[情報] Clay Buchholz將與蛇蛇簽小聯盟約?

看板 MLB
作者 lovemeteor (pieapple)
時間 2018-05-05 10:05:49
留言 9則留言 (6推 0噓 3→)

https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2018/05/diamondbacks-to-sign-clay-buchholz.html The Diamondbacks have agreed to terms with righty Clay Buchholz, according to Jared Carrabis of Barstool Sports (via Twitter). It’s a minors pact, per Nick Piecoro of the Arizona Republic (Twitter link). The 33-year-old Buchholz was just released from his minor-league deal with the Royals after exercising an opt-out clause. He’ll now head to an Arizona organization that is dealing with some injury issues in the rotation. D-Backs GM Mike Hazen is certainly well-acquainted with Buchholz from their mutual time with the Red Sox. That helps explain the connection here, though it remains unclear just what the Arizona organization plans to do with Buchholz, who is likely ready to join the MLB staff from a conditioning standpoint but may yet need to earn his way up. 最近蛇蛇輪值痛痛中 總管Hazen以前在紅襪工作很長一段時間也了解八扣子 而八扣子今年在皇家3A三場先發1.12ERA 似乎八扣子前陣子使用跳脫條款離開皇家想來蛇蛇這邊拚上先發的機會 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1525485952.A.C47.html

Scherzer31: Harvey:缺先發? 05/05 10:09

abc12812: 打暗號用的apple平板小心不要被偷了 05/05 10:09

gundam00: 那1.59的背後是 3.18的K/9 3.97 的BB/9 還是很差呀 05/05 10:09

TreaTurner: 一樓XD 05/05 10:56

Webb17: 今日蛇Medlen炸裂 05/05 11:13

vgil: 八扣子也33了.... 05/05 11:26

epw: 蛇蛇流大師兄:Ha胖胖,我們蛇蛇只訓練精英,絕對不會接受LS 05/05 12:30

epw: Medlen也開過兩次TJ了,能回來場上算很神奇了.... 05/05 12:31

petshopboys: 只偷筆電 不偷平板的 哈哈 05/05 14:32
