[外電] 隊友表示: 達比修認為球迷恨他

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作者 IamGandalf (我是甘道夫)
時間 2018-06-01 12:07:44
留言 24則留言 (19推 0噓 5→)

若翻譯有錯,請不吝指正 來源: Chicago Sun Times 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9t2g236 Cubs teammate who knows Yu Darvish best says pitcher believes fans ‘hate’ him 隊友表示: 達比修認為球迷恨他 PITTSBURGH — Those aren’t “boos.” They’re “Yuuuus.” 「那些不是"噓~~",是"修~~"。」 At least, that’s what Cubs catcher Chris Gimenez assures beleaguered pitcher Yu Darvish the latter will hear from fans when it really counts. 至少,那是小熊捕手Chris Gimenez向達比修保證等等聽到球迷叫囂時可以講的安慰話。 But right now? According to Gimenez — who played with Darvish in Texas and knows him better than anyone else in the Cubs clubhouse — the pitcher is having a hard time dealing with the criticism he’s hearing and reading as he serves his second stint on the disabled list of the season. 那現在呢? 據Gimenez的說法,他跟達比修都在德州打過球,比任何一個小熊球員都還了 解達比修,他認為達比修現在陷入一個難關,現在的他又上了DL,看到球迷文章或是評論 幹譙他無法釋懷。 It all boils down to one very strong word. 最後已經濃縮到一個字。 “I think he thinks that Chicago hates him for going on the DL a couple of times,” Gimenez said. “I’ve tried to portray to him, ‘Listen, they’re going to love you when we get to October and we’re doing the things that we all want to do here, you’re the main reason we’re doing it and we’re riding you all the way through it. 「我認為他覺得球迷因為他進DL好幾次而恨他,」Gimenez說。「我試著跟他說,『聽著, 等到十月的時候,他們就會愛死你了,我們會堅持下去,而你是我們堅持下去的原因,你 要帶著我們一直往前。』」 “So don’t worry about them getting mad at you on Twitter in May. Worry about when we get to September, October and they’re chanting your name.” 「『所以不要因為五月的時候看到推特上面球迷不爽你寫了什麼東西煩惱,等到九月十月 的時候他們不停的呼喊你的時候再來傷腦筋。』」 Darvish has been called soft, sensitive, aloof. His first trip to the 10-day DL — with the flu — has been roundly criticized, and in some cases mocked. This has happened among fans. It has been present on talk radio. The phrase “ Yu flu” may roll off the tongue, but its derisive use has gotten under the skin of the 31-year-old All-Star, who signed a six-year, $126 million deal with the Cubs in the offseason. 達比修被球迷說成軟弱,太敏感,不跟人互動。他第一次進10天的DL--是因為流感--就已 經被譙到翻掉,甚至被拿來取笑。"修流感"這個詞,球迷之間在傳,甚至被拿來在廣播上 講。這詞講的很順口,但是這深深刺到這31歲全明星,剛與小熊簽下6年1億2600萬鎂合約 的心裡。 “He reads Twitter. He reads all that stuff,” Gimenez said. “We all do. Honestly, I know it upsets him — and rightfully so.” 「他會看推特,他有看到有關他的文,」Gimenez說。「我們都有看到。坦白說,我知道那 些文讓他不開心--他有理由不開心。」 Darvish is back on the 10-day DL with inflammation in his right triceps. An MRI revealed no structural damage to his pitching arm, the team announced before Wednesday’s game against the Pirates. He’s expected to begin a throwing program late this weekend or early next week and likely will miss at least two more starts. 達比修因為右三頭肌發炎又進了DL,在星期三小熊打海盜之前發新聞稿,說明MRI檢查沒有 發現有結構上的損傷。他們預期這周末或是下周開始投球練習,應該會缺席至少兩次先 發。 Yet there is a certain sentiment out there that maybe, just maybe, Darvish ought to be on the mound every fifth day, hard at work on improving his 1-3 record and 4.95 ERA. And there are those who wonder if he has recovered from a nightmarish 2017 World Series with the Dodgers, when he bombed twice against the Astros, including in Game 7. 然而,會不會還有一些難以釋懷的情緒在呢? 或許吧,達比修若正常開始每五天上場一 次,努力投球,把現在1-3,ERA4.95弄好看一些。但是,大家始終有疑慮,2017年世界大 賽他替道奇打球,連GAME7算進去被打爆兩次,他真的已經走出陰影了嗎? “I know that it rubs him the wrong way,” Gimenez said. “He is champing at the bit to come back and show everybody what he can do. And I think that’s just coming off last year — he was so irked at how it ended. He didn’t do what his team needed him to do at the end of the year, and he feels the weight of that burden on him and really wants to get out there and prove to everybody that he can be the man.” 「我知道那有點傷到他,」Gimenez說。「他說著一定要回來證明給所人看他可以做到,那 才是去年的事,他那時候對於最後這樣的結果非常的惱。他沒有做到他的球隊希望他做到 的,他知道他肩膀上的壓力,他很想要上場表現,證明給每個人看,他是可以做到的。」 Gimenez describes Darvish as a shy guy who takes a while to get to know, but also as goofy enough to walk by an unsuspecting teammate in the dugout and drop a wad of gum into his water cup. Once during a game, Gimenez — who caught 12 of Darvish’s starts in 2014 — was staring out at the field intently when he realized Darvish was flicking sunflower seeds at his face. Gimenez說達比修是個害羞的人,要花點時間才會了解他,但他有時又會搞怪,會在休息室 偷偷把一塊口香糖丟到不知情的隊友的杯子裡。2014年Gimenez蹲捕了達比修的12場先發, 他記得有一場比賽,他在休息室專心的看場上的狀況,過了一陣子才發現達比修在偷偷往 他臉上丟瓜子。 “He’s not the most outgoing guy, but he wants to be a [bigger] part of this team,” Gimenez said. “Guys are starting to embrace him a little bit more, and I know that’s a big deal for him.” 「他不會是最外向的傢伙,但是他會想幫助球隊,成為球隊上的重要角色,」Gimenez說。 「隊友會開始喜歡上他,我知道對他來說才是最重要的。」 Gimenez, too, is well aware of the questions and criticisms in regard to Darvish. The one that rankles him is the “soft” label. Gimenez也知道對於達比修的批評以及疑問。但是,讓他無法接受的評論之一是說達比修 很"軟"。 “An extreme competitor,” he called Darvish. “When he’s on the mound, he wants to eat you for breakfast. He really does.” 「他是很強的競爭者,」他認為達比修是這樣子的人。「當他站上投手丘,他會像是要把 對手吃下去當早餐一樣的,他就是這樣子的人。」 Some Cubs observers — is it too soon to call them “haters”? — are going to have to see that to believe it. 一些小熊的觀察球迷們--有點早叫他們"修黑"?--或許得要等到看到達比修的表現才會相 信吧?! -- 全世界的球迷大概都一樣吧?!想黑就黑,反正都是鍵盤評論家... -- S大,我的文法不好 賓語是什麼? (淚奔~~~~)
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1527826068.A.65B.html

pujos: 啊,不然呢?? 06/01 12:12

jim12441: 拿那個錢投那個鳥成績不然球迷是要稱讚你好棒棒? 06/01 12:26

Yao910336: 嗚嗚 達爾加油 06/01 12:28

citpo: 跟井川慶聊聊 你會比較釋懷 06/01 12:28

Sechslee: 來紐約大概會更慘 06/01 12:29

antonio019: 修黑 Shohei 都是大谷的錯(? 06/01 12:42

harrishu: 修黑 歐他膩 06/01 12:44

a2156700: 修黑 是你? 06/01 12:46

DanielHudson: Yu flu……也太會了吧XD 06/01 12:52

hakk: 軟修 06/01 12:58

hunlong: 拿高薪投不好被噓正常啊 06/01 13:22

vg175: 如果神A沒投得這麼好也許球迷會比較寬容一點吧 06/01 13:43

epw: 對呀,去年十月就有一隊球迷很感謝他 06/01 13:52

youngpaper: 噓是酸民唯一的長處了 希望他能看開 06/01 14:11

Roshiel: 單就大城市來說,小熊球迷相對算比較溫和的了 06/01 14:14

bestteam: Yu flu真的很有梗耶 06/01 14:14

Sulstan: 簽合約那裡缺賓語 06/01 14:29

decorum: 小熊迷經歷過百年孤寂 一旦破魔咒就忘了當魯蛇的樂趣啦 06/01 14:33

s638450: 來台灣跟鄉長學一下抗鴨吧 06/01 14:56

HsiangFly: 太空人的球迷會很歡迎你的 06/01 15:56

randolph499: 有:你是愛我還是恨我 06/01 17:12

best2008: 職業選手 被恨正常 想太多了 06/01 19:59

web946719: 賓語對應到英文的受詞啦 06/01 20:26

h09582668200: 誰叫去年在國聯冠軍賽選到保送那麼丘 06/02 19:19
