[外電] 乳摸: 躲人追逐馬林魚大砲Stanton?

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2017-11-15 10:18:38
留言 77則留言 (52推 2噓 23→)

版大說翻的有時有錯也是貢獻,所以我把我的玻璃心掃一掃... 若有翻錯,請大家指正 來源: Blecher report/ by Scott Polacek 網址: http://tinyurl.com/yc52z44q Giancarlo Stanton Trade Rumors: Dodgers 'In the Mix' for Marlins Star 乳摸:躲人也在追逐馬林魚大砲Stanton? The defending National League champions are reportedly "in the mix" to land Miami Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton. 國聯冠軍躲人被報導正在追逐馬林魚大砲Giancarlo Stanton。 Mark Feinsand of MLB.com reported the news Tuesday, citing a source who said the Los Angeles Dodgers are interested in trading for him. 星期二Mark Feinsand引述消息來源說,躲人有興趣交易到他。 His report comes after Chad Jennings of the Boston Herald reported Stanton wouldn't accept a trade to the St. Louis Cardinals or Boston Red Sox. 這報導在波士頓記者Chad Jennings說Stanton不會接受交易到紅雀或是紅襪後出現。 Stanton has a full no-trade clause, which is one of the factors impacting a potential swap. Stanton有不交易條款,是眾多影響交易他的因素之一。 In October, Clark Spencer of the Miami Herald reported the Marlins' new ownership—which includes former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter—is looking to trim the team's payroll from last season's $115 million to close to $90 million. 十月時,邁阿密當地報紙記者Clark Spencer報說,馬林魚的新經營團隊--包括前洋基游擊 手Jeter-希望可以將球隊的薪資從上季的1億1500萬鎂砍到9000萬鎂。 Trading Stanton would help Miami immensely in the payroll department, but it apparently isn't looking to simply give him away for the financial relief. 交易Stanton可以讓馬林魚的薪資喘大口氣,但是目前看起來並不是就是把Stanton交易 走,然後財務壓力就紓解。 Buster Olney of ESPN noted, "Some rival execs view the Marlins' prospect asking price for Giancarlo Stanton as shockingly high and somewhat out of touch with reality and not discounted nearly enough given the whopping $295 million he's owed (with the forthcoming out clause after the 2020 season)." ESPN記者Buster Olney說,「有些隊伍制服組認為基於Stanton還有2億9500萬鎂的薪資, 馬林魚開出的價碼實在高得離譜。」 Stanton will be expensive for the Dodgers or any other pursuers, but they will also land a 28-year-old power hitter who drilled a league-leading 59 home runs with 132 RBI and a slash line of .281/.376/.631 in 2017. Stanton對躲人跟其他有興趣的隊伍來說真的粉貴,但是Stanton今年28,2017年季賽打了 59全壘打,132分打點,打擊數據是.281/.376/.631。 Just because the Dodgers are reportedly in the mix, though, doesn't guarantee he will be playing in Los Angeles next season. Andy McCullough of the Los Angeles Times pointed out "there is a significant gap between the Dodgers engaging in preliminary discussions with Miami and the Dodgers acquiring Giancarlo Stanton." 即使躲人被爆想要Stanton,這並不保證Stanton下季就會在洛杉磯打球。LA Times記者 McCullough報說,「躲人在跟馬林魚進行初步討論想交易Stanton時,兩邊就已經有很大的 落差了。」 If they were to trade for him, they could dip into a farm system Jim Callis of MLB.com noted was the sixth-best group in all of baseball before the 2017 campaign and the 10th-best in a midseason update. 如果躲人真的要交易到Stanton,躲人大概會動用到他們農場,躲人農場在2017開季是被認 為是第六好的農場,在季中時被認為是第十好。 -- 已修 感謝 這是原文寫的 我是照翻的
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1510712323.A.740.html

LesBleus: 搶 都搶 大谷順便 11/15 10:20

huangtzuhao: 感覺要拆掉隊形才有可能,多方交易也是有可能 11/15 10:21

MrNeverDie: 感謝翻譯感謝貢獻 11/15 10:23

triff: 推,道奇快簽 11/15 10:28

sastl07: 換了老闆還在Cost Down 大家都錯怪Loria了 11/15 10:28

acd51874: 第二段那裡 簽(X) 交易(O) 11/15 10:37

seekforever: 應該會出Pederson吧 讓Taylor守CF 11/15 10:49

pedrovish: 問問不用錢 11/15 10:50

Spartan5566: 躲人不出Urias大概換不到 11/15 10:51

Aaronko: Urias肩膀都爆了馬魚不會想要這麼高風險的吧 11/15 10:54

jack50087: 也不用出甚麼頂級新秀吧躲人薪資全吃Jeter就痛哭流涕了 11/15 10:57

Roshiel: 肯接300M的薪水就要謝天謝地了,還敢要新秀喔 11/15 10:57

Toy17: 300M的薪資 除了道奇還有那隊能吃的下去啊?有洋基嗎 11/15 11:01

Timekeeper: 拜託不要簽 11/15 11:03

maik0810: 那個跳脫條款真的太鳥 11/15 11:12

ultratimes: 大概要出被臨檢才換的到 11/15 12:07

ultratimes: 新人被臨檢+業務約的前田,看看行不行 11/15 12:08

ProgramApe: 還在洋基... 看那快滿出來的外野... 11/15 12:13

bestteam: 洋基今年想插手這交易除非大魚找人或自己吃Ellsbury 11/15 12:18

JessicaA1ba: 蔣開羅拒絕去紅鳥紅襪?還蠻奇怪,這兩隊戰力都很不 11/15 12:22

JessicaA1ba: 錯說,至少不會一覺醒來就……… 11/15 12:22

TanakaJapan: 不說我還以為道奇是一支不用繳豪華稅的球隊 11/15 12:27

echo3283: 全吃還要拿新秀 這誰會理他 11/15 12:31

a26513323: 躲人持續印鈔票 11/15 12:44

godmother: 請問農場排名去哪裏看?謝謝您的回答 11/15 12:45

globekiller: 薪水全吃還要出新秀 潘子也不會接受啊XD 11/15 12:45

zehow: Joc搭配幾隻雜魚加全吃薪資 就夠了 根本不需要出top新秀 11/15 12:46

zehow: 但我躲想降豪華稅 想交易的機率很低 11/15 12:47

whalelover: 300M/10yr全吃還要送新秀...JD馬應該不到這個的七折 11/15 12:52

ultratimes: 但JD馬紅襪想要,道奇應該不敢出手 11/15 12:57

triff: 道奇挖到石油?還是挖到鑽石礦? 11/15 12:59

triff: JDM還沒簽約,清純少女一個,道奇想要可以追求 11/15 13:00

raysun011081: 三振率高的跟什麼一樣== 11/15 13:03

whalelover: 紅襪能出的錢不會贏道奇吧 11/15 13:03

manny875468: 怎麼每個交易傳聞都有道奇.. 11/15 13:04

triff: 道奇之前買公仔的印象太可怕 11/15 13:05

AZBTPATONY: 洋基不可能拉 有Judge在就不可能 11/15 13:12

triff: 其中一個不能去1B/DH喔? 11/15 13:29

JessicaA1ba: 1壘有Bird, 缺DH 11/15 13:42

JessicaA1ba: 紅襪缺砲要Power99合理,但洋基不缺長打電風扇 11/15 13:43

appshjkli: 他有電風嗎 11/15 13:48

noahlin: Ethier跟Crawford都解套了 躲人有的是錢 11/15 13:50

borriss: 便宜三年用完了 11/15 14:21

mygoing: 道奇可能挖到那顆剛出爐大塊鑽石吧 11/15 14:23

seekforever: 其實陣容最合Stanton的是紅雀吧 11/15 14:25

seekforever: 剛好又有馬林魚要的年輕SP跟OF 11/15 14:26

seekforever: 除非他自己不想去 不然想不出來哪隊更適合了 11/15 14:26

appshjkli: 紅襪 11/15 14:30

seekforever: 紅襪沒錢又沒人那裡適合 11/15 14:35

mattaus: 拆炸彈還要農作物,科科 11/15 14:55

JessicaA1ba: 這篇就寫他不想去紅鳥和襪啊……難道他也嚮往條紋聖 11/15 14:59

JessicaA1ba: 衣? 11/15 14:59

NYJOKER: 洋基外野滿出來....沒缺啊…… 11/15 15:35

AZBTPATONY: 巨人 紅雀都有可能拉 11/15 15:36

lucky360: 我沒覺得他貴耶 全世界長打力最強的打者 年薪30M合理吧 11/15 15:50

Roshiel: 30M是合理,但還要10年就......... 11/15 15:56

tucker: 推 11/15 16:09

frank94: 只看打擊當然不覺得貴啊..... 11/15 16:19

terryhot: 他從小就道奇粉啊…個性也適合好萊塢,想回家鄉球隊好像 11/15 16:29

Timekeeper: 只看打擊還是很貴吧… 11/15 16:29

terryhot: 不意外 11/15 16:29

AZBTPATONY: 如果他守備是在SS 2B或許就不會那麼貴了 11/15 16:32

decorum: isn't looking to simply give him away ...不只是要舒緩 11/15 17:31

decorum: 財務壓力而已 言外之意,馬林魚還要藉此打劫農場 11/15 17:32

decorum: significant gap 初步談和真的弄到手 還有很大的距離 11/15 17:34

alpacaHong: 他的薪水真的是爆幹多 11/15 17:53

ocean11: 紅襪自己外野就是滿的 難道要一換一嗎 11/15 18:07

JButton: 有人接就不錯了,還想要新秀... 11/15 18:13

kk2025: 想洗劫農場是真的把別人當白痴嗎... 11/15 18:48

zxc6113555: 交易到了也拿不到冠軍啊 呵呵 11/15 19:35

azlbf: 第一次聽說棒球有叫陣容合的說法 11/15 21:13

Derp: 糞合約拜託不要 11/15 22:05

chiahunl: 幸虧躲人總管不是科科提 11/16 02:11

vgil: 道奇錢多到不知道怎麼花 11/16 07:22

a9564208: 被臨檢+前田換power99?想太多 11/16 10:37

chunyo0229: 道奇:打不贏 一定是簽的不夠多 11/16 15:21

SexyCassell: 怎麼可能丟被臨檢 11/17 18:07
