他們一堆傷勢導致了現在的糟糕狀況。他們會說 他們就是倒楣,運氣不好,業障重。 Please, enough with the excuses. There isn’t a contender in baseball who hasn ’t had injuries. You think the Dodgers, who have been without virtually every key player on their team at one point, is crying for them? How about the New York Yankees, who won’t have Aaron Judge back until September? And the Houston Astros, who have been without American League MVP Jose Altuve? Anyone? Anyone? 拜託,真是理由伯~~哪一個爭冠隊伍裡面有人沒傷的。拿躲人來說,他們幾乎沒有他們 重要球員全員到齊過,他們有靠腰嗎?洋基隊,他們的Aaron Judge要到九月才回得來。太 色也沒有他們的美聯MVP Jose Altuve。他們有靠腰嗎?有嗎? -- 打錯 謝謝提醒 已修 謝謝
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1534911650.A.A27.html

charlie01: 永遠雷聲大雨點小的一隊 08/22 12:23

aaron97: Aluve 08/22 12:25

siliver: XD 08/22 12:26

wuwinkan: 高層的思維很奇怪 一般人無法理解 08/22 12:27

Wojnarowski: 推完整翻譯 08/22 12:28

Roshiel: 超慘,明年以後更沒機會了 08/22 12:30

Roshiel: 下定決心,放手重建吧 08/22 12:30

wyner: 應該有靠夭吧 洋基傷了Judge、374、Torres、Didi、Chapman 08/22 12:30

BlakeSnell: 國民現任總欸評價如何啊? 08/22 12:30

pujos: 嫌Baker爛wow 08/22 12:33

pujos: 結果換了個更爛的 08/22 12:33

ganhua: ㄜ我們這裡講得是棒球隊xDD 08/22 12:37

cc9i: 國民開季陸續傷了CF 2B 3B LF SPx2 C 一堆明星賽才回來 08/22 12:38

notmuchmoney: 很健康的也有吧 08/22 12:45

lowl99: 國民跟富邦悍將真的有得比 08/22 12:46

npbmlb: 看成國民黨 08/22 12:47

a9564208: 寫體育新聞不忘酸川普 08/22 12:52

laste: 原文Martrinz 翻譯文那一行z變成s 08/22 12:53

laste: 我也打錯orz...是Martinez才對 08/22 12:56

bensonla: 事後來看,當時換掉baker不對 08/22 12:57

LastDinosaur: 太空人的例子很牽強 阿土伯才傷一個月 國民球員一 08/22 13:03

LastDinosaur: 次都一卡車在傷 然後一次都躺快兩個月 像Doolittle 08/22 13:03

hakk: MLB一大堆腦殘高層 08/22 13:04

LastDinosaur: 小史 Murphy Eaton Rendon 都躺過一個月以上 08/22 13:04

cc9i: harper算是健康 但今年成績真的過譽 08/22 13:05

henry40616: 最後一段翻的好生動XD 08/22 13:09

yankees733: 好幾年季後賽一輪遊,今年終於不用一輪遊了 08/22 13:10

n88526: 不懂為何731可以多撈幾個新秀不撈 現在只能吃831了 08/22 13:11

c871111116: 太空人今年Springer也是慘 08/22 13:14

triff: 傷兵是業界共同問題(望向大都會) 08/22 13:17

mirrorlee: 紅襪也傷過Mookie Betts 甚至 PEDRO都還回不來 講傷兵 08/22 13:22

mirrorlee: 的話那他們現在根本不可能衝刺最高勝場數 08/22 13:22

globekiller: 太空人再輸下去大概也要開始靠腰了XD 08/22 13:43

Langerhans: 拜託今年讓勇勇進,咱勇勇也是連輸了季後系列賽,換我 08/22 13:43

Langerhans: 們報仇了 08/22 13:43

LesBleus: Backer笑而不語 爽 08/22 13:47

AppleMan: 進退兩難惹 08/22 13:48

batmask: 傷歸傷 Harper長時間打很爛、多數球員今年表現略差於去年 08/22 14:00

bart102617: 真的有機會趁731撈新秀,把3A壹些佰大拉上來 08/22 14:03

Asucks: 大都會: 在我面前,你敢講傷兵? 08/22 14:03

mightymouse: 其實國民體質不差,老人賣一賣明年還是有機會 08/22 14:49

jasonchen31: 畫虎爛 08/22 15:06

leejj1013: 然後今天把費城牛棚打爆...ok 08/22 15:18

bonjovi0930: 結果哈波真的要換空氣了.重建明年應該也不會留. 08/22 15:30

eon4: 偉災國民,連空氣都沒換到 08/22 15:31

Cishang: 季賽靠實力 季後靠運氣 08/22 15:39

lee030618: 棒球隊哈哈哈 推翻譯 很生動 08/22 15:40

bonjovi0930: 貝克吸這次真的不能拿來坦.炒他真的只是代罪羔羊 08/22 15:43

garciaparr: 對小熊那場太傷 08/22 16:18

n61208: 我色過去一個月很慘啊,開季前四棒掛了三隻只剩Bergman 08/22 16:20

Sizemore24: Harper 的很爛還是比一堆人好啊 08/22 16:34

alpacaHong: 結果今天3A菜鳥因為太臨時沒飛機搭搞了六小時才到球場 08/22 16:34

alpacaHong: 結果還打全壘打 08/22 16:34

Sizemore24: Murphy 的 BR WAR 還是負的 08/22 16:34

Sizemore24: Nats 的得失分比還是不錯的,說運氣不好也不是不可以 08/22 16:35

holypiggy: 薛蛇的戒指QQ 08/22 16:40

Allen900457: 國民明明就比較嚴重......季中還只能靠撿來的球員打. 08/22 16:46

Allen900457: 而且8月初也是一波連勝好嗎 08/22 16:47

mightymouse: 不太可能直接打掉重練啦,有薛蛇小史Turner, Rendon 08/22 16:49

mightymouse: Soto......其他戰力補一下還是有競爭力 08/22 16:50

Allen900457: 下面那篇直接打臉 08/22 16:52

Roshiel: 國民今年過了,以後機會就小很多 08/22 16:59

AnitaHailey: 一般講Pedroia 不會講pedro吧XDDD 用Pedey或派禿比 08/22 17:04

AnitaHailey: 較不容易跟45號那個大叔搞混 08/22 17:04

mirrorlee: 也是 08/22 17:22

easonliou: 式拉幹xD 08/22 17:25

Roshiel: 國民有錢,現在陣中球員也不少正資產 08/22 18:14

Roshiel: 下定決心早點重建,說不定兩三年就起來了,不要搞到像之 08/22 18:16

Roshiel: 前小熊一樣萬劫不復就好了 08/22 18:17

wyner: Harper的WAR是很低 但OPS快要.9叫做爛...他爛的點是防守扣 08/22 19:01

wyner: 爆 不然打擊不要跟Trout比也是血虐一票人了 08/22 19:02

ph49: 只能期待靴蛇CY連霸了 08/22 21:01

ddev: 學了好多英文,原來畫虎爛的英文是這樣 08/22 21:02

sonnyissonny: 我們在談的是棒球隊 這個好好笑XD 08/22 21:09

kodokawa0515: 推 08/22 21:22

Sizemore24: 是說 Harper 的 FG WAR 還不差,BR 版的被守備扣很多 08/22 21:44

siliver: 不特別講,別人還以為再說川普那個自走砲 =.= 08/22 21:46

hahabis: 洋基沒有靠腰阿,只是嗆蝦而已 08/22 22:20

rubeinlove: 推翻譯哈哈哈 08/23 00:09

philluke: 最後一段真是XD 08/23 00:54

powerman100: 推。 08/23 01:42

VaROne: 只會Retool,Rebuild不可能。 08/23 03:07

darvipon: 推翻譯 08/23 11:36

wuchianlin: 手上好牌一堆,而且根本就有很多機會改善,最後搞成這樣 08/24 01:04

wuchianlin: 說沒有人犯錯根本就是在唬爛 08/24 01:05
