Re: [外電] Tigers Sign Jarrod Saltalamacchia

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作者 LoveWin7 (金鶯隊是精英隊~)
時間 2016-04-21 23:55:54
留言 21則留言 (10推 1噓 10→)

: 來源: : mlbtraderumors : 標題: : Tigers Sign Jarrod Saltalamacchia : 內文: : By Jeff Todd | December 6, 2015 at 6:12pm CST : The Tigers have announced the signing of catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia, per :’s Jason Beck (Twitter links). GM Al Avila said that the Munsey : Sports Management client will have an opportunity to compete for a position : backing up presumptive starter James McCann. : Detroit will be committed to Saltalamacchia for only one year at the MLB : minimum rate. He’ll still earn a healthy $8MM this year, however, as the : Marlins are still paying down the rest of the free agent contract he signed : with the team. : Salty, who’ll turn 31 early in the season, lost his spot in Miami last year : after a rough 2014 campaign and slow start. He landed with the Diamondbacks, : putting up a strong .251/.332/.474 slash in 194 plate appearances. The switch : hitter has historically been quite excellent against right-handed pitching, : making him a nice potential complement to the righty McCann. : 網址: : : 備註: : 1. 老虎以一年MLB底薪約簽下了Jarrod Saltalamacchia。 : 2. 2013年跟馬林魚簽了21MM/3YR的合約,不過今年被馬林魚釋出,後來才披上蛇袍。 : 3. 2016年馬林魚要付給Saltalamacchia合約中最後一年的8M薪水。 : 4. 2016年球季將要擔任James McCann的後備捕手,老虎隊的二號捕手。 : 5. Jarrod Saltalamacchia於2015年球季的表現(MIA/ARI): : G H HR RBI BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ SB/CS : 79 45 9 24 .225 .310 .435 .745 100 22/5(19%) : 有問題歡迎提出不吝指教喔! 今天王建民也被他擊出了二壘安打 今年Salty到目前為止打擊率還有到3成 跟去年這時候的打擊成績差太大了 該說前兩年馬林魚的打擊教練沒辦法教好他嗎? 還是他是AL限定? 結果他今年回美聯就打得超好..... --
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fountainNess: 查一下去年在蛇蛇的成績吧 04/22 00:07

ChrisDavis: 我相信這只是暫時的 04/22 00:07

lowl99: 在觀察吧,才剛開季 04/22 00:21

maxspeed150: Salty去年在蛇蛇打滿好的啊 04/22 00:57

maxspeed150: 他就盲盲的但有點power 04/22 00:57

caesst85149: 當初遊騎兵農場的4大捕手都沒養成 Salty還是打最好的 04/22 01:25

tucker: Salty是斧頭幫出產的,被換到遊騎兵之前已經不算新秀了吧 04/22 01:54

ChrisDavis: 當初四捕手新秀有Max,Salty,Teagarden,幹一個我忘了 04/22 02:27

ChrisDavis: 想起來了是Gerald Laird,結果四個全部陣亡 04/22 02:29

Tokuseki: 跟上面那篇比起來這些才是養壞的吧XD 04/22 02:37

Tokuseki: 附帶一提,拿冠軍那幾年當籌碼交易出去的新秀也幾乎沒 04/22 02:38

Tokuseki: 有長出來XD 04/22 02:39

JustinIdiot: CD算嗎?XD 04/22 02:55

Tokuseki: 他被交易出去的時候已經不算新秀了吧XD 04/22 03:00

Tokuseki: 不過他跟Hunter都各自找到一片天就是 04/22 03:01

tucker: Gerald Laird是主戰不是新秀...他比其他3個老多了 04/22 03:03

JustinIdiot: 如果不限定10.11年 其實換去小熊那幾個投手都還蠻不 04/22 03:22

JustinIdiot: 錯的 Roark也在國民找到一片天 04/22 03:22

BrandonMai: 捕手中的電風扇 04/22 08:58

fg0228: Laird是現在在日職火腿隊守三壘的那個? 04/22 15:41

LucasDuda: 那個是弟弟 04/22 15:45
