[外電] My Journey to the Bronx—Luis Severino

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作者 Timekeeper (今年道奇拿冠軍)
時間 2017-09-07 16:12:46
留言 68則留言 (62推 0噓 6→)

原文連結: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/luis-severino-yankees-my-journey-to-the-bronx/ 以下為小弟第一次翻譯,有錯煩請指正 You know what the best feeling in the world is? 你知道世上最美好的事是什麼嗎? The best feeling in the world is waking up in the morning and remembering that you’re a New York Yankee. 那就是你一覺醒來想起自己是個洋基隊球員 The morning after I pitch a good game and get a win for the Yankees in front of our fans at the stadium, I almost always wake up thinking about how incredible it is that I made it to where I am. 每當我在洋基球場的球迷面前投出一場好比賽,並為洋基拿下勝利,隔天早上起床時,我 幾乎總是想著我取得今天的地位是一件多麼不可置信的事。 Something that not a lot of people know is that me coming to play in New York almost didn’t happen. I was almost a Colorado Rockie. 很少人知道我原本不是要到紐約打球的。我差點就成了落磯人。 Five years ago, I was 17 and living in the Dominican Republic. My family had very little money, so the idea of signing with a major league team was something that was on my mind every day. I had left home to go train at a baseball academy in Bavaro, and would go to every MLB tryout I possibly could. 5年前,我17歲時住在多明尼加。我們家很窮,所以當時我每天腦中都想著要和大聯盟的 球隊簽約。我離開家到巴瓦羅的棒球學院訓練,並盡可能參加每場大聯盟的測試會。 When my first offer came in, it was actually from the Marlins. The guy from the team was like, “Hey, we like what you can do. We have a contract and the money for you. It’s yours if you want it. Do you want it?” 第一支對我報價的球隊其實是馬林魚。他們大概是說:「嘿,我們喜歡你的球技。我們提 供了一份合約和錢,如果你想要就是你的了,想要嗎?」 I can’t tell you how bad I wanted to say yes. 我無法形容當時我多麼地想答應他。 In my mind I was like, Yes, I want it. I do. Give it to me, please. Right now. 當時我心裡想:是的!我想要,請立刻給我! But my agent told me to be patient — that I could get more, that a better offer would soon come in. I just needed to wait a little bit. 但我的經紀人叫我要有耐心,他認為更大份的合約就快要上門了。我只需要再等一下子。 That was really tough. Weeks and weeks passed. Then months. It was so hard to be patient. I just kept thinking about all the things that signing money could’ve bought for my family. 那是一段艱苦的日子。時光流逝,幾個月過去了,要有耐心真是不容易的事。我一直想著 簽約金能為我的家庭買到什麼。 When the Rockies came to me seven months later with a much better offer, it felt like 10 years had passed. I didn’t want to wait anymore. I was ready. I was going to become a Colorado Rockie. Everyone in my hometown was so happy and proud. Some people even went out and bought Rockies hats. 7個月後,當洛磯隊提出了更大份的合約時,感覺彷彿過了10年。我不想再等待了,我準 備好了,我即將成為洛磯人。村裡的每個人既開心又驕傲,有些人甚至買了洛磯隊的球帽 。 But then, while we were in the process of finalizing the contract, something happened that I wasn’t expecting. 然而,當我們在底定合約時,意想不到的事發生了。 The New York Yankees called and said they wanted to talk to me. 洋基隊打給我並表示想和我談個話。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the time I was a little kid growing up in Sabana de la Mar, I loved two things: baseball and the New York Yankees. 當我還是個住在薩瓦納德拉馬爾的小孩時,我愛兩樣東西──棒球,和洋基。 There was a small field right down the road from our house, so my father and older brother would always walk there to play baseball with people from our neighborhood. I’d tag along and watch. And around the time I was six, I became really focused on playing the game and getting good. When I wasn’t on the field, I’d be watching baseball on TV, just trying to understand the sport and learn as much as possible. 從我家外面的馬路走下去就有一座小球場,所以我爸爸和哥哥以及鄰居們總是在那裡打棒 球。我會跟隨在後並看著他們打球。我大約6歲時,變得非常專注在比賽且越打越好。當 我不在球場上時,我會用電視看棒球,盡我所能地了解並學習這項運動。 I loved watching the Yankees back then. There was just something about that uniform, and the pinstripes, and that logo, and … New York. And when I went to the field, I’d sometimes try to be like the guys I saw on TV, or pretend I was playing in Yankee Stadium. 那時候我喜歡看洋基隊的比賽。那件球衣、黑白條紋、隊徽和紐約都有種特殊意義。當我 在球場上時,我模仿我在電視轉播上看到的球員,或是假裝我在洋基球場打球。 I started out as a third baseman, if you can believe that, and an outfielder. But my dad also began teaching me some pitching basics on the side. When I was 10 or 11, he sat me down and went over how to throw a curveball. He talked to me about spin, and rotation, and about where to put my fingers on the ball. I was still really young, so it took me a while to get it, but I remember just sitting there so excited to be learning how to throw a new pitch. 你相信嗎?我一開始是個三壘手,也是個外野手。但我爸也教我一些丟球的基本知識。當 我10、11歲時他教我如何丟曲球、旋轉,以及我的手指要放在球的哪個位置。那時我還很 小,因此花了一點時間搞懂,但我記得我對於學習如何丟出每一球感到非常興奮。 The other big thing that my dad did for me was buy me my first Yankees hat. I ’ll never forget that day. 我爸為我做的另一件大事就是買了頂洋基帽。我永遠不會忘記那天。 At the time, none of us had any idea about my future. My dad just knew how much I loved the Yankees, and that the hat would make me happy. 當時,沒有人知道我的未來如何。我爸只知道我有多麼喜歡洋基,以及那頂帽子能讓我開 心。 I wore that thing everywhere. And I made sure to keep it clean. 我到哪裡都戴著它,並保持它的乾淨。 I loved that hat. I really did. 我真的很喜歡那頂帽子。 As I got older, and worked more on my pitching, I got better and better. By the time I was 15 I was pretty good at it, but I wasn’t throwing all that hard. My first major league tryout was with the Atlanta Braves. I was 16, and I threw 82 or 83. Around that time is when I went away to an academy to get better training, but the bottom line was that I needed to throw harder if I was going to get signed, and everyone around me knew it. 當我漸漸長大,更努力地練習投球,一切漸入佳境。我15歲時已經很強了,但還是投得不 夠強勁。我參加的第一場大聯盟測試會是亞特蘭大勇士隊辦的。當時我16歲,能催到82、 83英里。是時候回到棒球學院努力練球,我必須投得更好才能得到合約,而我周遭的人也 都知道這件事。 I didn’t have that much time, though. Sixteen is already pretty old to be a prospect, and 17 and 18 were right around the corner. So I just tried to keep working and go to as many tryouts as I could. For kids in the D.R., we will do whatever it takes to get signed. We don’t care if we have to do five tryouts in a week. You never know when you’re going to impress the right person, and you never pass on an opportunity. 但我沒有時間了,對於一個新秀來說16歲已經很老了,而我卻將要17、18歲。所以我繼續 練球並盡可能參加每場測試會。在多明尼加,小朋友會無所不用其極得與球隊簽約。我們 不在意一週內參加5場測試會,你永遠不知道何時會遇到對的人,所以你不能錯過任何機 會。 I remember one time at the academy, they needed me to play first base and I wound up getting hit with a ball on my left arm. I couldn’t move it, but I had a tryout coming up in a few days. Some people were telling me not to go. But I didn’t think twice. I just went and threw with my left arm against my chest. 記得有一次在棒球學院,我被叫去守一壘,結果左手臂被球擊中。我無法移動,但幾 天後有一場測試會。有些人勸我別參加了,但我毫不猶豫的參加並在左手臂緊靠胸膛的情 況下投球。 You just do whatever you have to do, you know? But it’s not easy. And there can be a lot of pressure on your shoulders. There are usually like 20 kids at those tryouts who are just like you. They all throw hard and look very young. So you sit there and watch all the other players throw, and it’s like, Oh, my God, how is that kid throwing 97? 你知道嗎?你必須做你該做的事。但這並不輕鬆,心裡可能會承受很大的壓力。測試會上 也許有20個小孩和你一樣,他們都很年輕力壯。你坐在一旁看其他小孩投球時,心裡會想 :「我的天啊!為什麼他能丟到97英里?」 You have to somehow separate yourself from the pack. And to stand out in that crowd, I kind of needed something to change for me quick. 你必須從眾多競爭者中脫穎而出。為了鶴立雞群,我必須試圖立即改變自己。 I needed a new plan. 我需要一個新計畫。 What I didn’t know at the time was that the new plan would involve putting down the baseball and trying something pretty … different. 那時候我不知道的是,新計畫會讓我放下棒球,並嘗試一件非常特別的事。 One day, one of my coaches came to me with an idea. 有一天,我的一位教練給我個新主意。 You’re going to run for 30 minutes every morning, and then take a softball and play catch with it and throw it as far as you can each time. Long toss. No baseballs. All softballs. 「你接下來每天早上要跑步30分鐘,然後拿著壘球練習傳球,並盡你所能地把它丟遠。長 傳。不是棒球。是壘球。」 He didn’t say why, or what he was expecting to happen. He just told me to do it. 教練沒有說為何要這樣做,也沒有說明他的目標。他只是叫我照他的話去做。 I was surprised. But, you know, what am I gonna do? He was my coach. 我感到驚訝。但是你懂的,我還能做什麼呢?他是我的教練呢! So I did it. I didn’t ask any questions. I just did what he said for two straight weeks before my next tryout. 我照著他說的做,沒有提出問題。我連續兩星期按表操課,直到下一個測試會。 Then, when I stepped on the mound at that tryout, I threw 92 right off the bat. 於是我踏上測試會的投手丘,馬上飆出92英里。 Then 93. 接著是93英里。 Then 94. 然後是94英里。 I was shocked. I’d never been anywhere near those numbers in the past. 我被震懾了。我過去從未投得這麼快。 But it was no fluke. After that, my velocity just kept going up and up. By the time the Rockies came to me with that offer, I was all the way up to 97. And I also had a nasty slider. 但這不是曇花一現。在那之後,我的球速持續向上攀升。當洛磯隊向我報價時,我已經一 路飆到97英里,並且有著一顆犀利的滑球。 At that point, I knew I had a real shot. And when the Yankees matched the Rockies’ offer, and it came time for me to decide where to sign, it wasn’t a tough call for me at all. 在那時候,我知道機會來了。當洋基和落磯的報價擺在眼前,是時候要決定和誰簽約時, 這對我來說並不是個困難的抉擇。 But it was still a little bit funny telling everybody about it. 在和大家說到這個故事時我還是覺得很有趣。 I went back to my hometown after I signed with New York, and people were still thinking that I was going to be a Rockie. 我和洋基隊簽約後,回到家鄉時,人們還以為我會成為一個落磯人。 When I met up with friends and family, I was more excited than I’ve ever been in my life. I was practically shouting to everyone: “I am a New York Yankee! I’m going to play in New York. I’m a Yankee!” 當我遇到朋友和家人時,這是我人生中最興奮的一次,我幾乎對著每個人大叫:「我是個 洋基人了!我要去紐約打球啦!我是洋基人!」 And they just sort of looked at me. They didn’t know what to do. 他們都不知所措的看著我。 Then, after I got all the blank looks, I heard the same thing, over and over: 接著我聽到他們重複說著同一句話: Are you sure this time, Luis? It’s for real this time, right? 「路易斯,你確定這次是真的嗎?是嗎?」 All I could do was smile and laugh at that point. 這時,我只是開心地大笑。 I think maybe some of them were worried about having to buy a different hat. 我想有些人可能在擔心要再買一頂不同的球帽。 But I didn’t have that problem. The Yankees cap that Dad had bought me was still as good as new. 但我並沒有這個困擾,爸爸買給我的洋基帽看起來還是跟新的一樣。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robinson Cano was my guy back in the day. 當年Cano是我的偶像。 Don’t forget, I was a position player at first. So every time I watched a Yankees game I’d see him play the field so smoothly, and then hit all those home runs. It was incredible to me how good he was. Plus he was a Dominican guy, like me, so it was fun to root for him and think about trying to get to where he was. 別忘了,最初我是個野手。每次我看洋基隊比賽時會欣賞Cano流暢的守備,以及他轟出的 全壘打。對我來說他強到不可置信。而且他和我一樣是多明尼加人,所以跟隨他的腳步並 試圖追上他的成就是件有趣的事。 But I also loved a bunch of other Yankees. Posada, Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, and on and on. I watched all those guys so closely as a kid to see if I could pick up any tips that I could use. 我也喜歡一大票洋基的球員,Posada、Jeter、A-Rod等等。在我還是小孩時我很仔細的看 著他們,希望能從中找到任何訣竅。 When I got to the baseball academy, my manager was a huge Yankees fan, so we’ d get together and watch every game on TV. 我在棒球學院的主任是個洋基鐵粉,所以我們常常一起看電視上的轉播比賽。 Then I’d go to bed at night and think about what it would be like to wear the pinstripes and play in New York City. 我上床睡覺並想著穿著條紋衣在紐約打球是什麼種感覺。 As much as I loved the Yankees, though, my pitching idol was always Pedro Martinez, another Dominican legend. It would be tough for me when Pedro was pitching for the Red Sox and he’d go up against my Yankees. 雖然我如此的愛著洋基,但我的投手偶像卻一直是Pedro Martinez--另一位多明尼加傳奇 。當Pedro為紅襪效力並對決我的洋基時我總是很掙扎。 But I just loved watching him. From the very first time I saw him play, I was hooked. His tempo was unbelievable, and he was never afraid of anyone or anything. If he had to pitch inside, he’d pitch inside. If he needed to hit you, he’d hit you. And that changeup was just incredible to me — how he could throw so hard and then come at you with a changeup on the very next pitch. It was always just so much fun to watch. 但我喜歡看著他,我第一次看他投球時,就被深深吸引住了。他的投球節奏掌握得非常好 ,他勇於對決每一位打者。如果他要投內角,他就會投到位。如果他要砸你,他絕不手軟 。而他的變速球對我來說更是夢幻,他怎麼能在一顆剛猛的直球後接著丟出變速球迷惑打 者呢?欣賞他投球真是饒富趣味。 Eventually, I realized what I needed to do. I decided that I’d root for Pedro to throw a shutout for six innings … and then for the bullpen to come in and blow the game so the Yankees could win. 最後,我決定要支持Pedro完封6局,然後讓紅襪的牛棚上來放火,讓洋基拿到最後的勝利 。 At the end of the day, I always wanted the Yankees to win no matter what. 無論如何,我永遠希望洋基贏球。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guys like Pedro and Robinson are larger than life in the Dominican Republic. Baseball is so much more than a sport there. It is a way of life. And people like me have benefitted from that over the years. 在多明尼加,像是Pedro和Cano這種人被視為英雄。棒球不只是個運動,而是生活中不可 或缺的一部分。像我這樣的球員,多年來也受益良多。 Once you sign that contract with a major league team, the fact that baseball is so big back home — and that so many players from the Dominican have made it to the big leagues — comes in handy. 棒球在我們國家是如此的重要,一旦你和大聯盟的球隊簽約,一切都會變得簡單,因為許 多多明尼加的球員都上過大聯盟。 Dominican players, we look out for one another, you know? 我們多明尼加的球員們是會彼此照料的。 When I first came to the U.S. a few years ago, I struggled to find the time to improve my English, and had a hard time eating McDonald’s hamburgers every single day. But there were always other Dominican players around to help me out. Pretty early on, I learned that sometimes you need to go to Burger King, just to switch it up. That was huge for me. 數年前,我第一次來到美國時,我很辛苦的騰出時間來加強英文能力,並每天刻苦的吃著 麥當勞的漢堡。但身旁總是有其他多明尼加人對我伸援手。接下來,我意識到有時應該去 吃漢堡王,應該變換一下,這對我來說是個大突破。 After a while, with some help, you just sort of get the hang of things. 過了不久,在大家的幫忙下,我開始掌握訣竅。 Someone tells you about the Duolingo app for your phone, or that adding new toppings can make a pizza seem different from day to day. 有些人叫我下載多鄰國這個應用程式,或是在披薩上增添配料讓他看起來充滿變化。 And you just kind of go from there. 於是一切開始步上正軌。 The other thing that takes some time to get used to is all the media attention that baseball players get in the States. 另一個要花點時間習慣的事就是所有媒體會很密切的關注棒球員。 My first start after I got called up to the Yankees in 2015 was against the Red Sox at Yankee Stadium. And, believe it or not, I wasn’t really all that nervous. 在2015年,我上大聯盟的第一場比賽就是在洋基球場面對紅襪隊。信不信由你,我當時並 沒有很緊張。 Then I went out to dinner the night before with my wife and made the mistake of going to a restaurant with big TVs everywhere. Every five seconds, it was like, “Tomorrow will be the debut of Yankees rookie Luis Severino,” and “ Big day tomorrow for Severino against the Red Sox.” Stuff like that. 在我初登板的前一天晚上,我和老婆走進了一間錯的餐廳吃飯,一間擁有許多大電視的餐 廳。每過5秒鐘,就會聽到「明天是洋基新秀Severino的初登板呢!」以及「明天是個大日 子!Severino要先發打紅襪!」 Oh, my God. It wouldn’t stop. 我的天啊!這些對話不會結束。 When I went back to my hotel room, it was the same thing. 當我回到飯店房間,還是發生一樣的事情。 Those TVs actually put nerves into me. But you know what? After I threw my first pitch against the Red Sox, all the nerves went away. And then I just tried to do what I always do. It made it extra special that I was able to face David Ortiz and Hanley Ramirez on that day — two guys I grew up watching all the time in the D.R. 那些電視確實讓我緊張。但你知道嗎?在我對紅襪隊投出第一球後,所有的緊張感消失不 見。我只是試著做我一直在做的事。能夠對決我從小到大景仰的球星─Ortiz和Hanley是 件極度特別的事。 It was also fun to see people waving Dominican flags in the stands, and to know that I was now part of a big league club with so many Dominican fans. I felt right at home from the very beginning, and then to have the whole stadium cheering for me, and showing me love … it was an incredible experience for me. 看到人們在看台上揮舞多明尼加的國旗為我加油也是件有趣的事。最初我感覺就像在家裡 一樣,全場的人為我歡呼、鼓勵,這是個極棒的經驗。 Since that time, I’ve grown to love playing in New York more and more. It’s been so much fun to be a part of this franchise and to be one of a group of young guys who is looking to do big things for years and years to come. I just feel very fortunate in every way. And I can’t say enough about the people here. Yankees fans are so full of passion and energy. It makes me want to go out and do my very best every single time I pitch. I’m having the time of my life right now. 從那時起,我更加愛上在紐約打球。能夠身為洋基隊的一員並和一群年輕隊友們,在未來 幾年去爭取榮耀是件很棒的事。我真的感到十分幸運。我不知道能再對這裡的人們說什麼 ,洋基的球迷們總是充滿熱情和活力,而他們也促使了我在每一次登板,都會努力做到最 好。我真的很享受此時此刻。 And even when I’m struggling, Yankees fans are right there to support me and help lift me up. 即使我表現不佳,洋基球迷還是支持我,並幫助我重新振作。 Last year, when I was going through a rough patch, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. And, out of nowhere, while I’m in the checkout line, this older gentleman taps me on the shoulder. 去年,當我進入撞牆期時,我走進一間雜貨店買東西。我在排隊結帳時,一位老先生突然 拍了我的肩膀。 It kind of caught me off guard at first. 我有點嚇了一跳。 Excuse me, but are you Luis Severino? 「不好意思,請問你是Severino嗎?」 I said, “Yes, I am.” Then he said this: 我回答:「是的」。他接著說: “I know things aren’t going great right now, but I still believe in you. I think you’re going to be a really good pitcher. I believe in you. You can be great.” 「我知道現在事情不怎麼順利,但我還是相信你,我認為你會成為一個非常厲害的投手。 我相信你,你會變強。」 I mean … come on. What can you even say about an experience like that? Other than…. 遇到這種事情你還能說什麼呢?我只能說… Man, do I love New York. 天啊!我太愛紐約了! -- 本人!! 真的嗎~謝謝
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1504771969.A.7A2.html

gogin: 配合原po的暱稱 配內文頗妙XD 09/07 16:14

JohnLackey: 加入洋基 一生榮耀 09/07 16:18

AZBTPATONY: 可惜洋基近幾年慘慘DER 09/07 16:19

epw: 加入洋基 打得好的時候榮耀 打不好的時候農藥 09/07 16:33

angus: 這篇好好看 09/07 16:41

angus: 原本想翻後來覺得好長 09/07 16:42

zongtinglee: 推推 09/07 16:45

zyx12320: 推 09/07 16:47

JBLs: 推 09/07 16:48

MaxScherzer: 不想幫洋基推,哼 09/07 17:03

senrewd: 乾 來我磯不好嗎QQ 09/07 17:06

BusterPosey: 兒基夢 09/07 17:07

jones210272: 推我基 09/07 17:14

KurtZouma: 推 09/07 17:21

chinghae0111: 推 09/07 17:23

Sechslee: 推 09/07 17:23

yw1002: 依樣背號 他的三振能力好多了 09/07 17:29

hannocps: 感謝翻譯 09/07 17:38

wastony1107: 推 09/07 17:43

vencil: 推洋基40號 09/07 17:47

s90523: 先推謝謝翻譯 09/07 17:56

ts012108: NYY 40 我基Ace必推 09/07 17:58

mcshang: 推 09/07 18:04

rfvtgb852: 未來很值得期待啊啊啊 09/07 18:05

s90523: 真的很喜歡看這種文 看完再推一次~ 09/07 18:06

chaolin: 是說 就算當時簽進洋基 也有很大機會不是在洋基初登板呀 09/07 18:10

minihyde: 洋基40號! 09/07 18:11

LuisSeverino: 洋基40就是猛 09/07 18:20

Aaronko: 沒連兩季19勝對的起背號嗎 09/07 18:22

decorum: 自產的農作 至今沒有到紐約水土不服的問題 已經很不簡單 09/07 18:23

andy880036s: 翻得很棒! 09/07 18:23

mark0204: 09/07 18:23

decorum: NYC是多少大投手的心靈墳場哪 09/07 18:24

Zuleta: 我記得他當初身材條件不太好 所以簽約金沒有很高 09/07 18:30

justin91039: 推 09/07 18:44

ClintFrazier: 好文章 必須推 真是令人感動 09/07 18:45

antho: 說我基近幾年慘慘的,標準是多高呢? 09/07 18:59

bgp915117: 襪迷嘛 09/07 19:03

e920528: 推 09/07 19:17

alpacaHong: 最後有洋蔥QQ 09/07 19:24

narukaho: 推 09/07 19:29

whhw: 推我基 09/07 19:31

Hans14: 丟壘球的超負荷就讓他突飛猛進? 有點難以置信 09/07 19:59

claudey: 推~期待成為我基真ACE 09/07 20:05

saiulbb: 謝謝分享 09/07 20:15

Scape: 推分享!!! 09/07 21:35

MrHeat: 翻得很讚! 一下子就看完了! 09/07 21:54

GleybeTorres: 支持pedro完封6局,期待BOS牛放火XD 09/07 22:10

d286286: 推樓上放火是指box? 09/07 22:11

HGOD: 推 09/07 22:20

philluke: Sevy!!Sevy!! 09/07 22:41

GleybeTorres: 這篇文章裡面的R 09/07 23:33

GleybeTorres: Sevy以前支持Pedro完封6局,然後讓紅襪的牛棚上來放 09/07 23:35

GleybeTorres: 火,讓洋基拿到最後的勝利,很妙的折衷XD 09/07 23:35

xxjasonbox: push 09/08 00:51

Rivera42: 我基就是推,sevy go go! 09/08 06:36

appshjkli: 不會阿 看看陳跟王 很多人都這樣希望 09/08 07:24

ghia73ray: 推!!! 09/08 12:53

airplanes: 感謝! 09/08 17:04

jeffchen106: 讚啦!! Sevy I love you! 09/08 17:38

jfpsc221: 推推 09/09 00:00

Notif520: 這一定要推 不推不行 09/09 08:51

HolaDiego: 兒基夢 蓋章 09/09 10:09

teapot43: 推一個 09/09 12:01

asd25: 麥當勞 和 漢堡王是什麼由來啊 09/09 23:54

aannnn: 推分享 09/10 12:18

ykps: 不知道Sevy覺得王40如何 09/10 15:12

newest: 重返農藥 09/16 03:33
