[外電] 資深裁判 Dale Scott 選擇退休

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作者 leegogo (李狗狗)
時間 2017-12-25 00:54:57
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大概一個多禮拜前的新聞,大聯盟資深裁判Dale Scott避免再發生腦震盪,選擇退休 Dale Scott經歷豐富,同時也是MLB首位出櫃的裁判~ -------------------------------- MLB ump Dale Scott retires rather than risk more concussions By BEN WALKER As a big league umpire, Dale Scott saw maybe 1 million pitches from the field. His final call, it turned out, was the easiest of all. 身為一個大聯盟裁判,Dale Scott在球場上可能曾看過一百萬球。結果他生涯的 最後一次判決,是最簡單的。 Rather than risk yet another concussion, Scott has decided to retire at 58. "I'm done," he told The Associated Press. 不願冒著再度腦震盪的風險,Scott選擇在58歲退休。 「我的裁判生涯到此為止。」他告訴美聯社。 The veteran crew chief missed nearly the entire 2017 season after a foul ball off the bat of Baltimore slugger Mark Trumbo in Toronto on April 14 caught him hard in the mask, causing Scott's second concussion in nine months and fourth in five years. 這位資深的裁判組長在4/14於多倫多,被金鶯隊打者Mark Trumbo擦棒球直擊面罩後, 2017便整季報銷,沒有再上場執法過。該次事件導致了他在九個月內的第二次腦震盪、 也是五年內的第四次腦震盪。 Within a few days, while undergoing treatment for head, neck and shoulder injuries, Scott realized it was the end of a major league career that began in 1985 and included three World Series assignments, three All-Star Games and 91 postseason games. "In fact, it was pretty easy," he said. "I wasn't planning on this year being the last one. But I thought, this is a sign." 再被球擊中的接下來幾天,他在接受頭部、頸部、肩膀受傷的治療時,心理了解到這是 他職業生涯的句點。Dale Scott從1985開始在大聯盟執法,曾經參與過三次世界大賽、 三次全明星賽、以及91場的季後賽執法。 「事實上,做這個退休的決定還蠻容易的。」他說:「我原先沒有打算在今年退休, 不過這次,我想,是我該退休的跡象了。」 Especially when he asked three doctors about the possible long-term effects if he got jarred again. "They said, 'We just don't know,'" Scott said. "But they told me that the more times you get hit, the more probability that you'll have issues." 特別是當他詢問醫生,若他再被球打到一次,是否會導致長期的身體問題。 醫生說:「我們真的不知道。基本上你被球K到越多次,你就越有可能遇到問題。」 This summer, while on medical leave, he saw Bruno Mars and Green Day in concert, watched Fourth of July fireworks from a boat near his home in Portland, Oregon, and enjoyed more time with husband Michael Rausch. They've been together since 1986 and were married in November 2013 in Palm Springs, California, by the city's mayor. 這個夏天,在治療的閒暇時間,他看了 Bruno Mars 和 Green Day 的演唱會、 在家裡附近的船上觀賞美國國慶日的煙火,有更多的時間與他的丈夫Michael Rausch 在一起。 他們自從1986年就在一起。2013年11月,在市長的主持下,於加州的Palm Springs結婚。 Scott came out as gay after the 2014 season. The next spring training, Reds outfielder Marlon Byrd gave Scott a big hug while trotting to the dugout. "You're free, brother. I'm so proud of you," Byrd told him. Says Scott: "I did feel free. I am who I am." Scott在2014球季結束後出櫃。隔年春訓時,紅人隊外野手Marlon Byrd走回休息室時 給了Scott一個大擁抱, 「兄弟,你是自由、自在的,我為你感到很驕傲。」Byrd向他說。 Scott說:「我感覺相當自在,我會做我自己~」 Scott's decision will resonate, said Billy Bean, Major League Baseball's vice president for social responsibility and inclusion. Bean came out as gay after his big league career ended in 1995. "He has achieved everything in his umpiring career, and has carried himself with integrity and garnered the respect of his peers and MLB players," Bean said. "I am filled with pride as I reflect on all of his accomplishments. He's a pro's pro, who's been a wonderful example to the LGBT community and all sports fans." 大聯盟其中一個部門的副主席Billy Bean(另一前球員,非綠帽GM)認為,Scott的出櫃 會引起共鳴。Billy Bean在職棒生涯於1995年結束後出櫃。 「他在裁判生涯中達成了所有的目標。Scott品行端正,獲得了同僚和球員的尊重。」 Bean說道,「我為他所達成的成就感到驕傲。他相當稱職、職業,對LGBT社群和所有 的體育粉絲來說都是很好的榜樣。」 "Years ago, Dale reached out to me after my personal story went public," he said. "If we had been able to have that conversation when I was still playing, I know it would have changed the course of my career. Dale's legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire others to pursue their dreams, and I hope we see the results around MLB soon." 「多年前,在我個人的故事公開時,Dale聯繫了我。」Bean說,「如果那次的對話能發生 在我還在打球的時候,可以改變我的生涯。Dale的故事無疑可以鼓勵其他人去追逐夢想, 希望我們可以在聯盟看到這樣的結果。」 Scott worked 3,897 regular-season games and was a crew chief for 16 seasons, half his career. "I was fortunate enough to have Dale as my crew chief for 10-plus years. A gifted umpire and true professional, he ran the crew with a smile as he mentored many of today's most successful umpires," fellow ump Dan Iassogna said. "The courage that he showed in coming out while still working on the field is as much of an accomplishment as his many World Series and postseason assignments," he added. Scott執法過3897場例行賽,其中16個球季,也就是生涯的一半,是裁判組長。 「過去十多年來,我很榮幸有Dale當我的裁判組長。他相當有天分、很專業,他用 一抹微笑帶領著裁判組,帶領出現今最成功的裁判們。」Dale的同事Dan Iassogna說。 「他還在球場上的時候出櫃,相當有勇氣。這份勇氣相當於他參與多次季後賽的成就。」 他補充。 Scott acknowledged his decision to retire might have been more difficult if his circumstances were different — say, he was 40 and hadn't worked the World Series. Now, he walks away with his health intact. And if there were any doubts, he keeps the video of that last violent concussion on his cellphone. Scott承認,若他才四十歲、沒參與過世界大賽的話,會很難做出退休的決定。 現在,他因健康問題退休,若有任何質疑,他把最後受傷的影片存在他手機裡。 MLB provides long-term disability for umpires who cannot work because of permanent concussion effects, the same as it does for other lasting injuries. Scott wonders about umpires who are cleared as part of the concussion protocol and then face the choice of continuing to work and risk further injury, or leaving the game. "That needs to be addressed" in talks between MLB and the umpires' union, he said. "Maybe my situation can be a catalyst for that." MLB提供殘疾以及其他持久性受傷的裁判保障。 Scott好奇裁判被認定是腦震盪、抉擇使否冒著風險繼續執法的標準為何。 「這點需要被寫清楚」在裁判公會與聯盟的對話中,他說道:「或許我的狀況可以 作為一個促進的因素。」 His future will include rooting like crazy for the Oregon Ducks and, having been a Top 40 AM radio DJ in high school, perhaps some voice work. 他未來會瘋狂的為Oregon Ducks美式足球隊加油、也許一些錄音工作(他高中時曾是 Top 40 的收音機DJ)。 Orioles manager Buck Showalter was in the dugout for Scott's last game, when he was carried off the dirt at Rogers Centre on a spinal board. Showalter was there, too, the first time Scott worked the plate in the postseason, in a 1995 AL Division Series matchup between Seattle and New York. 當然爾,Scott的最後一場比賽,金鶯隊總教練Buck Showalter在場。 當Scott季後賽第一次當主審時,Showalter也在場。那是1995年ALDS,水手vs洋基。 That playoff game at Yankee Stadium went 15 innings and took more than five tense hours. Both sides were barking at Scott and at some point Showalter, then New York's manager, walked out for a word with him. "I said, 'Dale, relax, don't worry about it, it's just a ballgame,'" Showalter recalled. "He said, 'Easy for you to say.'" "Good guy, good umpire," Showalter said Tuesday at the winter meetings. "I'm very proud of Dale for a lot of things, on and off the field," 那場季後賽比賽,在洋基球場打了15局,緊張了超過五個小時。兩邊都在對Scott叫囂, 到了一個時間點,Showalter,當時的洋基隊總教練,走上去跟主審Scott說話。 「我說:Dale,放輕鬆一點,別擔心,這只不過是一場球賽。」Showalter回憶, 「他回我:你說得倒輕鬆...」 「他是個好人、好的裁判,」Showalter在參加冬季會議時說,「我為Dale達成的事情 感到驕傲,無論是場內或場外的事情。」 Scott can look back on a lot of games. Among them, he was the plate umpire for Scott Erickson's no-hitter, he worked a season-opening series in Australia, and was the last umpire to eject hot-tempered manager Billy Martin. Scott經歷了很多值得回憶的比賽。其中包括在Scott Erickson的無安打比賽擔任主審、 曾在澳洲開幕系列賽執法,也是最後一位驅逐Billy Martin(脾氣火大的教頭)的裁判。 And there was that evening at old County Stadium in 1986, when a big crowd turned out to welcome the hugely popular Gorman Thomas back to the Milwaukee Brewers. The first time Thomas batted, Scott called strike three. The fading slugger went 0 for 4 and when he got rung up in his last at-bat, it was more than Thomas could take. "It's my night," he pleaded with the rookie ump, "not yours!" 還記得在old County Stadium(釀酒人隊的舊主場),1986年的夜晚,觀眾們湧入現場 歡迎Gorman Thomas回到釀酒人隊。 Thomas該場比賽第一次打擊的時候,被Scott拉掉。他最後四打數無安打, 他比賽的最後一個打席,又被Scott拉掉,Thomas就受不了惹 「這是屬於我的夜晚...」他對菜鳥裁判念著說:「不是你的!」 https://i.imgur.com/Qs9jaiZ.jpg
------------------------------ 新聞網址(abc News) https://goo.gl/L6YM2b ------------------------------ 註: Dale Scott是2015ALDS遊騎兵藍鳥 瘋狂G5的主審, 除了一些小瑕疵,整體來說把瘋狂的第七局處理得井然有序。 這是他回憶那場比賽的Q&A: https://goo.gl/4YoCr8 隔年的Odor揮拳事件,又是他的裁判組在執法,他跟多倫多真是有緣XD -- (可能結婚不是那種個人的公開典禮,較像那種集體的活動? 被打再見全壘打 真的很生氣XD https://youtu.be/BsfvgYo_zBs

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1514134502.A.DF5.html

jack86326: 推翻譯 也推Scott先生 12/25 01:02

sylviehsiang: 看到敘述著他的先生嚇了一跳 然後驚覺MLB沒有女裁判 12/25 01:24

ghoster7: 推推 12/25 01:31

wahaha5678: 推推 12/25 01:35

aquacomfort: 推 12/25 02:15

chen5512: 2013/11在市長主持下與Palm Springs結婚,2014球季結束 12/25 03:59

chen5512: 出櫃,這個時間順序好像怪怪的 12/25 03:59

DanielHudson: 1995ALDS,記得賽後水手隊的敗投Tim Belcher還腦羞 12/25 05:18

DanielHudson: 攻擊記者,YouTube很好找 12/25 05:18

datro: 修瓦特還有接下來洋基教練都來找吧? 12/25 07:12

ylrafale: 辛苦了,感謝 12/25 10:46

pneumo: 推推 12/25 11:11

ElDuque: 想到震盪效應....退休是對的 12/25 11:43

yokinyokin: 打中四次就有腦傷危機,裁判的防護是不是該檢討一下? 12/25 11:51

kenkenken31: 不如推動給主審電子顯示進壘點的裝置,站後面危險好 12/25 12:27

kenkenken31: 壞球又難判 12/25 12:27

darktasi: 裁判也是比賽的一部分,用電子設備取代就少了棒球的傳統 12/25 12:54

darktasi: 性 12/25 12:54

Mariobrother: Respect 12/25 18:30

ZMTL: 傳www統www性www 12/25 18:38

ZMTL: 不愧是講得一嘴好球的d大師 12/25 18:39

LoveATJ: 推!好有勇氣的裁判先生 12/25 19:48

plug: 喜歡人當裁判,是期待他能給自己一點偏愛,而不要冷冰冰判出 12/26 19:15

plug: 局,否則機器可以跟電動一樣速判速決 12/26 19:16
