[外電] Kate Upton如何拯救Verlander的事業(下)

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-08-21 15:40:02
留言 92則留言 (79推 1噓 12→)

來源: The Bleacher Report 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9gj2byh HOW KATE UPTON SAVED JUSTIN VERLANDER'S CAREER Kate Upton如何拯救Verlander的事業(下) (續上篇) Then his arm got hurt again. Tigers trainers diagnosed a triceps strain. “I knew something was wrong,” Verlander says. “They take me out and misdiagnose me. … Didn’t get an MRI. Because it was so mild.” (Through a spokesman, the Tigers would not confirm or deny Verlander's medical diagnosis due to HIPAA laws. The team also declined to comment on Verlander’s assessment of his care.) 然後他的手臂又受傷了,老虎的訓練員診斷是三頭肌拉傷。「我知道事情不對勁,」 Verlander說。「他們把我換下場,然後診斷錯誤...沒做MRI,因為那個症狀很輕。」(依 據老虎發言人,根據HIPAA的規定,他們不會証實或否認Verlander的醫療診斷,他們也不 願意對Verlander對他治療的評估有任何評論。) A few weeks later, when Verlander hurt himself again, an MRI revealed a tear in his latissimus dorsi (his back). Verlander kept Gow involved after that. He ’d go work with the Tigers trainers, then FaceTime her and let her do her thing. “I was the eyes,” Gow says, “and I used his trainer as my hands.” 幾個星期後,Verlander又受傷了,而MRI顯示闊背肌有撕裂傷,這次Verlander讓Gow參予 整個過程,她會先跟老虎的治療師訓練,然後跟Gow做視訊,然後讓Gow做後續的處理。 「我相當於是眼睛,」Gow說,「然後我讓他的治療師們當做我的手。」 He finished out the 2015 season with three good months and suspected he was back for good. The following season, in 2016, he proved it: Verlander finished second in the American League Cy Young Award voting. 他最後在2015球季投了三個月,他懷疑他是不是就完全健康了。隔年2016球季,他證明了: Verlander在美聯賽揚獎得票居於第二。 He didn’t have to go to Houston last August. When the deal was struck, he had 30 minutes to decide whether to waive his no-trade clause. He was curious about Houston’s analytics-heavy approach to pitching—maybe the Astros would see something he didn’t even know to look for. Kind of like Annie Gow. 他去年八月不一定要去休斯頓太色的。當交易提出來時,他有30分鐘的時間考慮要不要放 棄他的不可交易條款。但是他對太色的分析棒球很好奇,或許這樣的分析可以幫助到他的 投球,可以看到他不知道的部分。有點像他的治療師Dr. Gow。 He called a few people close to him. Some said he should stay in Detroit. He was torn. Upton helped him make up his mind. They’d gotten engaged during spring training in 2016. Her life was his life now. “If she had been anything less than enthusiastic,” Verlander says, “I probably wouldn’t have done it.” 他打了電話給他一些親近的好友,一些人說他應該留在底特律,他天人交戰,但是Upton幫 助他做了決定。他們在2016年春訓時訂婚,現在他們是一體的了。「如果她沒那麼熱 心,」Verlander說,「我大概就不會去了。」 When word reached the team, shortstop Carlos Correa says, “I threw my glove up in the ceiling and I broke it because I was so excited.” 而當Verlander要來的消息傳到太色,游擊手Carlos Correa說,「我因為太興奮,把手套 往上丟,把天花板砸破了一個洞。」 Everyone basically reacted the same way. 基本上太色每個球員反應都是那樣。 And Verlander pitched great, of course. “It’s kind of boring, too, sometimes,” Correa says, fake complaining. “Because he strikes out so many. I tell him all the time, ‘You don’t get me my ground balls, bro. You need to get me more ground balls. I need my defensive stats.’” Verlander投的當然超好。「那有時有點無聊,」Correa假假的抱怨。「因為他三振太多人 了,我一直跟他講,『你都沒有給滾地球給我,兄弟。你要讓我有點滾地球接好嗎,我要 刷防守數據。』」 But many great veteran athletes have arrived on promising teams and dragged them down with the weight of their toxic self-importance. 但是有很多老將來到了有爭冠希望的隊伍時,會因為他們過度強調自己的重要性而把整個 球隊拖下水。 Not Verlander. Verlander不是那樣的人。 “He’s not an asshole,” Hinch says. “I’ve been around a lot of stars in my day. He gets it. For someone who virtually has everyone’s dream life and dream ability, he gets it.” 「他不是難搞的人,」Hinch說。「我跟很多明星球員共事過,他很瞭解的,對於一個擁有 人人稱羨的生活以及天賦能力,他很瞭解的。」 What’s mattered just as much as what he’s done on the mound is who he’s been to everyone there. “He is your favorite guy to play behind,” Correa says. 跟在投手丘上的表現一樣重要的是他對其他人的態度。「他是一個我們很喜歡在他後面一 起打球的傢伙,」Correa說。 Maybe success is impossible without some sort of counterbalance. Verlander has ebbed this way his entire career. He falls in love, then his body falls apart. He gets traded to a World Series contender, and a postseason run threatens to upend one of the most important moments in his personal life. 或許成功無可避免的得要有些不好的事情才能平衡,Verlander就是這樣走過他的棒球生 涯。他談了戀愛,然後身體開始出狀況,他被交易到有爭冠的隊伍,然後一個季後賽的失 分差點讓他毀掉他人生裡幾個重要時刻之一。 Verlander and Upton planned their wedding to be a multiday affair for early November at a resort in Tuscany. They planned themed days and events and booked private villas for their guests. “We wanted it to feel like a vacation with 100 of our closest friends and family,” Verlander says, “and someone just happens to get married.” Verlander跟Upton計畫在11月初在Tuscany舉辦一個多天結婚典禮,他們計畫好了主題,活 動,也替賓客們訂好了住宿。「我們希望大家會覺得這像是我們100多人的家人跟朋友的度 假活動,」Verlander說,「而剛好度假的時候有人結婚而已。」 In the chaos of moving to Houston and then making the playoff run with the Astros, it fell to Upton to handle moving, along with final wedding plans, along with, you know, being a working supermodel, too. 在整個搬家到休斯頓跟在季後賽與太色一起奮鬥的混亂過程,這一切就落到了Upton頭上, 企劃整個婚禮,然後還要繼續超模的工作。 Early in the World Series, Verlander awoke to Upton slapping him, panicked. She suffered from night terrors. But the pressure from the wedding had gotten to her as well. The band she’d booked for their wedding had a two-hour limit. “We need a second band!” she yelled. “One band is not enough!” 在打世界大賽前幾場,Verlander被Upton打醒,一臉驚恐,因為她做惡夢。整個婚禮的壓 力也影響了她。預計要到婚禮表演的樂團只能表演兩小時,「我們要第二個樂團!」她尖 叫。「一個不夠用!」 So she booked another. “We wanted to dance all night,” she explains. 所以她訂了另外一個樂團。「我們希望可以跳整晚,」她解釋。 By Game 5, everything had fallen into place. Everything, that is, except Verlander’s schedule. In Game 6, he was slated to start. 到了Game 5,每件事情大概都已經到位。差不多每件事,除了Verlander的時間不確定。 Game 6,Verlander預計要先發。 “The only thing that could fuck it up,” Verlander says, “was Game 7.” 「唯一一件事情可以把這搞砸的,」Verlander說,「就是打Game 7。」 He tried for a perfect game. And he tried to get it all by himself. 他試著去投出完全比賽,他想就靠自己把球賽贏下來。 “He kept talking about it,” Upton recalls. “I was like…there’s a whole team out there!” 「他一直不停的說,」Upton回想起那時候。「那就像是....好像整個隊伍都在那邊講話一 樣。」 Verlander was nearly unhittable through five innings, striking out 8. But the Dodgers scored two runs in the sixth and went on to win 3-1, forcing a Game 7. Verlander在前五局幾乎讓道奇打不到球,拿下了8個三振。但是在第六局道奇拿下兩分, 最後3-1拿下Game 6,得要打Game 7。 照片: https://imgur.com/S0Gslsp.jpg
They would have to make do. Hastily so. After the Astros won Game 7 in Los Angeles, Verlander and Upton took a private plane from Los Angeles International Airport to Rome. A driver took them to Valentino’s in the heart of the city for Upton’s final wedding dress fitting. They returned to the airport, where, garments in hand, they boarded a helicopter. It took them right to the resort. 他們倆也就只能這樣,很匆促的完成。太色在LA贏下Game 7後,Verlander跟Upton就坐著 私人飛機從LA直接飛到羅馬國際機場,司機載著它們到羅馬市中心的Valentino去做最後一 次的婚禮服裝試穿,然後手上拿著婚禮禮服,直奔機場,坐直升機直奔婚禮所在的度假 村。 As they approached from the sky, one hundred of their closest friends and family were waiting for them. They were late, and it was beautiful. 當他們從天而降時,他們一百位好友跟親戚已經在那邊等他們;他們雖然遲到了,但是整 個畫面美翻了。 “Makes it better that we weren’t there for the start of it, I think,” Verlander says. “If we’d won Game 6, and everybody made it perfectly on time? … It’s just like”—he makes a face and throws up his hands like a kid displeased with a gift—“Oh. Everything’s fucking perfect.” 「我認為我們一開始沒到讓整個過程更加完美,」Verlander說。「若是我們拿下Game 6, 然後大家都準時出席?那就像是,」Verlander做了一個鬼臉,把手舉起來,像是小屁孩不 喜歡他的禮物一樣。他接著說,「喔~~每件事就是他媽的完美。」 The next day, they got married. 第二天,他們就結婚了。 Then they danced all night. 然後他們跳了整夜的舞。 When I meet with Verlander for lunch during a summer day in San Francisco, there’s a lightness to him. He pokes fun at himself. When he makes a joke, his eyebrows raise from behind his sunglasses in a show of sarcasm. 當我今年夏天在舊金山跟Verlander碰面午餐的時候,在他身上有著一絲的輕盈。他開著自 己的玩笑,在開玩笑的時候,可以看到在太陽眼鏡後他的眉毛上揚,透露著些許嘲諷。 He seems to know now what he was built for and what it takes to navigate through his life with all its ups and downs. Pain leaves its marks but also gifts. 他似乎知道他是可以如何應付外界,他似乎也知道了如何看待他人生浪潮中的高潮與低 潮。痛楚會在人生過程中留下印記,但是也留下了禮物。 A few weeks later, Upton announced on Instagram that she and Verlander were expecting. Like many new or expecting parents, they see the world a new way now, and they wonder what kind of world their child will inherit. 幾個星期後,Upton在IG上宣布她有了身孕,就像其他即將為人父母的人一樣,他們看這世 界有了不一樣的角度,他們也想像著這一個他們的小孩即將降臨的世界會變成如何。 One thing is for certain: The kid will appreciate the beauty of a badass ride. Just like Verlander. Just like Upton, too. About that: She wasn’t wild about Verlander’s cars at first. Then he told her about his father, about his childhood dreams, about what they meant beyond the sum of their parts. She started coming around. 有一件事情是可以確定的:這小孩應該會喜歡有點壞壞的車子。就像Verlander,就像 Upton。講到車子,Upton一開始並不是太愛Verlander的車。不過在Verlander跟她說到他 爸的故事,他小時候的夢想,以及在把所有零件組裝後代表的意義後,她也跟著接受也喜 歡上車子。 Now she has a custom-built car of her own. She hand-picked all its parts; watched it take shape from the inside out. “Won me over,” she says. She felt the connection. 現在她自己也有一台客製車,她也自己選了所有的零件,看著車子從零到有,有裡到外。 「我的心都是它的,」她說。她也有了人車一體的感覺。 Funny thing about it, though—she’s still a truck girl at heart. Probably always will be. Before she was a model, she rode horses. Grew up on ranches, on rough roads, around work that required vehicles that could haul heavy loads. Ferraris are built to be unbeatable. Trucks, unbreakable. 不過有趣的事情是,她內心仍舊是一個卡車女孩,或許永遠都是。在她成為超模之前,她 會騎馬,從小在農場長大,身旁都是那種要載重的車子。法拉利是做成無法打敗的車子; 卡車,則是無法破壞的車子。 Sometimes when they’re about to leave the house for somewhere unfamiliar, Verlander tries to map out the journey ahead. He thinks hard about the roads they will take and wonders if there will be any potholes or unpaved terrain. On such trips, the Ferrari might not be the right fit. Nor would Eleanor. They need something else—something built for what is in store. On these days, she says, “Let’s just take the truck.” And they do. 有時候他們從家裡出發要去沒去過的地方,Verlander會先看地圖,確定好路線。他會努力 思考要去的路上會不會有洞或是沒鋪好的部分。或許這樣的路就不是法拉利適合開的了, Verlander的Eleanor不適合。他們大概需要的是別的--那些為了預防意外狀況的車子。而 在那種狀況出現時,Upton就會說,「我們就開卡車吧。」然後他們就開卡車上路了。 -- 好喔 看到throw up就以為是嘔吐 謝謝提醒 已修 大大真的太厲害 完全沒想到有這層含意 翻譯的時候沒有去查這個片語 已修 小修 應該會比較好
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1534837206.A.2D5.html

Nakata0911: 好文推 08/21 15:43

benrun: Upton真的人正身材好又聰明 羨慕V中推 08/21 15:46

citpo: 有心翻譯大推 08/21 15:47

steven841003: 推 08/21 15:54

lowl99: 有Upton這種旺夫運的老婆,真的好爽好羨慕^Q^ 08/21 15:55

midocat: 推 08/21 15:56

bonjovi0930: 老虎醫療組也很有事.JD馬也是離開老虎身體不玻璃 08/21 15:57

CKnightalker: 推~感謝翻譯 08/21 16:03

t1016d: 推 08/21 16:05

catsondbs: 小地方:throws up his hands只是舉手而已 推翻譯~ 08/21 16:11

chaobii: 上輩子修來的福氣才取到這麼棒的另一半,恭喜 08/21 16:17

gundam00: 超好看 給推! 08/21 16:19

waiting0801: 推推推 08/21 16:26

SamFuld: 能在事業最低谷的時候成為助力,這真的是最大的財富。 08/21 16:28

a2156700: 低潮時常開玩笑說他是不是昨天晚上過勞了 08/21 16:29

SamFuld: 可惡的Verlander人生勝利組!!! 08/21 16:29

corlos: 原來kate是農家姑娘 08/21 16:33

ce270651: 推 08/21 16:34

yaes111: 在床上拯救你 08/21 16:34

corlos: V噴愛跑車,沒想到upton愛卡車wwwww 08/21 16:41

corlos: 這樣V噴的車庫可能跑車要少一些了 08/21 16:41

DaiwaNWoIF: 推 08/21 16:42

LeftVision: 感謝翻譯 08/21 16:43

Asucks: 推翻譯 08/21 16:44

lwifbf: 推 08/21 16:47

a1ibooda: 好女人給推 08/21 16:58

aborwang: 推 08/21 17:17

Terry1984: 推 08/21 17:20

tree748596: 推 08/21 17:22

ianchen1997: 馬的去年季中道奇在達爾虎王二選一裡面選錯了QQ 08/21 17:31

Sechslee: Kate超棒 08/21 17:35

yankees733: V中跟Upton認識後一整個轉運 08/21 17:37

m0324h1987: 推 08/21 17:41

JessicaA1ba: 有巨乳賢內助,爽翻了 08/21 17:42

LoMing1021: 祝福他們可以一直幸福下去 08/21 18:03

mnyan0503: 好文推 08/21 18:06

carrhung: 我虎的醫療團隊...還好JV有找到適合的良醫也康復了! 08/21 18:09

LoveWin7: 有身材面貌然後還能旺夫,娶到這樣的老婆真的圓滿了 08/21 18:12

hsin8535: 推 08/21 18:12

roger4767: V中應該要給達爾一個感謝狀 08/21 18:34

mrlucas8891: 雖然大家平常都在虧他們夫妻 不過還是希望他們可以 08/21 18:43

mrlucas8891: 幸福一輩子 08/21 18:43

edhuang: 推 08/21 18:43

galaraga911: 重點是還很會賺錢...完美啊 08/21 19:16

sikerkuaitai: 推V中 老來俏回春 08/21 19:22

ForeverChop: 好辛苦推一個 08/21 19:23

lumberer: 推翻譯 辛苦了! 08/21 20:05

kevinyaun: 感謝分享 辛苦了! 08/21 20:14

therock0809: 我要刷防守數據XDDD 08/21 20:28

ckbobson: 推 08/21 20:52

kk2025: 祝福 08/21 20:58

angus: 推 覺得你翻譯的蠻有溫度的 08/21 20:58

totoro35: 謝謝翻譯,也恭喜V中娶到賢內助~~ 08/21 21:10

cjASKA: 讚! 08/21 21:43

darvipon: 再推一個翻譯 08/21 21:52

rex9999: 惟亂翻成太色人 破壞全篇的信雅達 實屬可惜 本座噓戒 08/21 22:05

citpo: 幫原PO補推 08/21 22:08

geneaven: Correa今年這麼廢只剩一張嘴還很愛講 08/21 22:14

chadtracy: K.Upton真的旺夫啊 08/21 22:20

freesoul: Upton的家族來頭也不小啊, 爺爺是惠而浦的創辦人之一 08/21 22:30

freesoul: 還有個連任12任24年聯邦眾議員的伯伯(或叔叔)Fred Upton 08/21 22:33

likehood: 用心翻譯,推~~~ 08/21 22:33

d123xxx: 推超棒的用心翻譯~ 08/21 22:46

McCain: 患難見真情 08/21 23:16

s93rm6: 推翻譯 08/21 23:31

lee030618: 推翻譯 也推我色王牌夫婦 08/22 00:06

searching87: 有看有推~感謝翻譯。能有相扶相持的夫妻最幸福了 08/22 00:19

bokituto: 推 08/22 00:26

leehomeileen: 推用心翻譯 很好看的文章 08/22 00:29

xxjasonbox: 好文推 08/22 01:36

pedro1025: 推 08/22 01:43

pandafish: 好文! 08/22 06:22

terrorist: what's in store 是 將來臨的(通常指考驗) 08/22 07:19

coollonger: 人生勝利組.... 08/22 09:00

OPT1428: 某樓忌妒到只能雞蛋挑骨頭了 08/22 09:50

wilmkingball: 高富帥又會打棒球,老婆又正身材好又旺夫,真勝利 08/22 10:43

aaaaa0703: 感謝翻譯! 一開始看到"LA贏下Game 7"還以為我眼瞎了XD 08/22 11:30

aaaaa0703: 沒想到K. Upton如此有腦… 08/22 11:31

ghostforever: 好閃的文阿~~ 08/22 12:41

BLUEDX: 推 08/22 12:42

hollowland: 厲害的物理治療師真的很強 可以找出你身上一堆神奇的 08/22 12:48

hollowland: 累積傷勢 08/22 12:49

Yao910336: 好文 08/22 13:12

leion237: 好文 08/22 19:47

godspeed0221: 好文推! 08/22 19:48

melissalewis: 好文 08/22 21:11

jeter8695: 推 08/23 00:08

JerryGreen: 推y 08/23 07:17

Mystiarun: V中好文 08/24 00:31

KAIS: 推~謝謝翻譯!! 08/25 11:04

gx9900824: 看完再推 05/31 13:35

tweence: 08/05 12:44
