[外電] 西雅圖水手隊下半季該如何補強?

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2017-07-14 14:23:44
留言 29則留言 (19推 0噓 10→)

來源:Seattle Times 網址:http://tinyurl.com/ycpacj4d Will Mariners be contenders in the second half? If so, they’ll need to find some pitching help CHICAGO — The needs are obvious. The direction isn’t. For the Mariners and general manager Jerry Dipoto, the next 16 games over 18 days will determine the Mariners’ immediate future, specifically the remainder of the 2017 season. 需要補強是很明確的,只是要補什麼呢?對於水手隊及GM Jerry Dipoto來說,接下來 的18天內打16場比賽,將會決定水手今年戰績的好壞。 At 43-47 and four games out of the American League wild-card game, the Mariners’ dream of snapping a postseason drought that dates to 2001 is still alive but with perhaps a flickering pulse. Dipoto still believes it’s possible. 戰績43勝47敗,與美聯外卡勝差還有4場,水手想終結自2001年之後就沒打過季後賽的美夢 似乎有可能,只是機率有點難,但是GM Dipoto還是相信有可能的。 “Sure, you watched it last year,” he said. “We’re more talented than we were a year ago. There’s no question in my mind about that, and you know, last year, from a similar position, we made a run at what would be the most unusual or most difficult time of our schedule. We were playing real teams. We were playing a lot of road games, and we made a run. We almost made it.” 「當然,你看看去年,」Dipoto說。「我們現在比去年更有潛力,我從沒懷疑過。去年, 你也知道,也是類似的情況,我們可以在困難的狀況下得分,我們表現的像是一個球隊該 有的樣子。一堆的客場賽,但是我們可以得分的,就差一點點了。」 What transpires before the July 31 nonwaiver trade deadline will be a decisive factor in what Dipoto does. 7/31交易大限日將會影響Dipoto的決策。 Don’t ask him if the team will be a “buyer” or a “seller.” Dipoto won’t limit himself to such obtuse thinking. By limiting the scope to one or the other, it gives teams an opportunity to try to manipulate the situation. Call it being an “improver.” 不要問Dipoto水手隊會成為"買家"還是"賣家",他不會把自己設限在一個角色。他認為應 該叫"改良家"。 If the Mariners struggle out of the break and fall out of the race, the obvious play would be to try to move outfielder Jarrod Dyson, oft-traded first baseman Danny Valencia, backup catcher Carlos Ruiz and reliever Steve Cishek, who will all be free agents. Lefty reliever Marc Rzepczynski and right-handed pitcher Yovani Gallardo could also be moved, though not much would be expected in return. 如果水手一路跌跌撞撞,掉出競爭行列的話,那大概就是清倉了,把外野Jarrod Dyson, 一壘手Danny Valencia,替補捕手Carlos Ruiz跟後援Steve Cishek,交易出去,畢竟都將 會是自由球員。左投後援Marc Rzepczynski跟右投Yovani Gallardo可能也可以換走,雖然 可能換不到什麼好貨。 If the M’s play well and stay in the wild-card race as Dipoto expects, there is one glaring need — pitching. 但是,若是水手打的不錯,如Dipoto想的,有搶外卡的機會,有一個是一定得補的:投 手。 The Mariners’ rotation has been gutted by injuries and subpar performances, and the addition of another right-handed reliever might be useful. The Mariners will first look at the possible return of Shae Simmons in a week as an acquisition. 水手的投手輪值因為受傷以及平均以下的表現讓人失望,若是可以加一個不錯的右投應該 會有幫助。水手或許可以先看看Shae Simmons再一個禮拜能不能回歸,後可以看看能不能 撿到球員。 But the starting rotation needs help. It consists of James Paxton, Felix Hernandez, Ariel Miranda and rookies Andrew Moore and Sam Gaviglio, with right-handers Yovani Gallardo and Christian Bergman as depth. 不過投手輪值是一定需要幫忙的,目前有James Paxton,國王Felix Hernandez,Ariel Miranda,菜鳥Andrew Moore跟Sam Gaviglio,以及後援右投Yovani Gallardo跟Christian Bergman。 Hisashi Iwakuma’s future is uncertain. While the veteran right-hander continues to rehab his ailing shoulder, his return is not something the Mariners can anticipate. Some within the organization believe he won’t return this season. 岩隈久志的未來不明-這右投老將還在為他受傷的右肩復健中,他能不能回來投球不是水手 現在可以期待的;目前有些評估說他這一個球季可能回不來了。 Just before the All-Star break, manager Scott Servais said he believed the team had enough starting pitching to go forward this season. The numbers contradict that notion. 在明星賽之前,教練Scott Servais說他相信球隊有足夠的投手可以撐完這個球季,雖然數 字跟他的說法南轅北轍。 The Mariners’ starters have thrown seven innings just 18 times in 90 starts while producing 36 outings of five innings or less. There were 30 games where the starter allowed four runs or more. Seattle’s starting pitchers have combined a 4.76 ERA, which ranks 11th in the American League. 水手的先發投手群們在90次出賽只有18次投滿7局;36次投了5局或少於5局;30場比賽先發 們讓對手拿4分或以上;總ERA4.76,美聯排名11。 The Mariners were 40-15 when scoring at least four runs. And when they mustered just three runs or less, they were 3-32, including 0-25 in the last 25 games in that situation. 水手打擊若是可以得4分以上的話,戰績是40勝15敗;但是得分少於3分以下的話,是3勝32 敗,而且已經是連續25場得分3分以下都輸球惹… So does Dipoto think they have enough pitching going forward? 所以GM Dipoto認為西雅圖水手到底投手戰力夠不夠提升球隊呢? “Depends on what you mean by forward, you know. … If by moving forward, you mean July to September? No, we don’t,” he said. “We are going to have to, whether it’s a return for Hisashi Iwakuma, whether it’s something from our system, or whether it’s somebody externally that we can add.” 「看你怎麼定義提升,如果你說是要從7月打到9月的話,那肯定是不夠的,」Dipoto說。 「看是岩隈久志會不會回來,或者從我們農場裡有人,或者從外面找人。」 On Thursday, the Cubs jumped the midseason trade market and acquired the best pitcher expected to be available at the deadline — White Sox lefty Jose Quintana — in exchange for four prospects. 星期四,小熊開始季中交易,以四個潛力球員換到了白襪左投Jose Quintana-被認為是在 交易期限前最有價值的球員。 The Mariners simply don’t have the prospect depth in their organization to make that kind of move. 但水手沒有足夠的"潛力球員"可以換到那樣的交易。 Oakland’s Sonny Gray and Pittsburgh’s Gerrit Cole are also possible bigger-name pitchers that could be moved. But both would be command a high-level prospect in return. 運動家的Sonny Gray跟海盜隊Gerrit Cole也是有機會的明星投手,但是要換到這兩名大概 也要有足夠的牌可以換… The Mariners’ highest-rated prospect, according to Baseball America, is last year’s first-round pick, outfielder Kyle Lewis, who is No. 62. The only other Mariners player in the midseason top 100 was right-hander pitched Nick Neidert — the Mariners’ top pitching prospect — at No. 84. 水手隊手上被評比有潛力的球員會是去年第一輪選上的外野手Kyle Lewis,評比排名62 名。另外一個是右投Nick Neidert-水手隊目前最好的潛力投手- 排名第84。 “We do need to be aware of what those (external) pieces are, and if we can add it, we will,” Dipoto said. “But we’re not going to empty both barrels trying to go out and find the ace to perch atop the rotation that will take us to the promised land, because that guy doesn’t exist.” 「我們要瞭解現在外面市場有什麼樣的牌;若是我們可以拿的到,我們會拿,」Dipoto 說,「但是我們不可能把所有牌都打出去,然後去外面換個王牌回來輪值裡,然後我們就 可以達到目標;那是不可能的,沒有那種王牌存在。」 Two National League scouts evaluating Seattle for the trade deadline noted that the Mariners might have to trade a player off the 25-man roster as part of a package for a No. 3-level starting pitcher, mentioning young outfielders Ben Gamel, Guillermo Heredia and Mitch Haniger and even right-hander Dan Altavilla. 兩個國聯球探評估水手若要換到一個3號的先發,可能另外得要拿出先發25人輪值的其中一 人才可能換的到-被點名的有外野手Ben Gamel,Guillermo Heredia,Mitch Haniger甚至 右投Dan Altavilla。 That outfield depth might allow Seattle to shop outfielder Tyler O’Neill, who is starting to heat up in Class AAA Tacoma, and maybe package lower-level players. 水手外野手的陣容或許可以讓水手用3A目前近況火熱的Tyler O’Neill跟比較低階的選手 打包去交易。 One thing that could help offset the lack of prospect depth to offer is money. The Mariners can try to buy a larger contract and not have to give up as much. Seattle should have some payroll flexibility for this year and beyond. With Iwakuma’s $14 million option not vesting and the team likely not to tender Drew Smyly a contract since he’ll miss most of the 2018 season, that’s $20 million of possible payroll next season. 當然,沒有潛力選手的話,可以用錢買。用錢買大合約,也不用拋棄有潛力的選手。水手 的薪資在今年跟明年是有些彈性的,若是不續岩隈的1400萬鎂,也不續Drew Smyly的合約 ,畢竟他2018年大概都不行打,那下季就可以有2000萬鎂的薪資空間可以運用。 Logically a pitcher under control for 2018 is also desirable considering the same pitching issues will arise next season. Seattle expects to contend for the postseason in 2018 given almost all of their starting position players return. 合理的狀況,簽下一個可以到2018年的投手會是最好的,考慮到下季會有同樣的狀況。水 手自己評估明年應該可以進季後賽,基於幾乎他們所有先發輪值的投手都會回的來。 Also the Mariners can’t claim to be paupers. The ownership group has money and has said it was willing to add payroll if it meant a chance at the postseason. This might be an example of a time when that’s needed. Even if CEO John Stanton gets the ownership group to open the checkbook, finding a pitcher will be difficult. 而且水手隊從來就不是窮隊。經營群有錢,而且也說,只要有機會可以進季後賽,他們願 意砸錢;現在就是那個砸錢的機會了!但即使CEO John Stanton有辦法讓老闆願意簽支 票,要找一個投手還是很難。 Why? 為什麼? “Everybody’s looking,” Dipoto said. “Everybody’s always looking. So makes it no harder than it was yesterday or last year or in 2010.” 「大家都在找投手,」Dipoto說。「每個球隊都一直在找投手,不會簡單的,2010年如此 ,去年如此,現在也一樣。」 -- 想翻水手的外電只是私心。 2000年出國到西雅圖念書,當年的水手夯翻了,還有一朗朗神加入, 打了個破紀錄的100+勝,結果第一輪季後就被洋基給淘汰。 (感謝網友jerryklu糾正,第二輪才被洋基淘汰) 從此陷入沒季後賽的泥淖。 看了好幾年,從忠心的球迷,變灰心的球迷。 西雅圖的球場超漂亮,但是戰績從那之後就配不上那個球場。 把那個瘋狂球評的話改一下就是我的心境: 「我好想看水手打季後賽啊!!!!!」 -- 修改 我記錯了嗎?還是後來被洋基打掉了的是第二輪? 去查了一下 我記錯了 謝謝糾正
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1500013431.A.B62.html

maxspeed150: Dipoto不是總教練 他是GM 07/14 14:30

whhw: 幫QQ 07/14 14:36

cd12631: Dipoto也是打打太極而已 畢竟能賣的那幾個人也沒什麼賣相 07/14 14:38

cd12631: 想買的我看87%買不下手 07/14 14:39

acd51874: 水兵731最大的補強喔? 換掉 Scott Servias 就是最大的 07/14 14:39

acd51874: 補強了 07/14 14:39

triff: 水兵水兵拿冠軍(笑 07/14 14:40

pttverygood: 上次進季後賽是2001 最久沒進的球隊 第二是馬魚2003 07/14 14:55

Allenichiro: 水手今年輪值一直進DL真的慘 07/14 14:58

inbred: TMD扯..太空都已經進WS 爛掉 在變強一次了..水兵還是沒長 07/14 15:08

FiDealer: 比較想看笑臉人如何補強 07/14 15:29

rayisgreat: 推翻譯 希望水兵加油~~~ 07/14 15:29

Strasburg20k: 水手沒有好好利用king的精華期 07/14 16:15

jerryklu: 01年第一輪明明3-1淘汰印地安人 07/14 16:30

tsao7141: 2001第一輪是因為印第安人投手調度有問題導致2勝3敗輸掉 07/14 16:57

tsao7141: ,不然水手差點連第一關都過不了,下一輪遇到洋基要挑戰 07/14 16:57

tsao7141: 四連霸的直接輸到脫褲,沒被橫掃算是謝主隆恩了 07/14 16:58

duo131: 能在西雅圖看到小葛打球就夠了 07/14 17:20

Werth: 今年太難 07/14 17:46

saosin: 推 07/14 18:44

leegogo: 有點難啦 07/14 19:11

rayisgreat: 會嗎 外卡差4場沒到很遙遠吧 賽季還有70場左右 07/14 19:37

acd51874: 水手六月中開始就算完全體了,戰績還是拉不起來 07/14 20:06

KyleSeager: 打線還可以,但今年投手很會花 07/14 20:25

KyleSeager: Paxton傷癒復出後控球不穩 07/14 20:30

KyleSeager: King從王牌變工作馬 07/14 20:31

KyleSeager: 後段輪值都是全壘打製造機 07/14 20:32

KyleSeager: Edwin Diaz今年莫名容易被轟 07/14 20:33

stja: 07/14 22:24
