[外電] Pirates Sign John Jaso

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作者 sam9595 (帕帕)
時間 2015-12-24 06:18:46
留言 17則留言 (14推 0噓 3→)

標題 Pirates Sign John Jaso 4:03pm: FOX’s Ken Rosenthal reports that Jaso will be guaranteed a total of $8MM over the life of the deal (Twitter link). Joel Sherman of the New York Post tweets that Jaso will earn $4MM in each season of the contract. 3:54pm: The Pirates announced that they have signed catcher/first baseman/outfielder John Jaso to a two-year contract. He’ll serve as the club ’s left-handed half of a first-base platoon, pairing with Mike Morse and/or Jason Rogers to handle those duties. “John Jaso is a proven Major League hitter who is a great complement to our existing lineup,” said GM Neal Huntington in the club’s press release. “ John is enthusiastic about playing in Pittsburgh and developing as a first baseman. We feel he has the ability to play the position at the major league level, while adding significantly to our offensive production.” 海盜隊以 8M / 2yrs 簽下工具人John Jaso Jaso可以守捕手、一壘、外野 海盜預計是把他拿來放一壘跟Mike Morse和Jason Rogers輪班 -- 還不錯呀賊賊 這隻在工具人裡面還算能打的 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1450909129.A.619.html

lovebulls: 不過這隻在工具人裡面算不能守的 12/24 06:23

cd12631: Jaso可以守外野喔? 12/24 06:27

lovebulls: 去年70G 48場DH 其實已經沒什麼在守備了 12/24 06:29

dk210095: 一年還要四百啊… 12/24 06:37

chieher: 阿瓦賣不掉 12/24 07:02

sam9595: Alvarez沒有被non-tender的預期薪資是8.1M 算是省了一半 12/24 07:06

nanhu0423: ops 0.839這價碼簽的不錯 12/24 07:41

saiulbb: 嗚嗚 謝謝jaso以前到現在在光芒的時光 12/24 08:04

csy1911: 破產版老爹!! 12/24 08:04

mess: 他不太能蹲了 12/24 09:54

chopinlee: 生涯只守過5局一壘 12/24 09:56

rex0423: 一壘是各位置最簡單 12/24 10:39

jackys313: 已經不是能不能守的問題, 是能不能上場... 12/24 11:29

LucasDuda: 簡單一樣能守得很爛~ 12/24 11:33

eon4: 只能打不能守還叫工具人嗎xd 12/24 12:08

ocean11: 不能守還能算工具人嗎= = 12/24 18:15

Avis: 大概會跟Wes Helms生涯後期走同個路線了 12/27 10:31
