[外電] Thank You, New York by Jeter

看板 MLB
作者 jackytao (Roly)
時間 2017-05-12 10:16:27
留言 48則留言 (44推 0噓 4→)

前言: 美國時間 5/14(日)洋基隊就要正式退休 Jeter 的背號, 為此,Jeter 在他一手創辦的 Players Tribune 上也寫下了這篇 Thank You, New York 網址:https://goo.gl/3SlTJU, 大家也可以搭配 Youtube 影片:https://goo.gl/3jfusD 閱讀。 在這裡分享給大家,同時也感謝自己見證了傳奇。 Thank You, New York Derek Jeter New York, I want to tell you a story — about a kid who grew up in the Midwest, in a town called Kalamazoo. Quiet, unsure and at times a little intimidated. A homebody at heart. About a kid with a dream who moved to a big city — to the big city. A kid who was just trying to keep up with everyone else. 我親愛的紐約,我想告訴你一個故事,關於一個生在中西部 Kalamazoo 小鎮男孩的故事。 他寡言、沒什麼安全感,有時候又有點害怕,是個活脫脫的鄉下孩子。而這則故事是關於 這個懷抱夢想的男孩,搬到大城市,「那座」大城市,只想跟上其他人腳步的故事。 A lot was asked of that kid. And I always respected the challenge to prove myself each and every day. The lights were always bright. The pace was always fast. The stakes were always high, and the expectations higher. And in those difficult moments — those moments that feel unique to New York — you always showed me a sign. 眾人對於這孩子的要求很高,而我總是勇敢迎向那些挑戰,以一次又一次的證明我自己。 紐約,你總是燈火通明,總是步調急促。成功的代價固然高,但人們的期望尤甚。在那些 艱難的時刻,那些專屬於紐約的時刻,你總是給我一個象徵。 All I had to do was look: It was a little girl’s tip of her cap, or a shout from across the street, or a rallying chant from the upper decks of Yankee Stadium that made its way down to the field. Or the support from teammates who taught me about the spirit of this city: That we’re all in this together, and we have to look out for one another. 而我所要做的,就只是靜靜的看:一個小女孩的脫帽致敬、一聲對街傳來的喊叫聲、從洋 基球場上層看台一路傳到球場的加油聲,或者是隊友們給我的支持。是他們告訴我這座城 市的精神:我們同舟共濟,我們彼此照應。 New York, I’ll never forget how you looked out for me. 紐約啊紐約,我決不會忘記你是如何照顧著我。 And throughout 20 years in pinstripes, I learned that despite the pace and the pressure, one code truly makes this city go: Get up each day, put on your uniform, go to work, do your best, and don’t make excuses. 在穿著洋基條紋球衣的這 20 年間,儘管步調快速,儘管壓力重大,我仍學會了這個鼓動 這座城市的密碼:起床、穿上球衣、去工作、全力以赴,而且不要找藉口。 That’s all New York ever really asks for. 紐約,你要求的向來只有這麼多。 And that’s what I tried to do. 而這也是我嘗試做到的。 Thank you, New York, for asking a lot of me. For challenging me. For giving this kid a place to grow up. I wasn’t born a New Yorker — you asked me to earn it. I wasn’t born a Yankee, but you made me into one. 紐約,謝謝你總是要求我,總是挑戰我。謝謝你給了這個孩子一個成長的地方。我並非生 來就是個紐約人,是你要求我去爭取這份榮譽。我並非生來就是個洋基人,但,是你的磨 練讓我成為了這裡的一份子。 Everyone comes to this city with dreams of being No. 1. You showed me that being No. 2 was more than enough. 每個來到這座城市的人都想成為第一。而你告訴我,成為第二(No.2)就已經綽綽有餘。 Today I’m no longer that kid. I’ve hung up my uniform, and I know this much for a fact: I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. Because the truth is, no matter where you go in the world, when a place feels like home, as New York does to me, you never really leave. 今天,我已經不是以前那個孩子,而且也已經高掛球衣退休了。但我深知:如果不是你, 我不會有今天的成就。因為,不論你在世界的哪個角落,如果有個地方讓你覺得有家的感 覺,正如同紐約之於我,你就彷彿永遠不曾離開。 It will always be with you. 它將永遠與你同在。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1494555393.A.7A6.html

ericf129: 推推 05/12 10:17

YummyBosh: 真。紐約之子 05/12 10:27

GenesisXD: 推 05/12 10:29

citpo: 最後一個NYY個位數號碼退休 05/12 10:31

Sechslee: 推推 05/12 10:36

cuteboy814: 推永遠的 No 2 隊長 05/12 10:37

k33536: Jeter: I am heading to somewhere else....lol 05/12 10:37

edhuang: 推紐約之子 05/12 10:52

team1245: 推 05/12 11:03

jones210272: 推我基永遠的隊長 05/12 11:04

stevetroy: 推永遠隊長 05/12 11:09

lupefan4eva: 謝謝你,洋基 05/12 11:13

Carpro0329: RE2PECT 推永遠的洋基隊長!! 05/12 11:17

barber: 真的是傳奇強者!!強到沒話說 05/12 11:20

yankees733: 推我基傳奇隊長 05/12 11:40

kenkenken31: 推,乾淨的偉大球員,成績形象無可挑剔 05/12 11:52

pigmansky: 推我基5冠隊長 05/12 12:00

jcto04: 推 完美男人的代名詞 05/12 12:02

bonjovi0930: 反觀對面的美國院長,生涯有Jeter一半健康梅子就賺了 05/12 12:04

saiulbb: 有功名成就 形象正面 緋聞多老婆正 人生勝利組 羨慕 05/12 12:04

fwiller: 吉特!!! 05/12 12:11

zyx12320: 推 05/12 12:44

yhy1120: 翻得真好 05/12 12:44

sylviehsiang: 寡言? 情話很會說 沒安全感? 所以要一個換一個 05/12 13:01

joeeoj18: 推 偉大的球員典範 05/12 13:33

mirrorlee: 完美先生 05/12 13:36

s90523: 推推 05/12 13:38

gaop: 沒看過AGG猛一定不知道之前在拓荒怎麼虐火箭 05/12 14:21

nomosa: 樓上跳太大了吧 05/12 14:38

Johnny1101: 樓樓上害我噴笑 05/12 14:52

shyofly: 好懷念隊長啊! 05/12 15:09

mess: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD AGG好猛啊!!! 05/12 15:29

Evonn: 看來是個AGGGGeter啊(大誤) 05/12 15:53

anfernee0520: 推,值得襪迷尊敬的洋基球員 05/12 16:00

sss1524: AGG:??? 05/12 16:36

MrNeverDie: 謝翻譯分享! 05/12 17:10

ARodtheHero: AGG哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 05/12 17:23

siliver: 推推~~~~ 05/12 18:47

roxiang: 史上最強能讓每一個前女友都好聚好散的球員 05/12 20:11

microsaft: 我基威武 05/12 22:42

rubeinlove: 推,永遠謝謝你 05/12 23:38

yah0330: 真紐約之子 05/13 01:19

spilee: 翻的也太美了 05/13 10:09

yoyo900906: 推 05/13 15:29

PerFrancis: 推 05/13 22:23

newest: AGG是三小 05/14 02:58

LoveATJ: "絕"不會 05/15 03:03

LoveATJ: 推隊長QQ 05/15 03:03
