[外電] D.Wright Shut Down For Six-Eight Weeks

看板 MLB
作者 tyrone0923 (.......................)
時間 2016-06-04 01:07:16
留言 23則留言 (17推 1噓 5→)

http://goo.gl/VRfciV The news on Wright is considerably worse than the prior four-to-six week barometer, as the Mets have announced that he’ll rest for six to eight weeks without any form of baseball activity. Following such a lengthy layoff, he'll of course need to embark on a minor league rehab assignment, which would mean that an absence of more than two months is certainly in play. Wright has been placed on the 15-day disabled list, with Matt Reynolds recalled from Triple-A to fill his roster spot. 休兩個月,8月才有機會看到他了,今年 .226/.350/.438 OPS+ 115 他也33了,2016-2018的薪水都20M,唉~ 曾經的Captain America阿 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1464973639.A.9E6.html

true317: QQ 06/04 01:16

citpo: 痛痛隊長 06/04 02:17

saiulbb: 隊長加油 06/04 05:50

bonjovi0930: 美國隊長只有Jeter,SS比3B還傷身體但Jeter很少痛痛 06/04 09:20

acd51874: D.Wright 13年當WBC美國隊隊長,這不是美國隊長? 06/04 09:24

acd51874: 推回來 06/04 09:25

acd51874: 推 06/04 09:26

oralboralb: 四樓不懂裝懂 有點糗 不了解大衛萊特還是閉嘴好了 06/04 10:55

b5023556: 退休吧...... 06/04 11:42

BrandonMai: 好糗 06/04 12:18

kevabc1: 四樓 呵呵 06/04 12:21

shinhan1014: 四樓頗呵 06/04 14:10

weed222: D. Wright不是明星,大家不認識沒辦法。 06/04 14:34

LucasDuda: acd沒推到幫你推回來 06/04 18:03

Bagwell5: 多災多難QQ 06/04 18:03

hahabis: 當年的D.Wright根本被梅子當成救世主吧 06/04 19:50

weed222: 是救世主,但是也不是明星QQ 06/04 20:35

weed222: 新球場誤我隊長精華時光QQ 06/04 20:36

sabertomoaki: hail hydra 06/04 20:45

victor33: 四樓 呵呵 06/05 01:24

victor33: 看來這幾年要去花旗球場看下才行 06/05 01:25

jimmyiswin: Wright最近真的痛痛阿,好不容易回來了,結果又進DL 06/05 21:40

a30612david: Wright哪裡不是明星了 06/08 00:17
