Re: [外電] Bronson Arroyo 肩關節唇撕裂 (消息更新)

看板 MLB
作者 jackys313 (BenZoby)
時間 2016-03-20 02:05:47
留言 4則留言 (1推 0噓 3→)

: Bronson Arroyo has a torn labrum, likely ending his career : Nationals pitcher Bronson Arroyo was scratched from Wednesday’s Grapefruit : League start due to shoulder soreness, which he had been experiencing since : his previous start against the Marlins. The diagnosis isn’t good. Peter : Gammons is reporting that Arroyo has an 80 percent tear of the labrum in his : right shoulder. This is very likely the end of his playing days. : Arroyo, 39, missed the second half of the 2014 season and all of 2015 after : undergoing Tommy John surgery. He signed with the Nationals at the end of : January on a minor league contract, hoping to prolong his career. : If this is the end of the line for Arroyo, it was a successful 15-year career : during which he won 145 games, compiled a 4.19 ERA, and struck out 1,526 : batters over 2,364 2/3 innings. He pitched at least 199 innings in nine : consecutive seasons from 2005-13. : Bronson Arroyo因為肩膀痠痛而退出今天的先發 : 但是檢查的結果並不理想 : Arroyo的右肩關節唇出現了撕裂傷,職業生涯面臨危機 : 今年一月,與國民隊簽下一紙小聯盟合約 : 在大聯盟已經有15年的資歷,累計145勝131敗 ERA 4.19 : 在2364.2局的局數中,投出1526次三振 : 而且在2005-2013年連續9季,投球局數至少都有199局 : : --------------------------------------------------------------- : 相關消息更新 : : Great news on Bronson Arroyo, per source. Doctor misread MRI. Rotator cuff : OK. Issue is bursa sac inflammation. Will be down 7 to 10 days. : 對於Bronson Arroyo來說算是個好消息 : 醫生誤讀了MRI的檢查結果,右肩的旋轉肌並沒有出現撕裂 : 只是有滑囊發炎的問題,需要7-10天的休息 Final answer: Bronson Arroyo has partially torn rotator cuff 節錄重點- Early Saturday morning, Washington Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo announced that Arroyo has a partial tear in the rotator cuff tendons, which are inflamed and have caused some discomfort. However, that's also consistent with an MRI taken on Arroyo's shoulder in 2014, meaning there's no new significant damage and he could be back on the field in 4-to-6 weeks. 熱騰騰的新聞~ Arroyo確診是旋轉肌部分撕裂傷, 似乎是2014年的舊傷復發. 儘管仍得花起碼4-6週才能復原, 比起因傷被迫退休還是好上不少, 可喜可賀阿~ --
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Spartan5566: 他都39歲了 老人家別硬撐啊 03/20 02:24

wahaha5678: 還好不是投手絕症... 03/20 03:37

bkm1: 這歲數 不一定要絕症才會報銷......... 03/20 15:37

sharkpops: 但是他真的很耐投 03/21 18:12
