[情報] 道奇把Chris Hatcher交易到運動家

看板 MLB
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2017-08-16 11:44:35
留言 31則留言 (18推 0噓 13→)

來源:Los Angeles Times 網址:http://tinyurl.com/yd2swycn Dodgers trade Chris Hatcher to the Oakland Athletics 道奇把Chris Hatcher交易到運動家 Chris Hatcher had his equipment bag packed, the one with the Dodgers logo. He had just been told he had been traded to the Oakland Athletics, and he quickly changed into street clothes, exchanged a few hugs and handshakes, and left in search of a more secure job. Chris Hatcher把他的東西打包好,裝在一個有道奇標誌的袋子裡。他剛被通知,要被交易 到運動家去,他很快的換成平常穿的衣服,跟一些人握手跟擁抱後,離開道奇尋找更穩定 的位置。 “I don’t really know much about Oakland,” Hatcher said outside the Dodgers ’ clubhouse. “I just know they have a lot of guys here. 「我對運動家不是太瞭,」Hatcher在道奇球團外面說到。「我只知道那邊有很多人。」 “They gave me plenty of leash, and I didn’t really pitch to expectations. It is bittersweet. Hopefully these guys can go win a ring, and I can be successful in Oakland.” 「道奇給我了一些限制,而我投的也沒有達到他們的期待;這過程有苦有甜。希望他們可 以拿到冠軍戒指,而我希望我在運動家也可以投出一片天。」 Hatcher, Austin Barnes and Enrique Hernandez all were acquired in a 2014 trade that sent Dee Gordon and Dan Haren to the Miami Marlins. Hatcher opened the 2015 season as the Dodgers’ closer — Kenley Jansen was on the disabled list — and the Dodgers’ front office remained intrigued with his arm strength and ability to pitch at any point in the game. Hatcher是道奇在2014送出Dee Gordon跟Dan Haren到馬林魚,跟Austin Barnes以及 Enrique Hernandes一起換過來的。Hatcher在2015一開始被當做道奇的終結者--Kenley Jansen那時候還在傷兵名單上--道奇制服組那時候對Hatcher的手臂的強度以及他是否還能 投球仍有興趣。 But the results simply were not there. Hatcher posted a 5.53 earned-run average last season and a 4.66 ERA this season. The Dodgers activated him from the disabled list Sunday, but Manager Dave Roberts said the team had no significant role for him. 但是結果並不如預期。Hatcher上季的ERA是5.53,本季目前是4.66。道奇星期日把他從傷 兵名單中移出,但是總教練Dave Roberts說球隊目前沒有位置可以給他。 “To get Hatch innings was going to be hard to come by,” Roberts said. 「讓Hatch上場會有點難,」總教練Roberts說。 The Dodgers got $500,000 in international bonus pool money from the A’s — essentially, a few extra bucks to sign Latin American teenagers. 道奇會從運動家那邊拿到50萬鎂的國際補助金--重要的在於,道奇就有多一些錢可以簽下 年輕的拉美好手。 Hatcher, 32, is making $1.25 million this season, and the Dodgers might well have cut him in the winter rather than offer him a contract subject to salary arbitration. The A’s now have six weeks to try to turn him around and decide whether to keep him next season. Hatcher今年32歲,本季可以賺125萬鎂,道奇本來也可能本季末也不會跟他續約,避免 薪資仲裁。而運動家可以有六個禮拜的時間可以試試看,看能不能把他調整好,然後決定 明年要不要留下他。 “To go to a team that had a lot of interest gives Chris a new opportunity,” Roberts said. 「讓Chris Hatcher去對他有興趣的球隊才是讓他有機會,」道奇總教練Roberts說到。 -- 雖然知道是職業運動,交易來交易去本來就是常態,只是看的還是會有些情緒的波動。 -- 您真厲害 修正
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1502855080.A.2F0.html

Timekeeper: 爽!!!Hatcher終於滾了!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/16 11:46

andy880036s: 繼續堆國際簽約金額度 準備好衝大谷了? 08/16 11:49

zehow: Hatcher掰!不送!蘿蔔汁算給他很多機會了 他自己沒把握 08/16 11:53

bluedragon: 那筆交易道奇小虧? 08/16 12:05

triff: 50萬美金,小額累積大谷簽約金? 08/16 12:12

alpacaHong: 看成Chris Carter 08/16 12:18

zehow: 道奇不算虧 因為Barnes kike 表現的不錯 雖然狗蛋第一年打 08/16 12:29

zehow: 出MVP水準 但因為他是FA 省了一大筆錢 08/16 12:29

NKUHT: 開始累積國際簽約金準備簽 林智勝 王伯融 蔣智賢 大谷等國 08/16 12:59

NKUHT: 際大咖了 期待! 08/16 12:59

hsiang0619: 1百25萬鎂<—多打一個百 08/16 13:05

snsd56: 我曹利多? 08/16 13:06

crazywater: 你曹已經退休了是要利多什麼? 08/16 13:10

snsd56: 退休可以復出阿 嘻嘻 08/16 13:22

armii: 不是好奇他能否投球,而是想知道他是否能在球賽任何時間點 08/16 13:38

armii: 被派上來投吧? 08/16 13:38

notmuchmoney: 多50萬鎂而已 大谷怎麼可能看得上眼 08/16 13:38

sam9595: 其實那個交易 最大咖的是在天使躺DL的Heaney 08/16 14:22

sam9595: 當年拿到馬上換成好姨 但就不知道躲人跟好姨怎麼會這樣.. 08/16 14:24

madboy: 好姨大概是穿藍色就渾身不自在 你看他今年在費人(ry 08/16 15:14

madboy: 那個准三方交易 一開始看最賺的是大魚啊 結果爆出腿Dee吃 08/16 15:16

madboy: 藥w 08/16 15:16

madboy: 然後Heaney投出來了 還投超棒 可是受傷w 08/16 15:17

madboy: 現在看起來躲人拿到這包 也沒有虧太多啦 08/16 15:18

madboy: 這是沒想到好姨一整個不振w 08/16 15:19

madboy: 然後躲人二壘還是一個洞w 08/16 15:19

gogosonger: 再見黑特,開心 08/16 18:10

Blitzkrieg63: 去年七月多去看道奇落磯的比賽 Hatcher上場一直丟 08/16 19:01

Blitzkrieg63: 壞球隔壁老外球迷一直罵他垃圾XD 08/16 19:02

JesusMontero: nothing personal, its strictly business 08/16 20:14

AaronJudge: 樓上學長冰淇淋吃完了嗎 08/16 21:50
