[外電] 巨人總教練Bochy認為Cueto下季會回歸

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2017-08-24 10:40:48
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來源:The Mercury News 網址:http://tinyurl.com/yd3f94v4 Bochy assuming Johnny Cueto will be back next season 巨人總教練Bochy認為Cueto下季會回來 SAN FRANCISCO – The Giants are 40 games back in the NL West for the first time since 1943, but they still have six weeks of baseball to play. 巨人現在是在1943年後第一次在國聯西區落後40場,而且他們還有六個禮拜的賽季要打。 They hope to have Johnny Cueto back for most of it – and the way Bruce Bochy talked about the rehabbing right-hander, the club is assuming they will have Cueto for four more years, too. 巨人除了希望Johnny Cueto可以回來打剩下的球季,而且按照總教練Bruce Bochy說到在復 健中的Cueto的說法,球團認為Cueto應該會在巨人繼續待4年。 Cueto came out of Tuesday’s three-inning rehab start for Triple-A Sacramento with no issues, and Bochy said he hoped the right-hander would require just one more minor league tuneup before he rejoins the rotation. Cueto在星期二的3A小聯盟投了三局的復健賽,沒有任何狀況。總教練Bochy說他希望 Cueto再投一場小聯盟球賽調整一下就回來輪值。 What does he want to see from Cueto down the stretch? 他希望看到怎樣的Cueto在場上呢? “Just be a healthy Johnny,” Bochy said. “Just be who he is. We’re not going to grind him out in these games. We just want to get him back on track with his good command, so next year he has a good feeling with where he’s at. ” 「只要是健康的Johnny就好,」Bochy說。「只要做他自己就好,我們也不會強求他在球場 上過累。我們只要他回歸正常,控球得宜,然後明年他可以有好的球感就好了。」 Cueto hasn’t appeared in a big league game since July 14 because of blisters and a forearm strain, but the Giants hope to have him back in the rotation in September — and beyond that, too. Cueto在7/14後就因手指起水泡跟前臂拉傷沒在MLB投過球,但是巨人希望他可以在九月回 來輪值--也希望在那之後他也為巨人效力。 He can opt out of his contract after the season, and while it would be difficult to imagine him leaving four years and $84 million on the table to take his chances as a free agent, he also knows that pitchers have parlayed less than one month into some major paydays. Cueto在球季後可以選擇跳出合約,但是很難想像他會選擇去當自由球員而放棄檯面上的選 項:4年8400萬鎂;而且他也知道投手不會在剩下一個月的賽程去賭看看他能不能拿到大 約。 In other words: Cueto is likely to stay, but no decision has been made. 換句話說:Cueto可能會留下來,但是一切都還沒決定。 Until then… 直到那時... “Well, I just assume,” Bochy said. “I stay on the positive side. He’s got the choice, but right now he’s with us and until he’s not, I’m planning on him being with us.” 「喔~我只是假設,」Bochy說。「我是比較樂觀的,Cueto可以做選擇,但是現在他是巨 人球員,我也計畫他會留在巨人。」 You could argue that Cueto becoming a free agent, and reducing an $84 million payroll obligation, is the best possible thing that could happen to the Giants as they seek to retool a massively disappointing roster with limited financial flexibility if they want to stay below the luxury tax in 2018. 大家當然可以說Cueto就去當自由球員,然後這8400萬鎂的薪水就可以少很多,然後巨人球 團就可以在有限的金錢狀況而且在2018年不會要付豪華稅的狀況下重建今年令人失望的輪 值。 Then again, a healthy and effective Cueto returning to top form, alongside a healthy Madison Bumgarner, might be the best and most realistic chance the Giants have of becoming legitimate contenders again next season. 不過,一個健康有效率的Cueto,配上健康的瘋邦,或許是最好也是巨人最實際的機會可以 在明年季賽與其他隊伍競逐。 You’ll consider the latter scenario if, like Bochy, you stay on the positive side. 所以,大家可以跟Bochy一樣,想得樂觀一點囉! -- 大家認為呢? -- 謝謝提醒 已經改了 只是那個也算喔~我是打發語詞... 樓上本尊
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1503542453.A.BD9.html

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