[外電] 水兵有可能找回岩隈久志....

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2017-11-21 10:11:43
留言 18則留言 (12推 1噓 5→)

身為水兵粉,有水兵的消息是一定要跟大家講的,期待水兵重返季後賽 翻譯若有錯,請指正,謝謝 來源: The Seattle Times 網址: http://tinyurl.com/ycze5lxy Report: Mariners could bring back right-hander Hisashi Iwakuma 水兵有可能找回岩隈久志.... Could the Mariners and Hisashi Iwakuma give it one more try? 水兵跟岩隈久志有可能再續前緣嗎? The veteran right-hander believes it’s a possibility. Speaking to a group of reporters in Kyodo, Japan, Iwakuma said that the team has offered him an opportunity to return to the organization. 岩隈久志,這右投老將認為那是有可能的。之前岩隈久志在日本京都接受訪問時說,水兵 有提供機會給他,讓他重返水兵。 “It’s not a done deal, but I have received an offer,” he told reporters. 「還沒有確定,但是我有收到報價,」他跟記者說到。 It was the first time that Iwakuma has spoken to the media since he became a free agent. He didn’t provide any further details of the situation or the contract offer. 這是岩隈久志成為FA後第一次跟記者講話,他沒有說到更多的細節,或是合約內容。 Given his age and his injury issues, particularly this past season, it’s difficult to see the Mariners offering Iwakuma anything more than a minor league contract with an invitation to spring training or a “split contract” that’s a minor league deal with a certain amount of money guaranteed and locked-in incentives if he were to be placed on the 25-man roster. 基於他的年紀跟傷病史,特別是去年一季,水兵頂多大概給岩隈久志小聯盟約然後有春訓 的邀請;抑或是"分割合約"(Split contract,不太知道怎麼翻比較到位),那會是一個小 聯盟約,有保證薪,然後若是進入輪值25名單時,會有激勵金。 Iwakuma, 36, made six starts in 2017, going 0-2 with a 4.35 ERA with 16 strikeouts and 12 walks. He went on the 10-day disabled list on May 10 with shoulder inflammation and never pitched again. He made numerous attempts to come back, including two rehab starts in mid-June. But the shoulder never bounced back from the outings. He finally underwent surgery on Sept. 28. 岩隈久志,36歲,2017年出場6場,戰績0-2,ERA 4.35,16次三振,12次保送。五月10日 時因肩傷上了10天DL,就沒再出場過了。他嘗試了很多次想回歸,包括了六月中的兩次復 健賽,但是從來沒真正成功。九月28日,他終於接受了手術。 He told reporters he wasn’t sure when he would be back and ready to pitch, but hoped to be ready by the start of the season. 岩隈久志告訴記者他不確定何時可以回來,準備好可以投球;但是他希望可以在球季開始 前可以準備好。 Based on the free agent contract he signed before the 2016 season, Iwakuma had a $15 million club option for 2018 that vested automatically if he reached 162 innings in 2017 or 324 innings combined between 2016-17. He pitched just 31 innings this season so the option didn’t vest. The Mariners wisely chose not to exercise the option and will pay Iwakuma a $1 million buyout. 在2016年岩隈久志簽的約,他若是在2017年投滿162局或是2016到2017合併投滿324局,他 會有1500萬鎂的球隊選擇權自動生效。但是,他這季只投了31局,所以這選擇權就沒了。 所以,水兵明智的沒有動用選擇權,將會花100萬鎂買斷他的合約。 This probably isn’t the type of pitching addition that fans are craving. But teams bring in veterans every year at spring training on minor league deals with opt outs. Bringing back Iwakuma on a split or minor league deal would be a courtesy to a player that has been nothing but professional in his time with the Mariners. It would be minimal risk move in terms of dollars with some future potential for upside or depth. 岩隈久志這種投手大概不會是水兵粉很想要的那種,但是球團常會在每年春訓的時候找一 些老將,給他們小聯盟約,然後有選擇權不續。藉由分割合約或是小聯盟合約把岩隈久志 找回來,對於一個的職業生涯都在水兵的球員是一種禮貌。對球團來說,風險極小,可以 不用擔心花太多錢,但是有可能找到戰力的補強。 Iwakuma has spent all six years of his MLB career with the Mariners, posting a 63-39 record and 3.42 ERA in 136 starts and 14 relief appearances. 岩隈久志六年在水兵,戰績63-39,ERA 3.42,136次先發,14次後援。 He was adamant that he planned to continue pitching in the future. 岩隈久志很認真的計畫在將來繼續投球。 -- --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1511230309.A.EB1.html

EEERRIICC: 救水兵 11/21 10:13

Mariobrother: 岩熊淪落到小聯盟約喔... 11/21 10:17

wahaha5678: 太痛了 11/21 10:22

Edison1174: 到底誰才是吸引大谷的最佳王牌呢? 11/21 10:22

ryvius0723: 他的年紀跟傷病史小聯盟約不意外吧 11/21 10:30

supertyphoon: 曾經的美聯rWAR冠軍竟然淪落到這種地步 11/21 10:54

supertyphoon: rWAR不懂的話賽揚第三名這樣一般人也能懂 11/21 10:54

ylrafale: 傷病困擾他啊…… 11/21 10:57

phoenix286: 查了下 原來rWAR就是bWAR 11/21 10:58

raysun011081: 很棒的投手! 11/21 11:01

acd51874: 九月開肩膀,明年球速還摸得到9字頭嗎.. 11/21 11:14

madaux: 我想大概和王建民之前的情況差不多啦 11/21 11:18

ultratimes: 岩隈才36?以前在近鐵就看過他了居然才36 11/21 12:44

ylrafale: 岩熊是1981年次,高中畢業就參加選秀進職棒了 11/21 12:50

rex9999: 水手史上最偉大的亞洲投手是Kazuhiro Sasaki 11/21 22:32

lunqun35: 日投 普遍老來俏 11/21 22:35

epw: 投過無安打,可以賭一下,不過這兩年痛成這樣 11/22 02:17

stilu: 水兵不考慮一下ICHIRO嗎 11/22 11:14
