[外電] Dustin Fowler Sues Chicago White Sox

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作者 shaolun (鐵男)
時間 2017-12-16 19:30:19
留言 15則留言 (9推 1噓 5→)

Oakland Athletics outfielder Dustin Fowlerhas filed a lawsuit against the Chicago White Soxbecause of a leg injury he suffered in a game last summer when he was with theNew York Yankees. 奧克蘭運動家隊外野手Dustin Fowler控告芝加哥白襪隊,因為他上一季在紐約洋基隊的 時候害他傷到了他的腳。 PerTom Schubaof theChicago Sun-Times, Fowler's lawsuit states the White Sox and the state agency that manages Guaranteed Rate Field were negligent when they failed to secure an unpadded electrical box he ran into during a game on June 29. 芝加哥太陽報的Tom Schuba說Fowler控告白襪隊以及球場維護員,由於疏忽在球場兩旁 的電子板上裝置護墊,導致他在6月29號受傷。 Schuba also notes Fowler's lawsuit alleges the White Sox andSports Facilities Authority "failed to adequately inspect the right field wall and the box" and its placement at knee level was installed "in a manner so as to create a hidden and undetectable hazard." Schuba 同時也說Folwer的控告宣稱白襪和球場設施的官員"沒有盡到檢查右外野的牆以及 觀眾席的責任”。並且也說”在膝蓋高度左右的裝置使球員暴露在未知的風險中”。 The 22-year-old Fowler made hisMLBdebut during the game he was injured. He was attempting to catch a foul ball hit by White Sox first baseman Jose Abreu in the first inning when he ran into a sidewall. 22歲的Fowler在他生涯的初登板就受傷了。他當時正嘗試要接殺白襪隊一壘手Jose Abreu 第一局擊出的界外球,然後他就撞上旁邊的護牆。 The YankeesannouncedFowler suffered an open rupture of his right patella tendon that required surgery. He was traded to the Athletics as part of the Sonny Gray deal on July 31. 洋基隊聲明Fowler撕裂了他的右膝蓋股的韌帶。洋基隊7月31號在Sonny Gray的交易案中 把他交易到運動家隊。 The A'sreinstatedFowler off the 60-day disabled list last month. He will have a chance to compete for the team's starting job in center field for the 2018 season. 運動家上個月把Fowler移出60天傷兵名單,他將有機會競爭2018年球季的先發中 外野手 Source via Bleacher Report https://tinyurl.com/y7ooe2fh -- 歡迎加入Men's Cave https://tinyurl.com/y8uvlv5h --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1513423834.A.3A9.html

ChrisDavis: oo十年沒進步(大誤 12/16 19:33

porten812: 高譚市有法律? 12/16 19:34

AaronJudge: 吉老闆! 12/16 19:37

ClintFrazier: 法官開庭 12/16 19:38

SunNEET: Harper要不要順便吉一下負責一壘壘包的維護員XD 12/16 19:53

KS23: 法律野球 領先全球 12/16 21:42

wahaha5678: 當時的受傷畫面真的頗嚇人的... 12/16 22:07

yesman63: 法律野球 12/16 22:19

triff: 法律野球 12/16 22:26

NorthRoad: 記得當時現金人ㄧ整個看傻 吉總則是 賣鬧啊 的表情 12/16 22:42

whhw: 這個我有印象 ,下個半局會是他的第一個打席... 12/16 22:56

adiharu: 運動“家” 12/17 00:41

saidon: 吉人野球 12/17 04:21

blue830: 菜逼八,想求表現那個PLAY他全速衝刺根本沒在看旁邊,呵 12/17 13:08

LoveWin7: 都是球場的錯 12/17 14:59
