[情報] 教士續約A.J Preller的合約到2022

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作者 sikerkuaitai (K)
時間 2017-12-03 23:29:41
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https://goo.gl/P4rAU7 by Dennis Lin -- The Padres waded through reconstruction in 2017, auditioning and, in some cases, committing to youth. In August, they acted on a long-discussed idea by extending manager Andy Green. Having had concurrent talks with their general manager, the team’s owners shifted their focus to A.J. Preller, who, like Green, had recently turned 40. 教士在八月時談到了續約總欸 Green 的合約問題 完成了之後,他們把焦點移到Preller的合約身上 “I jokingly said to him we need to get this done more quickly than the last one, because I think the last one took seven months to get done,” Executive Chairman Ron Fowler recalled. By October, an agreement was struck. Preller, like Green, has received a guarantee of three more years. His extension, which will be announced Sunday morning, keeps him under contract through the 2022 season. 跟Green一樣,Preller也拿到一分三年的延長約,這樣可以綁到2022年賽季結束 Preller’s original, five-year deal would have taken him through 2019. As with Green, locked up through 2021, the Padres granted rare job security in a year of noticeable staffing turnover for other clubs, most of which have been winning more games. Fowler and Managing Partner Peter Seidler, meanwhile, believe this is the duo to turn a persistent playoff drought into consecutive October appearances. 教士向兩位保證你們不會這麼快被炒魷魚 我們希望你們倆的組合可以幫助我們 重建(X) 重返季後賽(O) “As in other business models, when people are doing a good job you tend to want to reward them,” Fowler said. “We felt the extension of his contract would show the confidence we have in him. Frankly, people award long-term contracts to players. We feel we should do it with the people running our baseball organization. We think they’re very good. We don’t want them looking over their shoulders as to a contract being over.” 雖然延長合約通常只給球員啦 但你們兩個做的好棒棒,這是賞給你們的糖糖 Since Preller’s hiring in 2014, his tenure has drawn strong reactions around baseball. Even the briefest summaries — from the exhilarating entrance to the blockbuster trades to the embarrassing suspension — depict an eventful time at Petco Park, albeit one filled with losing records. Through it all, ownership remains convinced that their GM’s plan, which has centered on amassing projectable talent, will deliver a winner in the not so distant future. 雖然發生了很多事情 從2015年那令人摸不套的梭哈,到之前的醫療門事件 甚至還打破了隊史的敗場紀錄 可是掏錢的老闆還是對你們很有信心的啦 “The whole baseball operations department’s worked really hard the last few years on the scouting front, the development front, to put the organization in the right direction,” Preller said Saturday. “I love the people I work with, the people I work for, and I see it as a chance to continue building something special here with the understanding that it’s still going to take some time to get where we want to get to. 「大家都hen棒,雖然重建還沒結束,但 We are gonna make Padres GREAT again!!」 “With the contract extension, you have the time to follow through on the work we’ve done. … I saw it basically as a vote of confidence in the plan.” Under Preller, the Padres have assembled one of the game’s premier farm systems. San Diego owes its considerable talent base to a variety of means: record expenditures on international prospects, three domestic drafts and a slew of transactions. The fruit of these efforts have begun to materialize — for instance, center fielder Manuel Margot impressed as a rookie, and 18-year-old shortstop Fernando Tatis Jr. quickly established himself as an elite prospect — offering unusual hope that the organization could buck its dismal history. 教士擁有聯盟頂尖的農場深度 從海外挖寶,到國內的規則四選秀,以及一連串交易換來的大物 現在這些果實都即將要被收割,而且很甜的 好比說 Mauel Margot、Fernando Tatis Jr. 等新秀都將帶來無窮的希望 “I have just been really impressed with the way A.J.’s gone about building a baseball operations organization, which is a lot more than just finding high-ceiling-caliber minor leaguers,” Seidler said. “What I particularly look at is the consistency of our minor league operations and our player development, the systems and the people behind it. And moving up from the minor leagues to the major leagues, we get the same consistency. That is only built through things like collaboration and hard work and our passion for our ultimate goal, which is to win a world championship.” A.J. 做的很棒,我們屯了一大堆有天賦的潛力球員 我們的養成系統以及幕後的很多人員都支援這一切 使得從小聯盟到大聯盟都可以連成一貫 這些都有可能幫助我們贏得一座冠軍 Said Green: “I absolutely love working with A.J. He communicates incredibly well with me. … I think it’s great for us. I knew it was something that was in the works when I was being extended.” 總欸說他很喜歡跟 Preller 工作,我們的溝通很良好(沒有人發出怪聲) 當我簽下延長合約時,我知道這就是我的使命 Preller, who honed his eye for talent in the Texas Rangers’ front office, made a memorable impression interviewing for the Padres job more than three years ago. He carried it over into his first offseason, acquiring Matt Kemp, Justin Upton, Wil Myers, James Shields and Craig Kimbrel in a few fell swoops. The moves backfired, as did a decision to replace manager Bud Black with Pat Murphy less than three months in. The Padres finished 2015 at 74-88, their worst record in four years. Preller剛接任這個職務時,就搞了一個梭哈 把坎普、小厄普頓、威麥、神盾,跟金寶都弄來這裡 接著就出大事了 舊總欸(Bud Black)被炒、農場被掏空、戰績創四年新低 A reversal began the following winter. Kimbrel was shipped to Boston, netting a package that included Margot. Preller continued to methodically swap veterans for prospects into last summer. Around the trade deadline, a few of his deals came under scrutiny. 然後梭哈完後,接著開始大清昌 金寶去波士頓(換來Margot)、一直賣直到2016年的731大限 A subsequent league investigation found that the Padres had failed to disclose pertinent medical information when sending left-hander Drew Pomeranz to the Red Sox. Preller received a 30-day suspension, the second of his career; while working for Texas in 2010, he was banned a month for violating international signing rules. Drew Pomeranz 的醫療門事件,Preller 因此被禁止職務30天 2010年還在條子工作時,就曾經因為違反國際新秀簽約被停職過 Preller returned to work last October. He has appeared undeterred even as the Padres’ rebuild has produced encouraging signs. “The league office knew what we were doing (with the extension) — no surprises there,” Fowler said. “The issue he had with baseball before we hired him, we talked with the commissioner and he gave us a thumbs-up on the hire. The situation with medical … we made a mistake and there was not malicious intent. People should’ve been in meetings they weren’t at. And ergo, things were said that we didn’t know about. We should’ve. We had a problem, addressed it and moved on. A.J. handled it appropriately and admitted we should’ve had representation at the meeting. 雖然我們犯了錯,但聯盟還是給這個舉動(延長合約)肯定 “I think we’ve put together one of the strongest compliance departments when it comes to medical. These issues are off the table as far as I’m concerned.” At the moment, the pressing issue is how the Padres propose to jump from non-factor to legitimate contender. Ownership is hopeful for a playoff berth by 2020, if not the year before. Internally and externally, officials know a vast amount of work remains. 球隊想要重返競爭 老闆希望最遲2020年時球隊可以進入季後賽 “When I took over the job, if you’d said three years in we’d be positioned with some nice young players at the big-league level, a farm system that people view as one of the better ones in the game, a staff and big-league manager we think has a chance to be dynamic, a front-office group that makes me better every single day, I think that’s a good place to be in,” Preller said. “Now we have to prove it at the big-league level and continue to grow. ” 三年前如果你告訴我接下來我們有聯盟最棒的農場 最棒的工作團隊,最好的總教練,最懂得進步的FO團隊 我絕對會認為這是個值得留下來的好地方 現在我們將要證明我們在大聯盟也可以競爭 The message is clear: The Padres intend to grow with the executive who set their plan in motion. “A.J.’s really earned this extension,” Seidler said. “He’s built a great organization around him, and that’s seen from scouting all the way through Andy Green and the major league staff. Personally, I couldn’t be happier. We ’ve got a ways to go, but I think it’s with confidence we extend him and with confidence we think we’re on the right path.” Preller 拿到延長合約是他應得的,我們正在正確的道路前進,我們對他有信心 -------------- 基本上我個人對Preller的操盤還算滿意啦 雖然那幾次醫療門真的很扯 但球隊從垃圾堆之中也挖到不少寶物 期待/ \ 祈禱\ / --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1512314984.A.92A.html

EEERRIICC: ??? 12/03 23:35

abc12812: 作弊王還能續約? 12/03 23:45

Sawatariwing: 教士有great過嗎 12/03 23:49

Brothre23: 這個裸照太強大惹 12/03 23:52

c871111116: .......... 12/03 23:56

jardon: 恐怖 12/04 00:07

lowl99: 教士很明顯就是要擺爛了 12/04 00:24

ZaneTrout: Dennis Lin! 12/04 00:26

allen63521: 推教士 12/04 00:56

saiulbb: 教士隊的走向一直是謎阿... 12/04 01:16

azlbf: 請問醫療門是? 12/04 01:26

allen63521: 賣了有炸彈的Pomeranz給紅襪 12/04 01:41

jardon: 跟馬林魚那則應該才是最先 12/04 02:01

linmath: Rea去馬林魚一場傷退又馬上回教士 12/04 10:01

jackys313: 為什麼教士這麼執著一個任何狀況下都沒能力當GM的人... 12/04 18:58

JustinIdiot: 樓上的想法是錯誤的…他很懂新秀 在國際球員球員市 12/04 22:41

JustinIdiot: 場上很敢投資 12/04 22:41

allen63521: 身為教士球迷 很多時候我不太懂為什麼大家對Preller的 12/05 22:36

allen63521: 評價這麼一面倒的差 那年梭下去是真的挺蠢的,但後續 12/05 22:36

allen63521: 也收拾得滿漂亮 最大的瑕疵就是醫療事件 可是我看大家 12/05 22:39

allen63521: 講得他好像是什麼聯盟最爛GM一樣 12/05 22:40

KAIS: 他的幾筆交易做的不夠好,大概就金寶那筆不錯,其他印象就有點 12/06 09:12

KAIS: 不上不下,薪資沒全清換的新秀也不夠好 12/06 09:12

KAIS: 所以說現下不錯的農場多是選來的而換來的不多 12/06 09:13

KAIS: 大多非該隊球迷都以交易跟FA評價FO,所以會有他很差的印象不 12/06 09:15

KAIS: 奇怪 12/06 09:15
