[外電] 響尾蛇新GM---Mike Hazen

看板 MLB
作者 lovemeteor (pieapple)
時間 2016-10-17 03:07:56
留言 18則留言 (8推 1噓 9→)

http://tinyurl.com/gkv3c72 The Arizona Diamondbacks have ended their search for a new general manager. The team announced Sunday that Mike Hazen will become the new executive vice president and team GM Hazen was the senior vice president and general manager for the Boston Red Sox last season. He was the Red Sox assistant GM for four seasons before that, and had been a member of that organization since 2006. “We feel very strongly that we have found the ideal candidate to lead our baseball operations,” said Diamondbacks’ Managing General Partner Ken Kendrick in a press release. “Mike’s reputation throughout the game is impeccable, and his championship experience gives us great confidence in naming him to this position.” Prior to joining the Red Sox, Hazen spent five seasons with the Cleveland Indians. “Mike’s background is the perfect balance of scouting, player development and analytics, which will all play an important role going forward,” said Diamondbacks’ President and CEO Derrick Hall. “He’s a natural leader, who we feel fortunate to have been able to hire, and we welcome him and his family to Arizona.” Hazen will be formally introduced at a press conference at Chase Field Monday at 11 a.m. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 響尾蛇官方突然宣布聘(挖)請(角)Mike Hazen擔任執行副總裁兼GM 完全不是之前所傳聞的可能名單之內,而且紅襪也才剛結束季後賽沒多久 兵貴蛇速!? --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1476644879.A.E53.html

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