[外電] Kate Upton如何拯救Verlander的事業(中)

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-08-21 15:39:56
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來源: The Bleacher Report 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9gj2byh HOW KATE UPTON SAVED JUSTIN VERLANDER'S CAREER Kate Upton如何拯救Verlander的事業(中) (續上篇) The world responded accordingly. National media types lit into Verlander relentlessly and incuriously. Local writers seemed disinterested in following up on his health or its effect on his play. Detroit fans outright booed him off the field. Social media became an endless stream of vitriol. 外界的反應也隨之而來。媒體開始不再關注Verlander,當地媒體似乎對於他的健康狀況以 及如何影響他的表現興趣缺缺,底特律球迷狂噓他下場,社群媒體則是無止盡的酸。 Trolls went after Upton, too, saying she ruined him. And saying, well—other dark, twisted things. “People suck,” Verlander says. 酸民也開始針對Upton,說她毀了Verlander,說著其他一些不堪,扭曲的實情。「人是醜 惡的,」Verlander說。 Later that season, at a game in Pittsburgh on August 11, Verlander’s coach pulled him after the first inning and told him to get an MRI. On the way to the clubhouse, Verlander stopped on some stairs, sat down and cried. 當球季快結束時,在8/11時在海盜主場,Verlander的教練在第一局後把他換下場,叫他去 做MRI。在回到球隊休息室的路上,Verlander在樓梯上,坐下來開始哭。 He knew he would need surgery on his shoulder. Meaning that, at 31, he could be done. “I really thought it was the end,” he says. 他知道他的肩膀得要動手術了,31歲,那可能代表著棒球生涯的結束。「我真的以為那就 是終點了,」他說。 But just as Verlander was falling apart, he was also falling in love. And that helped him cope with his troubles. 當Verlander的棒球生涯開始墜入深淵,他自己也墜入情網,而那也幫助他度過這一段惱人 的時光。 “She was instrumental in me not…like, jumping off a bridge,” he says. “I was depressed and kind of just upset at the world and trying to hide my own shit.” 「她幫助著我,讓我...像是不會去跳橋自殺等,」他說。「我非常沮喪,對世界非常憎 惡,只想掩蓋我的不堪。」 Upton understood him. And she had a combination of qualities that could help him through his ordeal. Upton了解他,她的人格特質幫Verlander度過難關。 “Fuck, man,” he says, voice shaky. “She was what I needed.” 「操!老天,」他用顫抖的聲音說。「她就是我需要的。」 Not many people in the world could comprehend what he was going through. But she was there to listen, to help him. 世界上沒有多少人可以理解Verlander所正在經歷的,但是Upton在他身邊傾聽,幫助著 他。 “I don’t like to talk to people about being hurt. As athletes, you’re not supposed to. It’s an excuse. … But she was someone I could talk to. I mean, basically a therapist,” he says. “Somebody I could trust with … worries about my career. Worries about, Can I make it? Worries about what I’m going through to get back. And just the overall shittiness of it all.” 「我不想要跟別人講我有多痛,身為運動選手,不應該做這樣的事情,那是個藉口...但是 她是我可以傾吐的對象,我的意思是,她就像個心理治療師,」他說。「她是一個我可以 信任的人,分享我擔心的事情,像是我的棒球生涯,我還能不能打球?我還能不能像以前 一樣?就是一切狗屁倒灶的事情我都可以說。」 照片: https://imgur.com/ssM0toX.jpg
Upton knew plenty about having a career with a limited life span, about dealing with people who say you suck. She related to Verlander, told him what she’d been through, which helped put things into perspective for him. After Upton’s first Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover came out in 2012, the magazine sent her on a national press tour. A firestorm of criticism followed her. People said she was too fat. “She obviously had dealt with more than me in her life,” Verlander says. “I mean, being a woman? Being in that industry? Being that famous? That was a level I hadn’t dealt with.” Upton太瞭甚麼是有限的生涯,太知道如何面對說你爛透了的人,她對Verlander所經歷的 感同身受,跟他說她所經歷過的經驗,幫助Verlander從不同觀點來看待他所面對的。2012 年Upton登上運動畫刊泳裝特輯封面,然後開始了她全國的宣傳行程。但是批評蜂擁而來, 有人說她太肥。「她那時候面對的壓力比我要多的多,」Verlander說。「我是說,她是個 女生,在那樣的行業,在那樣的知名度,那樣的壓力要比我高的多。」 She showed Verlander how much it helped to really know one’s body. To know one’s body was to know the truth in the face of criticism, and that truth was like armor against doubt. “When someone attacked me, I knew I was living my life a healthy way,” she said. Hence: “Those comments mean nothing.” 她讓Verlander知道了解自己的身體會有多大的幫助。而要瞭解自己的身體,就是要知道這 些批評的真相,而這些真相才能抵抗對自己的懷疑。「當有人攻擊我時,我知道我是用健 康的方式在過活,」她說。因此:「那些評論對我來說不代表任何意義。」 The MRI on Verlander’s shoulder showed no structural damage. “It was basically every type of tendinitis, tendinosis, that you can think of,” he says. “Which, I was so relieved. I mean, just—wow. Holy shit. I’m not dead. ” 之後的MRI顯示Verlander的肩膀沒有構造上的傷害。「基本上就是各種的肌腱炎,或是你 想的到肌腱病變,」他說。「那讓我鬆了一口氣,就是--呼~~真的它X的,我不是沒救的 了。」 He resolved to do all he could for his body. He tended to himself like his father had tended to those old sports cars. He obsessively reviewed footage of his pitching. (Even asked Upton for her take. “We’re going through slo-mo video of him throwing in the backyard,” she says. “I’m sitting there like, yeah, great, um, slider!”) He listened to Detroit’s trainers. He trusted their guidance. 他決定去做任何可以幫助到他身體的事。他開始照顧他自己的身體,就像他爸爸如何照顧 那些老跑車一樣。他開始瘋狂的看他投球影片(他甚至要看Upton幫他錄的,「我們開始慢 動作看他在後院丟球的影片」她說,「我坐在那邊,像是說著,『喔~好滑球』之類的」) 他開始聽從他訓練員的指示,他信任他們的指導。 And yet, pain. 但是,痛還是在。 “Clearly, I needed to change something,” he says. 「很顯然的,我得要改變一些事情。」他說。 Then, on August 31, Verlander’s phone was hacked. 然後,8/31號,Verlander的手機被駭了。 A series of pictures were stolen. Their naked bodies, their intimate moments, all over social media and the internet. 一些照片被偷了,他們沒穿衣服的照片,一些親暱行為的照片,都被放到社群媒體上。 It was painful. Embarrassing. Traumatizing. 那是痛苦的,尷尬的,令人創傷不已的。 “It was an extremely difficult time that we were able to grow stronger from, ” Upton says. 「那是一段極端痛苦的時光,但是是我們可以變的更加堅強的機會,」Upton說。 And there was still the physical discomfort Verlander had in his arm. Upton, long accustomed to trusting her intuition on health matters, suggested Verlander try to find help somewhere else. “You would never expect that when you get to the major leagues, you’re not receiving the best of the best,” she says. “As a woman, you learn to always question everything everyone is telling you. My industry? My perspective of things? We can’t depend on anyone. Everything is our responsibility.” 而在那時候,Verlander的手臂仍然感覺不舒服,而長期以來對自己健康都很有直覺的 Upton建議Verlander去別的地方尋找幫助。「不能期待進入了大聯盟,而沒有接受到最好 的東西,」她說。「身為一個女人,我們學到永遠要質疑每個人跟你講的每件事情。在我 的行業,按照我的觀點,我們不能倚靠任何人,一切的一切都是我們自己要承擔。」 So he trusted her, asked around and was recommended a trusted physical therapist, Dr. Annie Gow. Verlander made plans to see her after the season concluded in the fall, at her office in Midtown Manhattan, not far from Times Square. 所以Verlander相信Upton,開始四處打聽,而得到一個大家推薦的治療師,Dr. Annie Gow。他與她擬定治療計畫,她的辦公室在曼哈頓中城,距離時代廣場不遠。 On October 28, 2014, Verlander went to see Dr. Gow. They started off arguing with each other: She said he needed a full assessment; Verlander just wanted his shoulder fixed. 2014年10/28,Verlander去看Dr. Gow。他們一開始就吵架:她說他需要全身的評估; Verlander只要她治好他的肩膀。 “Look,” Gow said. “If you’re going to tell me what to do, you are not going to get the best of me.” 「聽著,」Gow說。「如果你要對我下命令,跟我說我該做甚麼,你不會得到我最好的治 療。」 Then she blew his mind. 然後她讓Verlander大開眼界。 She said to undress down to his shorts, including shoes and socks. She needed to see his feet. 她說要Verlander只穿短褲,鞋子跟襪子都不行。她要看他的腳。 “Your shoulder’s the victim,” she says. “That doesn’t mean that’s where the problem is.” 「你的肩膀只是結果,」她說。「那不代表問題出在那裏。」 She asked Verlander to squat. He said he couldn’t. Not since the surgery. 然後她要Verlander做蹲坐,他說在手術後就沒辦法做。 Gow put a foam roller beneath the balls of his feet. Gow然後放了一個泡棉滾軸在Verlander的蹠骨球下面。 Now try, she said. 再試一次,她說。 So he did. 他做了。 Bingo. 成功了。 Verlander’s problem was that he wasn’t flexible. At all. That was the source of his pain, his rapid decline. It started long ago, she said. Old tissue, left untended, had built up around bones and joints in his feet and ankles. Then it spread upward from there. To compensate for his decreasing range of motion, Verlander had been slowly changing his movements every season until essentially he was throwing just using his arm. Verlander的問題是他不夠有彈性,最後,那也是他疼痛以及衰退的原因。這問題很久了, 她說,老問題,沒注意它,問題開始在他腳踝跟腳的關節及骨頭出現,為了代償他日漸受 限的動作幅度,他開始每季慢慢改變他的投球動作,最後導致他只用手臂投球。 “It was really quite interesting,” Gow says. “He was this amazing pitcher in spite of himself.” 「這真的很有趣,」Gow說。「儘管如此,他成為了這樣神奇的投手。」 She took care to teach him what was happening. She embraced explanation as much as rehabilitation; for her, explanation was rehabilitation. “How else, ” she says, “can you heal?” 她跟他解釋,教他知道發生了甚麼,她除了復健,"解釋"對她來說也是復健。「不然的 話,」她說,「這樣會好嗎?」 They watched videos of his pitching. She saw things that, for all his obsessive study, he never even knew to look for. The over-rotation of the hips, the lack of firing in the legs and glutes, the way he started hiking his shoulder when everything else became too stiff and weak to support it. 他們一起看他的投球影片,雖然Verlander很積極的看影片,她看到了Verlander沒看到的 東西。過度旋轉的骨盆,腳跟屁股沒有出力,肩膀聳起,然後身體其他部分太過僵硬,然 後不夠力去支持他的身體。 “My body was a disaster,” he says. 「我的身體一團糟,」他說。 They worked up to six hours a week for the next three months. They focused on improving Verlander’s soft tissue and joint mobilization through an alternative therapy technique called myofascial release. “He had to train himself how to pitch again,” Gow says. 他們排定在之後三個月每個禮拜六小時的計畫,先是要改善Verlander的軟組織以及關節穩 定度,他們用了一種替代療法叫做肌膜放鬆。「他得要訓練他自己怎麼再投球,」Gow說。 By the end of spring training in 2015, Verlander started seeing the fruits of his labor. In his final start, he hit 97 mph on the radar gun again, and it felt effortless for three innings. 在2015年春訓結束前,Verlander開始看到努力後的成果。在最後一次先發,雷達測速槍顯 示他又可以投到97mph,他毫不費力就可以投到三局 (待續) --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1534837200.A.12F.html

CKnightalker: 推~ 08/21 15:59

Sechslee: 醫生厲害 08/21 17:28

cruchoco: squat是深蹲嗎 08/21 17:50

carrhung: 推! 08/21 18:11

darvipon: 再推你個翻譯 08/21 21:26

kee32: squat是深蹲沒錯,但是不一定有負重喔! 08/21 22:39

kee32: 靠,這治療師好厲害! 08/21 22:39

RickyRubio09: 好棒的治療師阿 08/21 22:56

sunnei: 腳壞掉影響到手壞掉 這讓我想到了老王 (遠目) 08/22 00:23

waiting0801: 推推推 08/22 01:09

vgil: 這治療師好猛 08/22 19:49

KAIS: 推翻譯,謝謝分享~ 08/25 10:55

craymond: 林盲腸要不要也去掛個號 08/26 18:33
