[閒聊] 比賽開始前,Bauer在投手丘寫下"BD 91.1"

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作者 ghoster7 (Dope)
時間 2018-05-23 14:54:49
留言 40則留言 (30推 1噓 9→)

來源 : https://bit.ly/2x4nDRV Trevor Bauer Wrote "BD 911" On The Mound Before His Start [Update] by Lauren Theisen on Deadspin https://i.imgur.com/haxFO5I.jpg
Trevor Bauer, the Indians pitcher who loves both funny numbers and casually suggesting conspiracy theories, wrote “BD 911” on the back of the pitching mound before the first pitch of his start against the Cubs. Here’s video of him carving with his cleats in the dirt, then appearing to admire his work. Bauer,印地安人先發投手,喜歡一些特別的數字組合(之前是69和420),還有暗示些沒有 證據的陰謀論。再今日對上小熊前,在投手丘下寫下「BD 911」。以下這影片秀出Bauer 下去投手丘清理他的釘鞋,順便朝聖下他的傑作。 影片 : https://bit.ly/2GEUqwp The meaning of “BD 911” is, of course, ambiguous, but “Bush Did 9/11” is most everybody’s first guess. Bauer will almost definitely be asked about his message after the game, and we’ll update with his answer. 而「BD 911」通常大家猜的都是「Bush搞出了9/11」(BD = Bush Did)。Bauer比賽之後一 定會被問到他的訊息是什麼意思。我們會持續更新。 Update (10:58 p.m. ET): Bauer says that he actually wrote “BD 91.1” on the mound, and denies any association with 9/11. He didn’t elaborate on the meaning of the message, but says it’s “a personal thing of importance” to him. 更新: Bauer說他其實是寫「BD 91.1」,並不是大家之前假設的「911」事件有關的訊息 。 他並沒特別的去暗示某些含意。只是一件對他很重要的事情。 Bauer's twitter: Checked Twitter to see a bunch of people making ridiculous accusations. 1) I wrote BD 91.1 on the mound. It’s a personal thing of importance to me. 2) it’s completely unrelated to the senseless tragedy we endured on September 11 and it pisses me off that anyone would think that 3) Shame on anyone who says otherwise. Unfounded accusations like these are very hurtful and completely uncalled for. paul hoynes's twitter: Bauer was upset to Twitter reaction to "BD 911" message he wrote on the back of the mound. Said it had not connection to 9/11 terrorist attacks. Said it was a message to a friend he trains with. 基本上Bauer寫的是"BD 91.1",而不是"BD 911" Bauer很生氣,你們記者還有網友歐杯共 跟911恐怖攻擊無關,是他自己想表達跟自己切身有關的訊息 而"BD 91.1"這訊息是跟Bauer一位一起訓練的朋友有關 -- "If you play against him, you hate him. If you play with him, you hate him a little less." -Ozzie Guillen -- 滿類似的ㄏ 每天都在講幹話引戰 Bauer這種個性不太適合棒球圈啊
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1527058496.A.E0E.html

benrun: Bauer真的是很妙的一個人XD05/23 15:00

bill870628: XDD05/23 15:01

wahaha5678: Bauer一定備受記者寵愛,寫不完的話題XD05/23 15:04

catsondbs: 他之前連續69天捐了$420.69做慈善 ww05/23 15:12

airplanes: 有點偏執特質的科學家兼投手05/23 15:21

CWH667: 松焦油大師05/23 15:24

kingtseng: 越來越喜歡Bauer05/23 15:27

mtyk10100: 戲超多XD05/23 15:28

wyh1337: 他是不是美國陳禹勳阿05/23 15:34

ChrisDavis: NCLA理工高材生,你們敢嘴05/23 15:40

ChrisDavis: 打錯UCLA05/23 15:40

seeyou1002: 這個我會 BD大師911 是國動!!!!!!!!!!!!05/23 15:47

mattaus: STFU CENA05/23 15:58

a2156700: 原來是留言板05/23 16:10

doraemon8709: 笑死 毛有夠多05/23 16:11

LazyCool: 歐美人毛確實比較茂盛05/23 16:24

EEERRIICC: 就只是一個怪人05/23 16:48

hcgon: 蠻有個性的投手05/23 16:51

GodYen: 被棒球耽誤的科學家05/23 17:00

hakk: 蠻有趣的一個投手05/23 17:04

AnitaHailey: 有人跟我一樣覺得他很愛刷存在感嗎XD MLBzkow05/23 17:23

Syd: 不是因為中二嗎XD05/23 17:24

hayato01: 他真的很趣咪XD05/23 17:42

qwert860921: 一定是在警告隊友好好打不然就鼻地05/23 18:39

aaron97: bd銷量91.1k? 05/23 21:14

AnitaHailey: 不會啊 zkow在MLB版過得滿開心的啊 相信Bauer也可以 05/23 21:47

AnitaHailey: 每天過得很開心 05/23 21:48

TokyoHard: 他不就之前強調內角速球的投法?這兩年快要變顯學了 05/23 22:37

TokyoHard: 高 05/23 22:37

epw: ? 內角高速球的先驅者不是Chris Young? 05/24 00:32

OfanaticO: 酷 05/24 01:12

t340081231: 美國動粉 還敢下來啊包爾 05/24 06:15

secpeda: 藍光91.1聲道 05/24 07:02

geniusroger: 他會做實驗,香腸會嗎?個性是有點像都不怕引戰是真 05/24 12:26

geniusroger: 的。 05/24 12:27

blitz1991: 其實是backdoor(?! 05/24 14:29

ShaShoukun: 現在有是顯學嗎? 而且在他之前應該就有人這樣丟了 05/24 16:35

ShaShoukun: 而且這兩年彈成這樣,高球好像不見得吃香吧 05/24 16:36

b99202071: 現在幾乎都高位四縫 05/25 19:44

b99202071: 尤其揮空率高的四縫一定是 05/25 19:44
